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How to get the Truck map onto a 2GB device

Although I now provided a few Truck editions suitable for 2GB devices, it might be time to hand the work over to everyone that needs the map faster or with other modificatios.
Since the procedure is pretty straight forward I will just sum it up in a few easy steps.

Before you start:
Make sure you have the complete Truck map and of course that a meta code is available.
You also need a full ...
Read more : How to get the Truck map onto a 2GB device | Views : 8994 | Replies : 0

How to get the right Navcore and map working on your TT

Lately the similar request in updating various Tomtom models have reached a point that made me think....
So if you found this tutorial or we directed you here, you might want to have a look at these other tutorials:
How to make a proper backup
A freshly installed map is not working
Important info for TT models produced after 2009, like Via, Start60, GO1xxx
Definitions for dummies check that if you are knew so you ...
Read more : How to get the right Navcore and map working on your TT | Views : 39853 | Replies : 0

TomTom 510/710/910 Only Green Light ? Not charged


If the solution that do not smell of burning electronics at 99% only need to connector correctly (not GND connect)
80% of tomtom's, which to us are getting damaged when the car is started. TomTom's are very sensitive. I say to each customer at the time the car is started tomtom was disconnected from the charger.

Read more : TomTom 510/710/910 Only Green Light ? Not charged | Views : 2693 | Replies : 3

TT model, bootloader and Navcore info

You might want to know what TT model you have in case you found it on Ebay.
You might also want to know what the correct bootloader for your TT might be...
You might even want to know more....

If so than you noticed it is very hard to find something that has all the info you seek.
There are reviews of some models, the info's on TT's homepage and of course there is WIKI ...
Read more : TT model, bootloader and Navcore info | Views : 16834 | Replies : 0

A freshly installed map is not working

There are always the same new postings and threads when new maps come out,
I assume some of you know what I mean...
You have a question like:
I can't use the new map...
I get an error with the new map...
I can't select the new map...
Or simply: Not working...

In another attempt to reduce those useless postings, I will provide a set of info that will make life easier for you and ...
Read more : A freshly installed map is not working | Views : 13988 | Replies : 0

Definitions For Dummies

Definitions for Dummies

application....................commonly refered to as navcore or App or OS
ALG............................Advanced Lane Guidance, pictorial representation of major junctions
ASR.............................Address Speech Recognition ( aka voice input navigation )
blowfish code................this is the alpha numeric code that forms the meta text
BT..............................bluetooth, data transfer technology linking multiple devices for info sharing
CAB.............................file downloaded from TomTom containing all basic system file for specific devices
cracking.......................process by which, maps can be used with 'patched' navcore
cspeech.......................files used ...
Read more : Definitions For Dummies | Views : 14259 | Replies : 0

What is the correct Navcore and map for your device

Even though we provide the tutorials and map charts it seems to be hard for noobs to determine what to choose.
I will now try to explain the right way:

1. The best Navcore is always what Home offers as latest official update!
All other Navcores can work but there are no guarantees!
2. We always provide the latest maps in our red stickies, so instead of asking simply check the dates of the postings ...
Read more : What is the correct Navcore and map for your device | Views : 38753 | Replies : 0

How to modify the look and sound of your TT

Although TT claims this feature is only available for the new models and the X40 series I noticed that you can change the Home icon for basically any V9 Navcore.
Here is the how to:
Create a BMP file of 32x32 pixels with a red background (the red will be transparent in the map view) and 24bit color depth.
Save the file as "althome.bmp" in the folder "skins" - if the folder does not exist ...
Read more : How to modify the look and sound of your TT | Views : 5975 | Replies : 1

Multistop routes and how to sort them (delivery routes)

We all found postings like:
"I'm a delivery guy and need to find the best route on my TT or Garmin"

At least for the high end models Garmin offers such features now but for us, the poor normal guys it is hard to impossible.
For a while I experimented with spread sheets and Google maps to get the optimisation over the coordinates, but as you guess the crow does not fly like you drive ...
Read more : Multistop routes and how to sort them (delivery routes) | Views : 4799 | Replies : 2

Tomtom XL models and computer voices, please read!

Lately there are more and more postings with a question about the same problem...
The new 9.4xx Navcore (and some older V9 as well) will cause many XL models to go silent when computer voices are used,
a few won't even play recoreded voices anymore.
There is a very simply check that you should perform if you think you are affected:
Make a full backup using the Windows Explorer (safety first! ...
Read more : Tomtom XL models and computer voices, please read! | Views : 17870 | Replies : 10


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