Easy Shell for Binatone (and other MobileNavigator) devices   

Easy Shell for Binatone (and other MobileNavigator) devices

Postby Fatboyfun » Sat Nov 12, 2011 9:53 pm

Screenshots from 480x272 version.

The only supported resolutions are 480x272 and 320x240

Easy Shell is another SystemInformation type unlock written by Fatboyfun.
In it's default configuration it's basically a launcher for one navigation programme and one media application, The big difference with Easy Shell compared to other launchers/unlocks is you can add features with plugin packs and make it as fully featured, or as compact as you want it, Plugin packs can add new features, add and setup new applications, change settings, install updates, pretty much anything i want to do.
Easy Shell by default includes Total Commander which gives you access to the file system and registry, And also access to the Windows CE control panel.
PIN Lock security is included, A screen saver with the time and date appears afer 30 seconds of inactivity while the shell is visible, (Any SI screen) When security is activated you will need to enter your PIN to unlock the device.

Extract EasyShell, MobileNavigator and SHELL.ini from the archive onto a SD card and reboot your device, Tapping Navigation will load Easy Shell, JBSHello.exe will be killed.

Set your device to run EasyShell\Start.exe, How to do this varies between different brands of devices, Usually just renaming the navigation executable and replacing it with Start.exe, Search through the forums first.

Easy Shell was designed to be as idiot proof as possible, On the main screen there are only four buttons, One big navigation button, and three smaller buttons, (Media, Device and More)
The NAVIGATION and MEDIA buttons can be setup to point to your applications, Any .exe file can be used. (None are included.)
The DEVICE button moves you to a screen where you can run Total Commander or go to the settings screen, The settings screen allows you to choose between the WindowsCE control panel or the Easy Shell settings.
The MORE button is for other applications, Either shortcuts to your own applications, or any plugin applications/configuration options.

Copy any plugins from below into the EasyShell\Plugins directory, Then go to Install plugins, A list of available plugins will be displayed, Choose which one you want to install and tap OK, Follow any on-screen instructions (If there are any), Depending on what you're installing there may be new options in the MORE screen.
To uninstall go to Remove plugins and select which plugin you want to remove, (You can install it again)

Copy your applications onto your device and go to Add shortcuts, Use the file explorer to navigate to the executable and tap OK, A new shortcut will appear in the MORE screen, These are just standard Windows CE/Mobile shortcuts and can be generated by other means.
To remove shortcuts, go to Remove shortcuts and choose which shortcut you no longer want and tap OK.

To set these up go to Edit main screen buttons and tap on the button you want to setup, Use the file explorer to navigate to the application you want and tap OK.
NOTE: Some plugins may assign applications to these buttons themselves.

Go to Enable security to enter a PIN and turn on the security lock, This will ask for a PIN when Easy Shell is started, when returning from the screen saver and when disabling the PIN lock, There will be a Lock Device option in MORE when security is enabled, This takes you to the screen saver screen where you need to enter your PIN to exit.
The Reset Easy Shell option and registry access will be disabled.
To disable the PIN lock go to Disable security, This deletes the PIN so you will have to re-enter it if you re-enable security.
NOTE: The PIN is stored in plain text and doesn't stop USB access so is not 100% secure.

More information is in the included readme file

Both resolutions and all plugins in one download...
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Postby Fatboyfun » Sat Nov 12, 2011 10:05 pm


Extract the .plg file and copy it to EasyShell\Plugins, Then go to Add plugins within EasyShell...

Displays a volume control briefly, Shortcut will be in MORE on the main screen.

Suspends your device when external power is disconnected.

Sets the device's time zone automatically on device boot, Configuration options are in MORE.

Alerts you when the battery power level drops below 30% and then again at 15% with message and sound effect,
Will also briefly display battery information when external power is disconnected.

Gives you a countdown timer with alarm, Countdown options will be in MORE.
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Postby Fatboyfun » Sat Nov 12, 2011 10:07 pm


Extract the .plg file and copy it to EasyShell\Plugins, Then go to Add plugins within EasyShell...

Installs a text editor, Includes SipTool, Options to start Notepad or the SIP will be in MORE.
Starting Notepad will also open the SIP, Closing Notepad will close the SIP.

Plays a sound effect when external power is connected and disconnected.

Plays one of three sound effects at the top of the hour, Options to start/autostart/cancel will be in MORE.
The sound effects are... BBC pips, Short melody and spoken time announcement.

Installs a basic task manager, Option to start ITaskMgr will be in MORE.

3410 [color="#FF0000"]<- 480x272 ONLY![/color]
Brings up a screen with between two and six blank buttons (that you can customize and set up applications for) when NAVIGATION is tapped. There are five plugins in the archive, Install the one with the amount of buttons you need.
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Postby Fatboyfun » Sat Nov 12, 2011 10:09 pm


Extract the .plg file and copy it to EasyShell\Plugins, Then go to Add plugins within EasyShell...

Sets the memory division automaticaly on device boot.

Sets the device volume to maximum on device boot.

Gives you an option to toggle the SIP, Option will be in MORE.

Just plays a sound effect when Easy Shell starts, Replace the .wav in the StartupSound directory with your own.

Installs the TCPMP media player and assigns it to the MEDIA button.
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Postby Fatboyfun » Sat Nov 12, 2011 10:14 pm


Extract the .plg file and copy it to EasyShell\Plugins, Then go to Add plugins within EasyShell...

Installs several applications from Universal Shell, Including Notepad, TCPMP (Mapped to MEDIA button), SipTool, JOTKBD, ImageViewer, Calculator, GPS Scanner, SetSystemMemoryDivision (Autostarts), VolumeX, Restart and Screen Calibration, All the applications will be in MORE under Universal Shell App Pack.

Allows you to disable the registry access in Total Commander, Option is in MORE.
You can not allow access to the registry while the device is locked.

Adds the ability to turn off the screen saver, Option is in MORE.

Same as AutoPowerOff.plg but includes a voice reminding you to hide your device.

Same as BatteryMonitor.plg but includes a voice with battery information.
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Postby Fatboyfun » Sat Nov 12, 2011 10:31 pm


Extract the .plg file and copy it to EasyShell\Plugins, Then go to Add plugins within EasyShell...

Places a Device Status option in MORE which displays information about the device and reads out battery level, lock/power status, time etc...

This is a basic alarm clock, Run Alarm Clock in MORE and use the options to change the hours/minutes to the required time and then select Set The Alarm, There is an option to set the system time as well.
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Postby Fatboyfun » Sat Nov 26, 2011 9:44 pm

320x240 version now available!

See post #1

NOTE: All plugins except multiplebuttons are compatible, although certain on-screen messages are sometimes too big for the screen, I will fix this soon.
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Postby Magnu420 » Mon Dec 19, 2011 2:38 am

ive put this on a converted binatone x430 and added the muliple buttons for tomtom and primo
where can i get the icons and where will they go show they show up when you tap navigation button
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Postby Fatboyfun » Mon Dec 19, 2011 7:05 am

It's a bit of a technical nightmare to display different icons, the idea was to have blank buttons so you can add your own in paint.
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Postby Magnu420 » Tue Dec 20, 2011 1:53 am

so how do i add them,what format you save them as,what size,where would you save them

soz for the questions but i did search
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Postby Fatboyfun » Tue Dec 20, 2011 7:26 am

The background image is a standard 480x272 bitmap image located in the plugins\multiplebuttons directory, open this in paint, edit how you want and save. don't change the filename or image resolution.
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Postby Magnu420 » Sat Jan 14, 2012 9:37 pm

when trying to load easyshell on a binatone g430 i get this error
expected 'Endif' but found 'Endsub' line 38 (\sdmmc\MobileNavigator\MobileNavigator.mscr):
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Postby Fatboyfun » Sat Jan 14, 2012 10:07 pm

#NO... REALLY... DON'T!!!
#MobileNavigator script which is part of Easy Shell 2011 Fatboyfun http://www.navitotal.com
#Release Version 1.0

If (SystemVersion("Major") = 6)
Copy (SystemPath("ScriptPath")\"Toolhelp6.dll", (SystemPath("ScriptPath")\"Toolhelp.dll", TRUE)

Kill ("JBSHello.exe")
Drive = Part(SystemPath("ScriptPath"), "\", 2)

If (FileExists(Drive\"EasyShell\Start.exe"))
Run (Drive\"EasyShell\Start.exe")

If (FileExists(SystemPath("ScriptPath")\SystemPath("ScriptName")&".ini"))
Start = IniRead (SystemPath("ScriptPath")\SystemPath("ScriptName")&".ini", "Application", "Path")
If (FileExists (Start))
Run (Start)
Call "SelectFile"
Call "SelectFile"

Sub SelectFile
Application = SelectFile("Application Path", FALSE, "Start.exe", "Navigate to EasyShell\Start.exe^NL^You will only need to do this once...")

If (Application eq "")
SetMessageFont (25)
SleepMessage (3, "MobileNavigator Error.^NL^^NL^No file was selected.^NL^^NL^Refer to the included readme for more information.^NL^^NL^Restart this application to try again.")

IniWrite (SystemPath("ScriptPath")\SystemPath("ScriptName")&".ini", "Application", "Path", Application)
SetMessageFont (25)
SleepMessage (3, "Easy Shell.^NL^^NL^Thank you, Easy Shell will start shortly...^NL^^NL^You will not see this again unless there's a problem with the path to Start.exe^NL^^NL^Path: "&Application)
Run (Application)
EndSub [color="#FF0000"]<- Line 38[/color]

This error doesn't make any sense to me..? I don't know why it expects an EndIf command.
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Postby gediredi » Sat Feb 18, 2012 12:21 am

Magnu420 wrote:when trying to load easyshell on a binatone g430 i get this error
expected 'Endif' but found 'Endsub' line 38 (\sdmmc\MobileNavigator\MobileNavigator.mscr):

I also get the exact same error on a binatone s500 (win ce 6).
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Postby lemondoodah » Thu Jul 12, 2012 7:56 pm

Yup I get the exact same error on my F350..........
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