Hi everyone!
I manage to save my Becker 7916!! (my problems were previously described)
I get software update for my device on another forum and my Becker is alive once again!!
So I'm back on installing this shell, (this time exactly with the instructions :)), but there is still an error with the mortscript, when I start Becker with the necessary modifications :
"*** requires toolhelp.dll on your device. line ***"
***= various values
so,shell doesn't work and I'm still stuck.
Anyway I can get into wince desktop with a 3 taps on Becker logo in system information in the settings menu in the original becker shell. But there is another catch: When I try to execute any .exe file from a different navigations (iGO8, Primo..) I allways get the error message: "iGO8 is not a valid windows CE application". I did some research on the mighty google and I'we found the solution!! The .exe file should be compressed with UPX - executable packer for several different executable formats, including Windows and Linux executables and DLLs. Now iGO starts without a problem! Now I'm almost done, I just have to find a way how to install this unlock shell on my device.
edit: huh...my bad an shame on me!! I'm sorry I didn't notice the possible solution by @Fatboyfun for that "missing toolhelp.dll" I will try that!