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Visual for Becker (unlock for Becker 7988)

Mon Oct 18, 2010 7:33 pm

Visual unlock for Becker Traffic Assist Highspeed II:



* run original Becker software or iGo Primo
* Total Commander
* Day/Night schemes
* set Moodlight

Instalation instructions:

* connect your Becker via ActiveSync to PC
* Rename \My Flash Disk\Shell.exe to ShellB.exe
* extract archive
* copy archive (without the 1st level folder) to flash disk
* that's it! (switch off and back on)

download: [Please Register or Login to download file]

mirror: [Please Register or Login to download file]


Sat Oct 23, 2010 3:49 pm

Small update, v1.01

Fri Jan 07, 2011 10:09 pm


Tue Jan 11, 2011 8:46 am

Thanks for the great work. But, does it work on Becker 7916 maybe?

Tue Jan 11, 2011 9:08 am

Hard to tell without trying :) I think the devices are similar and that it should work. Check if you have Shell.exe on the root of your flash disk, if yes then it will most probably work.

Tue Jan 11, 2011 9:25 am

Thanks for your quick response Dalibor, I know is hard to tell without testing, but I'm a little afraid if anything goes wrong, I can lose all, even my default configuration. Do you know maybe, could that shell somehow affects usb connection - my biggest fears are if something goes wrong maybe, I'll be not able to conect my device via usb anymore, therefore no "undo" option for default settings....:bomb_mini:

and again, thanks for your all brilliant unlocking apps! I used your gpsshell for mio devices, several times, without any problems!

Greetings from Slovenia!

Tue Jan 11, 2011 9:29 am

From my experience with 7988, it connects via ActiveSync. If you change the Shell.exe, it shouldn't have effect on connection. Just do according to the instructions and you should be fine (rename shell.exe to shellB.exe and copy the unlock to flash disk).


Tue Jan 11, 2011 9:49 am

Blaaah, i forgot the most relevant thing --> my Becker has 4' display (800x40), therefore my PNA is not even compatible with the shell from that perspective. I need to find another way to unlock it on some user-friendly way.. :)

Tue Jan 11, 2011 9:56 am

You could edit the .ini file to your display... if your display is bigger than 320x240 it should display in the part of the screen :)

Thu Jan 13, 2011 1:26 pm

Ok, here is my report! Have fun @all :morning1::D

My biggest fears have came true.. but is all my fault I guess. Both my 2 PC's (XP, 7 ) can recognise only SD storage when device is connected trough USB connection, and that's the first problem all from the beginning of my nightmare (Becker) - I couldn't never ever see the content of my flash disk, and that's really strange. I guess it is locked somehow trough the registry.. But anyway, I have found the way how to get into the wince (3 taps on navigon logo in the info menu in main shell) From that point, it would be really the best way for me if i Just install Primo on SD and start it directly from windows explorer, but no, I wasn't satisfied, I wanted to get rid of the old shell and added this - much more user-friendly visual shell to my device, for any cost!

I have copied all the necessary files (trough card reader) into SD and than copy them (directly from wince) into \My Flash Disk\. No problem. But than I make the crucial mistake - I renamed the old shell.exe into shellC.exe (because i couldn't find the letter B in the virtual keyboard (stange, i know, but half a letters were missing). But I'have took a risk, because I never thought that the wrong letter could cause a disaster - I thought it was just a simple renaming tweak how to disable original shell from the execution after every reset. Anyway, all done, I double checked all folder structure and files for that shell and then finaly I reset device.

And then shock!! After reset my device hangs in the new shell logo screen and gives me an error about "killing shellB.exe" probably because my old shell is renamed to shellC.exe and not shellB.exe, therefore the script could't execute what it should (I guess). And that's it, nothing I can do, just a new reset, but always the same error.. Now my device is useless, because as I mentioned - I'm not able to into My flash disk folder on any circumstances to get my device into default state!

:dash3: :girl_cray::girl_flag_of_truce:

Thu Jan 13, 2011 1:35 pm

If you can get to copy again 1 file from SD card to flash, there might be a solution! :)

Open the file Shell.mscr and replace all occurences of ShellB.exe to Shellc.exe (or how you renamed it). then copy it to flash disk.... (overwriting the original file)

Thu Jan 13, 2011 1:57 pm

Thanks for your reply, I completely understand the situation, but now is my biggest problem, that I can't get to wince to undo/repair/rename files, because there is no main shell anymore which previously gave me the only option to get into the wince. But the catch is, wince is running OK in the background, but the loading image with the error report of the new shell is in foreground, therefore tapping on any part the display doesn't have any affect. It's now like licking the ice cream trough the glass.. :)
grrrr Im' pissed of (on myself off course)
It was a great device! RIP Becker :)

Thu Jan 13, 2011 2:53 pm

No guarantee this will work.

Some devices do reset their selves to original state after a hard reset. If you can't do a hard reset, try draining the battery completely. Again no guarantee because I don't know if Becker devices reset their selves.
But trying can spare you from buying a new device. Or not.


Thu Jan 13, 2011 4:07 pm

I had similar situation with 7988 and I had to go to the service menu. It involves pressing reset at the same time with on button or something like that, just google for it. Then you can restore factory settings (whole FD erased and returned to factory state)

Sun Jan 16, 2011 1:40 pm

It's a no-go, I just can't find the right button combo for the hard reset or service menu. Google doesn't know either...And even if I could ever manage to erase FD, I doubt that I can find the firmvare for my specific model..:rolleyes:
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