Tue Apr 21, 2015 10:30 am
Pls help ,this Chinese GPS is tibo no longer support map. I purchase a gramin GPS I copy file to SD card it wouldn't work. And also I have a Galactio software from my friend I copy to sd card when it start it need serial key and license number wouldn't start have to input it. I wan to use the chinese GPS on Garmin and also Galactio software anyone can help tks in advance.
Tue Apr 21, 2015 12:37 pm
You cannot use Garmin with WinCE. Garmin is Linux based.
Tue Apr 21, 2015 11:26 pm
So I use the galactio V8 that's wince6, my set is wince5. I install the galactio in sd card when it load it prompt me need to insert licence and serial number, which this I don't know where to locate. On the register I got a set of Holux 61F the activation file is a text I copy to navi folder can't make it work any idea? I just my chinese set to run Galactio same as my Houlx 61F I have. Tks
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