daktary wrote:miopocket
You don't want MioPocket. It does not play well with GoPals--you will lose the ability to connect to a PC without a hard boot every time, and it will be impossible to run both the FM Transmitter and TMC. Yes, I tried it, and it took a bit of work to totally get rid of it once I found all the problems with it.
Plus MioPocket adds about 3 minutes to every boot. With my procedure, I boot in seconds.
daktary wrote:is the use of an external unlock on sd still possible after the manipulation?
For me, having an unlock or menu on the SD card kind of defeats the purpose of having it fast and permanent (no worries about hard or soft boot or if the SD card is even present or not). I use the SD card strictly for storing MP3 files.
daktary wrote:"Copy GPS Menu menu.exe (from unlock shell) to root of My Flash Disk"
What is unlock shell?
You can likely use any menu shell you wish to--just substitute whatever starts the shell and rename it to 'menu.exe'.
Oh, and you can still run the original GoPal Navigator if you want to--just have the icon for it in the menu shell point to \My Flash Disk\Navigation\mnavdceorig.exe
Voice Recognition, you can forget about for now--in Primo 1.2. I've been working on it for quite some time and there are still elements missing. NOBODY has got it to fully work yet.
BlueTooth, I don't know either--My GoPal has the ability (supposedly), but I have no BlueTooth devices, so I have not bothered with it. The Bluetooth icon shows up in my Primo 1.2, but like the voice recognition microphone icon, it does not do anything or results in an error.