No Sound (at all) on iGo Primo 1.2   

No Sound (at all) on iGo Primo 1.2

Postby murty » Sun Mar 13, 2011 6:17 am

Hello all,

I'm having a really hard time trying to get sound to work on my incar sat nav. Its a Navsure N420I. So far i have managed to load up iGO Primo 1.2 to work with maps and the navigation works perfect, how ever there is no sound. The software my incar sat nav normally runs is iGO 6. This works fine and i can hear sound perfectly, i have looked through the sys.txt and there is nothing in the config about sound. I have compared the files and there isnt much difference, i tried copied over all the content (not overwriting, just merging) from the igo6's to the new igo primos, then igo refused to load.

My incar sat nav has a 7" screen and uses 480X234 resolution (i use dataprimo12_480_234.rar) and you can update the maps/software via SD card.

Also my is only 12MB is this right/ok?

Here is my sys.txt


Since my In car Satnav copies over all the contents inside of the Navigation folder to internal memory i have to have two folders, one contains the igo navigation software, and the other contains the contents folder. This works no problem and everything works. I have ran a custom bootloader just to see if this was the issue, and i still had no sound.

Can anyone help please / point me in the right direction?

Many thanks,

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Postby Fatboyfun » Sun Mar 13, 2011 11:05 am

Where did you get your copy of Primo 1.2?
Currently sleeping...
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Postby nabi » Sun Mar 13, 2011 11:11 am

Maybe start with the basics first.
Have you explored Primo and are sure the volume is on?
Is the devices volume on?
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Postby chas521 » Sun Mar 13, 2011 1:26 pm

@ Murty

I wouldn't normally butt-in since Nabi and Fatboyfun are working with you and too many cooks spoil the brew but I did have a thought and I would like to present it. If you have selected a TTS voice from the options and you don't have the proper .dlls in the root of the iGO folder along with the voice in content, you won't hear anything.

EDIT: Sorry, Primo not iGO.
If it ain't broke don't fix it!

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Postby murty » Sun Mar 13, 2011 3:38 pm

Fatboyfun wrote:Where did you get your copy of Primo 1.2?

Hey, I got my copy off of a well know w4ar3z forum, i know the copy works as i have it working on my Personal Satnav and sound works no issues there, only difference is my personal Sat Nav is running Wince5 and my incar one is running Wince4.2, Also i have tried 2 copies of iGo Primo 1.2 on it, still no luck.

nabi wrote:Maybe start with the basics first.
Have you explored Primo and are sure the volume is on?
Is the devices volume on?

I have checked these bud:


Also i am not getting any clicking or anything from the Main Menu.

chas521 wrote:@ Murty

I wouldn't normally butt-in since Nabi and Fatboyfun are working with you and too many cooks spoil the brew but I did have a thought and I would like to present it. If you have selected a TTS voice from the options and you don't have the proper .dlls in the root of the iGO folder along with the voice in content, you won't hear anything.

EDIT: Sorry, Primo not iGO.

Hey dude, i have the standard voices installed that came with the Primo when i downloaded it. As above in the first picture.
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Postby Fatboyfun » Sun Mar 13, 2011 3:50 pm

WinCE 4.2 will need different TTS dlls for TTS to work, However that won't affect the normal voices. I haven't tried Primo 1.2 on my WinCE4.2 device yet, Did you just copy the Primo folder from your other working device with no edits made?
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Postby murty » Sun Mar 13, 2011 4:07 pm

Hey dude, i'm just using the standard voices, the only edits i did was to spilt the 2 folders down, one is called Navigation which contains the EXE's, and the other contains maps, poi's golbal_cfg etc,

A few screenies :),

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Postby murty » Sun Mar 13, 2011 6:11 pm

A bit of an update. If i run a custom launcher to be able to boot up and view control panel in Wince 4.2 i cannot play any sounds in the sound tester. The processor type is Samsung/ ARM-ARM920. Is there any way of fixing this?
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Postby Fatboyfun » Sun Mar 13, 2011 11:14 pm

Some devices have custom drivers for device hardware that the original application loads, Are you able to start the original software then exit and try the new software, Don't reboot the device inbetween.
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Postby murty » Sun Mar 13, 2011 11:41 pm

Fatboyfun wrote:Some devices have custom drivers for device hardware that the original application loads, Are you able to start the original software then exit and try the new software, Don't reboot the device inbetween.

I gave that a try but still couldn't get any sound out of it. I have tried merging the 2 files together, also changing the laug folder and voices to the standard ones i use, and still i haven't got any sound out of it.

Here is what is inside of on my original card. (Location: igo_se1/480_234/ui/sound_480_234.ui)
Spoiler: Show
<layer ui_dynamicvolume_help type="xhtml" align="CENTER" orientation="L2R" font="tahoma" fontsize=12 PADDINGLEFT=3 PADDINGRIGHT=3 indent=20 z=25 x=0 y=30 h=4000 filename="i18n/hlp_dynamicvolume.xhtml">
<layer ui_sound_help type="xhtml" align="CENTER" orientation="L2R" font="tahoma" fontsize=12 PADDINGLEFT=3 PADDINGRIGHT=3 indent=20 z=25 x=0 y=30 h=4000 filename="i18n/hlp_sound.xhtml">

<layer ui_dynamicvolume type="xhtml" align="CENTER" orientation="L2R" font="tahoma" fontsize=16 z=25 x=120 y=27 w=240 h=1000>
;<TEXT xxx x=50 y=15 w=140 text="Dynamic Volume" align="CENTER" fonttype=buttonlabel1>
<TEXT xxx x=73 y=35 w=100 text="Minimum speed:" align="left" fonttype=buttonlabel1>
<TEXT txt_dynvol_min_value x=20 y=65 w=25 align="RIGHT" fonttype=buttonlabel1>
<TEXT txt_dynvol_min x=45 y=65 w=35 text="km/h" align="LEFT" fonttype=buttonlabel1>
<HSCROLLBAR hsc_dynvol_min x=83 y=57 bmp="igo_se1/common/fable_scrollbg.spr" sprind="igo_se1/common/fable_scrollbtn.spr" possiblevalues="10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,110,120,130,140,150,160,170,200" endsize=0 blockincrement=_0.0 value=60 onchange='run set_dynvol_min_txt' helptopic="hlp_sound_dynamic">
<TEXT xxx x=73 y=115 w=100 text="Maximum speed:" align="left" fonttype=buttonlabel1>
<TEXT txt_dynvol_max_value x=20 y=145 w=25 align="RIGHT" fonttype=buttonlabel1>
<TEXT txt_dynvol_max x=45 y=145 w=35 text="km/h" align="LEFT" fonttype=buttonlabel1>
<HSCROLLBAR hsc_dynvol_max x=83 y=137 bmp="igo_se1/common/fable_scrollbg.spr" sprind="igo_se1/common/fable_scrollbtn.spr" possiblevalues="10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,110,120,130,140,150,160,170,200" endsize=0 blockincrement=_0.0 value=120 onchange='run set_dynvol_max_txt'>

<layer ui_volume z=14000 x=152 y=100 w=200 h=80>
<TEXT volume_text x=0 y=0 w=160 text="Volume:" align="CENTER" font="tahomabd" fontsize=15 color=#0000FF GlowSize=4 color2=#FFFFFF>
<SPRITE master_volume_bg x=0 y=20 bmp="igo_se1/common/volume_csuszi_bg.bmp">
<SPRITE master_volume_fg x=0 y=20 bmp="igo_se1/common/volume_csuszi.bmp">

<layer ui_settings_nav_voice x=80 z=50>
<BUTTON xxx template=btnhelp x=360 onrelease='modhelp_title.set "Voice Settings",run sc_show_modhelp'>

<CHECKBOX xxx template=chkcrop x=50 y=35 text="Master" onrelease='playsound "!button",run mute_master' nosound var=bSoundEnabled helptopic="hlp_sound_master">
<SPRITE xxx x=148 y=35 z=0 bmp="$chk_crop_bg.bmp">
<HSCROLLBAR hs_settings_os_vol x=148 y=32 bmp="igo_se1/common/fable_scrollbg.spr" sprind="igo_se1/common/fable_scrollbtn.spr" min=0 max=255 endsize=0 blockincrement=_0.0 value=255 onrelease='run set_os_volume' nosound>

<CHECKBOX xxx template=chkcrop x=50 y=75 text="Voice" onrelease='playsound "!button"' nosound var=bNavVoice helptopic="hlp_sound_voice">
<SPRITE xxx x=148 y=75 z=0 bmp="$chk_crop_bg.bmp">
<HSCROLLBAR hs_settings_voice_vol x=148 y=72 bmp="igo_se1/common/fable_scrollbg.spr" sprind="igo_se1/common/fable_scrollbtn.spr" min=0 max=64 endsize=0 blockincrement=_0.0 value=64 onrelease='run set_voice_volume' nosound>

<CHECKBOX xxx template=chkcrop x=50 y=116 text="Keys " onrelease='playsound "!button"' nosound var=bKeySounds helptopic="hlp_sound_keys">
<SPRITE xxx x=148 y=116 z=0 bmp="$chk_crop_bg.bmp">
<HSCROLLBAR hs_settings_sound_vol x=148 y=113 bmp="igo_se1/common/fable_scrollbg.spr" sprind="igo_se1/common/fable_scrollbtn.spr" min=0 max=64 endsize=0 blockincrement=_0.0 value=64 onrelease='run set_volume' nosound>

<CHECKBOX xxx template=chk1 x=61 y=154 text="Dynamic Volume" onselect='modhelp_title.set "Dynamic Volume",NEXTSTATE ST_ADVSETTING_DYNAMICVOLUME' var=vcf_bDynamicVolume onrelease='playsound "!button"' nosound helptopic="hlp_sound_dynamic">
<SLIDER cb_settings_nav_alertsound x=61 y=192 w=158 var=nDingDing value="No Ding\nSound effect before command|0|Ding\nSound effect before command|1|Ding Ding\nSound effect before command|2" bmp="$sel_left1.bmp#2" fonttype=buttonbottom fontsize=12 bmp2="$sel_right1.bmp#2" align="center" valign="center" TWOLINESMALL=1 twolineoffset=-2 enablekeys=0 helptopic="hlp_sound_attention">

This is another file called main_480_234.ui (go_se1/480_234/main_480_234.ui)
Spoiler: Show
import "common/variable_def.ui"
import "igo_se1/480_234/ui/templates_480_234.ui"
import "igo_se1/480_234/ui/about_480_234.ui"
import "igo_se1/480_234/ui/advsettings_menu_480_234.ui"
import "igo_se1/480_234/ui/backlight_480_234.ui"
import "igo_se1/480_234/ui/browse_480_234.ui"
import "igo_se1/480_234/ui/display_options_480_234.ui"
import "igo_se1/480_234/ui/favorites_480_234.ui"
import "igo_se1/480_234/ui/general_480_234.ui"
import "igo_se1/480_234/ui/geocoordinate_480_234.ui"
import "igo_se1/480_234/ui/gps_480_234.ui"
import "igo_se1/480_234/ui/history_480_234.ui"
import "igo_se1/480_234/ui/keyboards_480_234.ui"
import "igo_se1/480_234/ui/language_480_234.ui"
import "igo_se1/480_234/ui/legal_480_234.ui"
import "igo_se1/480_234/ui/main_menu_480_234.ui"
import "igo_se1/480_234/ui/map_layers_480_234.ui"
import "igo_se1/480_234/ui/map_settings_480_234.ui"
import "igo_se1/480_234/ui/messagebox_480_234.ui"
import "igo_se1/480_234/ui/navigate_480_234.ui"
import "igo_se1/480_234/ui/overspeed_480_234.ui"
import "igo_se1/480_234/ui/poi_480_234.ui"
import "igo_se1/480_234/ui/route_480_234.ui"
import "igo_se1/480_234/ui/route_settings_480_234.ui"
import "igo_se1/480_234/ui/search_480_234.ui"
import "igo_se1/480_234/ui/settings_480_234.ui"
import "igo_se1/480_234/ui/smartzoom_480_234.ui"
import "igo_se1/480_234/ui/sound_480_234.ui"
import "igo_se1/480_234/ui/startup_settings_480_234.ui"
import "igo_se1/480_234/ui/time_480_234.ui"
import "igo_se1/480_234/ui/tmc_480_234.ui"
import "igo_se1/480_234/ui/tracking_480_234.ui"
import "igo_se1/480_234/ui/userdata_480_234.ui"
import "igo_se1/480_234/ui/speedcam_480_234.ui"

import "igo_se1/common/ui/common_layers.ui"

import "common/main.ui"
import "common/browse.ui"
import "common/navigate.ui"
import "common/advsettings_common.ui"
import "common/backlight.ui"
import "common/common.ui"
import "common/general.ui"
import "common/display_options.ui"
import "common/favorites.ui"
import "common/find_common.ui"
import "common/func_common.ui"
import "common/geocoordinate.ui"
import "common/gps.ui"
import "common/help.ui"
import "common/history.ui"
import "common/language.ui"
import "common/language_scripts.ui"
import "common/legal.ui"
import "common/map_common.ui"
import "common/map_options.ui"
import "common/menus_common.ui"
import "common/msgbox.ui"
import "common/overspeed.ui"
import "common/poi.ui"
import "common/route.ui"
import "common/route_settings.ui"
import "common/search.ui"
import "common/settings_common.ui"
import "common/smartzoom.ui"
import "common/sound.ui"
import "common/statup_settings.ui"
import "common/time.ui"
import "common/tmc.ui"
import "common/tracking.ui"
import "common/userdata.ui"
import "common/speedcam.ui"

import "igo_se1/common/ui/about_menu.ui"
import "igo_se1/common/ui/advsettings_menu.ui"
import "igo_se1/common/ui/default_setup.ui"
import "igo_se1/common/ui/main_menu.ui"
import "igo_se1/common/ui/settings_main.ui"
import "igo_se1/common/ui/speedcam_scripts.ui"

Another script called settings_main.ini

Spoiler: Show
<uselayer ui_header/>
<uselayer ui_settings/>

<script init>
run sc_settingsmenu_init
runif vPNA 1 sc_settings_pna_buttons

<uselayer ui_header/>
<uselayer ui_settings_general/>

<script init>
run sc_settings_general_init

<script done>
run sc_settings_general_done


<uselayer ui_header/>
<uselayer ui_settings_general_pna/>

<script init>
run sc_settings_general_pna_init

<script done>
run sc_settings_general_pna_done



<uselayer ui_header/>
<uselayer ui_settings_nav_routesearch/>

<script init>
run sc_settings_routing_init

<script done>
run sc_settings_routing_done


I'm not sure where else to check :(
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Postby murty » Mon Mar 14, 2011 12:12 am

Here is a copy of Igo 6 from my incar satnav. I have removed maps to make the download very small.

[Please Register or Login to download file]

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Postby chas521 » Mon Mar 14, 2011 12:39 am

@ murty

Thanks for doing the iGO 6 upload. I just have a few questions first. First of all, it's obvious that you know what you're doing so 1. Instead of playing with Primo, why not just upgrade to iGO 8.3 from the program sub-section here? You'll get all the current content from here also. Isn't that ultimately what you want to do anyway? 2. If you MUST have Primo 1.2, why not just download my upload "working Primo 1.2 from my device" in the program sub-section here. I've modified it so it ready "out of the box." You can adapt [if need be] the sys.txt for your device.

Remember to back-up your device first.
If it ain't broke don't fix it!

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Postby murty » Mon Mar 14, 2011 12:44 am

chas521 wrote:@ murty

Thanks for doing the iGO 6 upload. I just have a few questions first. First of all, it's obvious that you know what you're doing so 1. Instead of playing with Primo, why not just upgrade to iGO 8.3 from the program sub-section here? You'll get all the current content from here also. Isn't that ultimately what you want to do anyway? 2. If you MUST have Primo 1.2, why not just download my upload "working Primo 1.2 from my device" in the program sub-section here. I've modified it so it ready "out of the box." You can adapt [if need be] the sys.txt for your device.

Remember to back-up your device first.

I have tried running Igo 8.3 and i had the same issue, but it wasn't downloaded from this site, i will give it ago and give you a reply as soon as im done, thanks for the reply :)
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Postby chas521 » Mon Mar 14, 2011 12:45 am

Good! All my uploads "working............" are ready out of the box.
If it ain't broke don't fix it!

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Postby Fatboyfun » Mon Mar 14, 2011 6:57 am

I will dig out my WinCE4.2 device later and load Primo 1.2 and see if it works, It may be that 4.2 is not supported anymore.
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