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Thu Jul 12, 2012 11:09 pm

It only seems to affect Wince 6 devices, I don't have access to one at the moment to figure it out! I have absolutely no idea why this error occurs..?

Sat Apr 06, 2013 5:52 am

Hi All
just loaded easy shell up on a wince 5 device, working well. im having issues with this gps prior to trying easy shell. i have to do a hard reset to get to desk top then navigate to my device and so on till i get to primo exe. My gps does not start with a menu. just wondering fatboyfun would it be possible to start the gps with your easy shell when you do a hard reset.


Sat Apr 06, 2013 7:51 am

Does the device look for an exe file after a hard reset?

The original software would provide clues here...

Sat Apr 06, 2013 12:07 pm

i was just looking at the registry and noticed this gps had igo 2006 which was probably the original gps software running.
when i do a hard reset it goes to a welcome to windows ce screen , and thats as far as it goes. for me to get it past this screen i need to hard reset and hold down the volume button and the power button to get to desktop. from there i can navigate to start easy shell.

device looking for and exe file im not sure i dont get any error.


Sat Apr 06, 2013 12:36 pm

On a normal boot the device looks for a specific exefile, and when it's available, it runs it, so to run something else just make the path to the executable match what the device expects it to be.

Some devices allow you to change set this up in the menu...

Sat Apr 06, 2013 12:55 pm

the gps after hard reset starts with the logo motorone electronics. i have notice when i drop some of the file of the old sd card into flash drive it does go to a menu to pick a language that is as far as i have got with it. i may have to look at the registry to see the correct paths and work from there.


Sat Apr 06, 2013 1:33 pm

Look at the file structure of the old sd card and see if you can identify the exefile, then copy that file path onto the new card, renaming the new folders and files to match the old, there's no need to go into the registry.

Wed Jun 26, 2013 3:12 pm

when trying to load easyshell on a binatone g430 i get this error
expected 'Endif' but found 'Endsub' line 38 (\sdmmc\MobileNavigator\MobileNavigator.mscr):

Am trying to use this and getting the same error message. did you ever resolve the issue.



Wed Jun 26, 2013 4:05 pm

No I didn't, I haven't come across an affected device.

Re: Easy Shell for Binatone (and other MobileNavigator) devices

Thu Jul 24, 2014 7:03 pm

Wonder if anyone could help.

I have a Binatone x350 2nd edition. I have tried every tutorial and/or script and trick to try and load the shell explorer or anything besides the JBSHello launcher.
Before I pull anymore hair out, can anyone confirm if they have loaded tomtom successfully on the x350?

Can it be done with existing ROM or will I need the voxtel ROM? Anyone have a link please?
Also once I do load tomtom (I plan to use 7.918 with 9.30maps), is it stable on x350?

Any help appreciated.

p.s. when I use shell.ini file, explorer loads but disappears straight away.

Re: Easy Shell for Binatone (and other MobileNavigator) devices

Thu Jul 24, 2014 7:18 pm

The X series has some issues, many users flash the voxtel rom to fix them.

You won't be using 7.918, 7.450 or 7.910 are the only two that run under windows ce.

All versions operate the same, navigate the same and run the latest maps.
The difference between versions is mainly cosmetic to match windows mobile themes etc.

Re: Easy Shell for Binatone (and other MobileNavigator) devices

Fri Jul 25, 2014 6:52 pm

Hi Fatboyfun,

I am successfully using 7.918 with 9.30 maps on my other pocket pc device. Are you saying Win CE 5 cannot run this version? Either way any tomtom version will be an improvement over the navigation app on the binatone.

Could you PM me a d/l link for voxtel rom and instructions please? The link in one of your other guides is dead.

Thanks in advance

Re: Easy Shell for Binatone (and other MobileNavigator) devices

Fri Jul 25, 2014 10:05 pm

Windows mobile is not 100% compatible with windows CE, 7.918 runs on all windows mobile devices, but I've never known it to run under windows CE.

The reason is that tomtom is designed for Windows mobile and expects certain files, libraries and processes to be present in the windows directory, these are not available in windows CE.

All versions from 7.450 to 7.918 are the same, usually just include cosmetic and compatibility tweaks for different windows mobile devices.

7.450 and 7.910 were hacked to work under windows CE and include dlls etc.
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