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Rider Navcore 9.500

I created another installer, this time for the above Navcore.
Even though some might complain about the big download, I say it is easier to have all versions at hand.
If the selected version does not work for you select a different one from the installer.

Special note:
So far there is no evidence that this Navcore will offer new features compared to the 9.4xx versions.
A new kernel is used as this Navcore is ...
Read more : Rider Navcore 9.500 | Views : 18215 | Replies : 5 | Forum : > Navcores 9 for TomTom Devices

How to modify the look and sound of your TT

Although TT claims this feature is only available for the new models and the X40 series I noticed that you can change the Home icon for basically any V9 Navcore.
Here is the how to:
Create a BMP file of 32x32 pixels with a red background (the red will be transparent in the map view) and 24bit color depth.
Save the file as "althome.bmp" in the folder "skins" - if the folder does not exist ...
Read more : How to modify the look and sound of your TT | Views : 6059 | Replies : 1 | Forum : Tutorials

Multistop routes and how to sort them (delivery routes)

We all found postings like:
"I'm a delivery guy and need to find the best route on my TT or Garmin"

At least for the high end models Garmin offers such features now but for us, the poor normal guys it is hard to impossible.
For a while I experimented with spread sheets and Google maps to get the optimisation over the coordinates, but as you guess the crow does not fly like you drive ...
Read more : Multistop routes and how to sort them (delivery routes) | Views : 4876 | Replies : 2 | Forum : Tutorials

Tomtom XL models and computer voices, please read!

Lately there are more and more postings with a question about the same problem...
The new 9.4xx Navcore (and some older V9 as well) will cause many XL models to go silent when computer voices are used,
a few won't even play recoreded voices anymore.
There is a very simply check that you should perform if you think you are affected:
Make a full backup using the Windows Explorer (safety first! ...
Read more : Tomtom XL models and computer voices, please read! | Views : 18038 | Replies : 10 | Forum : Tutorials

where to put map related files in iGO/Primo ?

--> the directory *\content\building\
3dl/3dc --> 3D view Landmarks/Building
petrol.3dl - 3D view of Petrol stations

--> the directory *\content\dem\
dem --> Landscape view

--> the directory *\content\histspeed\
hsp --> Smart route, allows to avoid traffic on certain hours => only Becker Primo and recent Primo, about same function as fsp (go in map folder)

--> the directory *\content\map\
fbl --> Maps
fda --> Driver Alerts (Primo only)
fjv --> junction views
fjw ...
Read more : where to put map related files in iGO/Primo ? | Views : 108986 | Replies : 0 | Forum : General Discussions about iGO core

Terms and definitions of GARMIN maps

Image version
Garmin map image is standard version for all Garmin devices and software solutions for other mobile devices. File extension is always .img, path and file name depends on device and function of the image, look >>>here.
NOTE: Garmin *.img files are no CD/DVD images! They are not compatible with well known image burning programs!

MapSource, CD/DVD, PC or gmap version
These are all names for map versions, which has to be installed on ...
Read more : Terms and definitions of GARMIN maps | Views : 9651 | Replies : 0 | Forum : Tutorials

Navcore Version 9.485 China

Navcore 9.485 China for GO 750, Xl IQ Routes², XXL ...

Navcore 9.485 China for Xl IQ Routes², XXL ...
Read more : Navcore Version 9.485 China | Views : 5638 | Replies : 3 | Forum : > Navcores 9 for TomTom Devices

Navcore 9.485 for most devices

Since there is a new Navcore out I, once again, offer them prepatched and ready to use for most models.
Make a full backup of your current system using Windows Explorer before changing anything!!
All include the skinchooser and quickfix downloader in the menu, tha last only works with live devices or if you have your mobile connected and set up.
All versions include all possible emulations, so be careful what emu you choose, by ...
Read more : Navcore 9.485 for most devices | Views : 59430 | Replies : 177 | Forum : > Navcores 9 for TomTom Devices

How to edit iGo/Primo ZIP files with WinRar

iGo and Primo are both very sensitive to changes in their ZIP files (voices, data, branding, etc).
Unlike 'normal' ZIP files, you typically can NOT just unzip the file, change something, then zip it back up with the same name. iGO will balk at the changes to the zip file (internal verification routines will fail).

This tutorial will show how to edit these sensitive ZIP files successfully using WinRar. Some may tell you there are ...
Read more : How to edit iGo/Primo ZIP files with WinRar | Views : 13575 | Replies : 0 | Forum : General Discussions about iGO core


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