Chinese PNA unlock   

Chinese PNA unlock

Postby kamillo » Sat Aug 21, 2010 7:37 pm


Here you are the RedNight v1.8!

English version
resolution only:480x272

You can choose from four menu colors.
It works on WinCE5 or CE6 (64-128MB RAM)
Tested : MIO C520, and some YuanFeng PNA-s ( Wayteq n770 BT; 820BT; 920BT; 850) and Iconx A410(Asus clone)
I think it runs on other PNA-s.
Size :370MB! (without navigation softwares)

Links (only rapidshare):
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Read the "Readme!.txt" file before use the SI!!! (in the pack)

installing intro same then rednight 1.7:

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- Copy the SI(extract files and maps) to the memorycard or to the inside drive .(MIO only memcard!!)

- Run the „mobilenavigator.exe”file.
- You receive a first message:
"Wait, the settings are running!"
- Get one second message:
"The PNA restarts now after the initialisation. If this would not occur at your PNA (for example popup an error message) , then make a manually reset!"
- Tap on the „ok” button.
- Get one third message:
"After the restart run the ""mobilenavigator.exe"" file!"
- Tap on the „ok” button.

- Run the „mobilenavigator.exe”file again after restart.
- Select a color!
- Wait, while you receive a message:
"The PNA useful already now!"

- Enjoy it!

There is not need for these steps already after setup if you retart the SI.


Only MIO c520 ,c720 users!!!!


- Copy the SI to memorycard.
Don’t put the memcard into the PNA!

- Do a Hardreset! (Push the turning off button until approximately 10 seconds).

- Switch on the PNA and wait for it while loads the factory menu.
- Put the card into the PNA and wait. (a little time will start going by again).

- Wait for it while loads the factory menu.
- Select the „Tools”then select the „File explorer”. Doubleclick on the Rednight_SI icon in the window.

- You receive a first message:
"Wait, the settings are running!"
- Get one second message:
"The PNA restarts now after the initialisation. If this would not occur at your PNA (for example popup an error message) , then make a manually reset!"
- Tap on the „ok” button.
- Get one third message:
" After the restart run the ""mobilenavigator.exe"" file!"
- Tap on the „ok” button.

-Do it after the restart:
- Select the „Tools”then select the „File explorer”. Doubleclick on the Rednight_SI icon in the window.
- Select a color!
- Wait, while you receive a message:
"The PNA useful already now!"
- Enjoy it!


I M P O R T A N T ! ! !


Do not use my SI without setup!!!
Many things get to his place under the time of setup.
The SI watches a what kind of operating system runs on your machine at the time of setup and what kind of driving ones there are in him.
The SI writes some values of registry under installing. (games etc)!
Don't worry, your PNA will not a brick!

What do, if you botched it the navigational programs , or "My..." apps selection ?
You have two opportunities.
a) Rename the application selected incorrectly.Then you click his icon again then and browse again.
b) There is a menuitem in the "Settings" menu on the second sheet : the " Recovery". If you use this (run), it deletes all own settings however!

If you do not want to use this SI already, restart the PNA and use the factory menu.

If you do a hardreset or delete registry (recovery onto factory value) in the PNA , you must reinstall the RednightSI!!!

Before you install, RUN the „0_START.EXE” file in the mobilenavigator directory.
(the path: for example SDMMC\mobilenavigator\0_START.EXE)

-You receive a message if you did it well:
"The launch numerator was zeroed. Run the "mobilenavigator.exe" file!”
-Tap on the „ok” button.
-Start the STEP 2!

Regards: Kamillo

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Postby Downunder35m » Sun Aug 22, 2010 4:05 am

I'm not in the mood to download 200mb just to check a readme file - this should be included in your posting.
Same for info on the supported languages if different from plain english.
Also : how exactly does it work? Is it a simply add on that you can start or does your menu change registry values as well?
I'm sorry, but without proper info I won't recommend this menu!

By the way : most Chinese device especially the YF devices won't save registry sttings, after every restart all settings for this menu will be lost.
It is only useful if your device stores the changes to the registry at least untill you perform a hard reset.
And even if your device stores the registry : be careful as many noname device are alredy killed by Miopocket!
Unless there is a proper documentation for this menu I can only say : use at your own risk!
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Postby kamillo » Sun Aug 22, 2010 7:34 pm

Pasted the readme-t into the description!
I believe it so you do not know it sufficiently YF PNA-s, because the registry may be to save in them.
This SI isn't a miopocket!!!

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Postby Downunder35m » Mon Aug 23, 2010 6:26 am

I have one 6" YF myself and I installed another 5" for someone else - both have "frozen" registry settings - after each turn on off you have the original settings back on the device.
If you menu relies on settings in the registry than I'm sorry to say that on the newer YF devices it won't work.

I really like the idea of a proper menu with additional programs and I agree that it will work on several devices - but not all chinese PNA's.
In fact I only had one PNA this year that actually saved the settings in registry.
May I ask how you created the menu and if it is possible to adjust it to different resolutions?
What registry settings are needed and would it be possible to include thos in a mortscript for those users that have a permant registry?
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Postby Cristi1970 » Wed Sep 01, 2010 10:08 pm

work on 320x240 ?
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Postby nabi » Thu Sep 02, 2010 2:35 pm

In the first post it says clearly :

resolution only:480x272
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Postby Cristi1970 » Fri Sep 03, 2010 12:22 am

Not work . I try but not the resolution are the problems . Some comon on first folder with value of settings . MioPocket 4 work at my hardware .
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Postby caloyski » Sun Oct 10, 2010 4:45 pm

part 1 and part 2 are both the same... (same folders, size and contents)
'ProExists' requires toolhelp.dll on your device

Line 14
Explorer =
ProcExists ("explorer.exe")[/color][/size]

please advise....

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Postby kamillo » Mon Nov 01, 2010 10:29 am

You need the toolhelp.dll file to windos (copy)
Here you are two version:
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or search in the miopocket (new versions)
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Postby keyme » Thu Feb 17, 2011 4:00 pm

can anybody up mirror link...the link dead already
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