Hi everyone,
with this post I'm looking for a solution for Carminat Tomtom (navcore 8.843) on my Renault Laguna 2010.
In March I've upgraded the system navcore succefully (8.842 --> 8.843) via TomtomHome but after few days I started to notice an anomalous behavior of the system.
Sometimes [BACK], [INFO] and [UP ARROW] in the center console do not work making it impossible for the navigation system to work properly; other times even the [ |___ ] and [ ___| ] buttons do not work.
I've tried to reinstall the navcore, but after few minute of correct function, the problem re-appear; I've tried patched navcore but nothing changes!!!
It is very frustrating because the navigation system is not usable and I have to use my smartphone (is not an elegance solution)
Has anyone else had this problem?
How to solve it?