Sun Jan 16, 2011 4:22 pm
try the software restoration tool can be downloaded from becker site:
[Please Register or Login to download file]
Wed Jan 19, 2011 6:42 am
Hello ,plz can you tell me how to install Garmin for becker 7988 ? thanks
Sat Feb 26, 2011 8:50 pm
Please help me... i have installed the unlock but i cannot do a shortcut to the igo exe path on my SD card... I enterd to following in your script(run_primo.mscr):
exepath = storage card\"primo\igo.exe"
and it gives me an error saying operator expected! please help me... give me a right script because i don't have enough space for the igo in the gps memory(becker traffic assist highspeed)
Sat Feb 26, 2011 9:51 pm
Change it to...
exepath = "\Storage Card\Primo\iGO.exe"
Then it should work.
Mon Feb 28, 2011 12:07 pm
Just to explain why it is pointing to FD instead of SD card... if you separate program and content (maps, poi) you can put iGo/Primo on FD and content on SD card, which is advantage because flash memory is intialized more quickly than SD card, so it should be more stable on wake-up from standby mode...
Wed Jun 15, 2011 6:51 pm
Dear dalanik
Thanks for the great work,
does it work on Becker traffic assist pro 7920 ferrari
can you help me , make it work?
thanks for your work!!!
Wed Jun 15, 2011 7:12 pm
1st check if your device has the same resolution as 7988. I dunno that device, I even don't have becker at all anymore. See if you can find the same file (\My Flash Disk\Shell.exe) on your device. If it is there, it is probable it will work.
Wed Jun 15, 2011 9:25 pm
Dear dalanik
Thank you for your help!!!
I did find the same file (\My Flash Disk\Shell.exe) on my device and i did the installation based on your instructions and my device shows two errors
‘ProcExists’ requires toolhelp.dll on your device
Line 10(\My Flash Disk\shell.mscr): if (ProcExists(‘’Visualshell.exe’’))
After I press ok in the upper right corner of the window
Appears the second one,
‘’Kill’’ requires toolhelp.dll on your device
Line 27 (\My Flash Disk\shell.mscr): Kill(‘’ShellB.exe’’)
End it freeze.
I wonder if there is some think I can do?
Anyway thanks again for your help.
Thu Jun 16, 2011 6:31 pm
Extract "Toolhelp.dll" and copy to the same folder as Mortscript.exe...
Tue Jun 21, 2011 10:41 am
than you, my friend.
Now i must find the right version of primo for my becker 7929 ferrari edition.
Sat Jun 25, 2011 5:43 pm
Dear Fatboyfun
I wonder if you can help me.
iGo Primo is not a valid windows CE application .
What i am doing wrong.
Thank you for your help!!!
Wed Jul 06, 2011 1:05 pm
@costarico send me your iGO.exe file on my email address and I will fix it for you and send you back.
Mon Jul 11, 2011 6:47 am
Hi everyone!
I manage to save my Becker 7916!! (my problems were previously described)
I get software update for my device on another forum and my Becker is alive once again!!

So I'm back on installing this shell, (this time exactly with the instructions :)), but there is still an error with the mortscript, when I start Becker with the necessary modifications :
"*** requires toolhelp.dll on your device. line ***"
***= various values
so,shell doesn't work and I'm still stuck.

Anyway I can get into wince desktop with a 3 taps on Becker logo in system information in the settings menu in the original becker shell. But there is another catch: When I try to execute any .exe file from a different navigations (iGO8, Primo..) I allways get the error message: "iGO8 is not a valid windows CE application". I did some research on the mighty google and I'we found the solution!! The .exe file should be compressed with UPX - executable packer for several different executable formats, including Windows and Linux executables and DLLs. Now iGO starts without a problem! Now I'm almost done, I just have to find a way how to install this unlock shell on my device.

edit: bad an shame on me!! I'm sorry I didn't notice the possible solution by @Fatboyfun for that "missing toolhelp.dll" I will try that!
Mon Sep 12, 2011 12:42 am
dalanik wrote:Hard to tell without trying

I think the devices are similar and that it should work. Check if you have Shell.exe on the root of your flash disk, if yes then it will most probably work.
This refers to Becker 7916 and xp
On the 7916 the usb connection goes only to the sd card; active synch to 'my flash disk' is not available; the device is simply a card reader.
Files on 'my flash disk' can be copied by 'copy' and 'paste' to and from the sd card from explorer on the 7916. With or without an installed sd card, switching on will bring up 'my device' via settings and a triple tap on navigon. Using a cocktail stick or similar and care can achieve a lot. The sd card can be removed to the pc, files can be renamed or edited, and can be replaced on 'my flash disk' when the card is replaced in the 7916. (A switch on is required to detect the re-inserted sd card.) ROM files cannot be copied.
I do not know what part 'shell.exe' plays in this. I do not know what happens if 'shell.exe' is missing (or renamed). I have not tried it for fear of losing access to my Becker maps.
Does anyone know the answer?
The 7916 screen appears to be 320*240, landscape.
Thanks for any help.
Mon Sep 12, 2011 5:44 am
Shell.exe is a Windows core programme.
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