Can I have the link please.
gogo909 wrote:same with me here.
i tried to change the comport and baud rate in the configuration file (GPS.ini), but the same error message still appeared.
i finally use the Port Splitter utility to assign my gps port to com1. it works. the error message is now nowhere to be seen.
but still i have a problem with this galactio v8.8 and navnet (indonesia) map: i cannot search address nor POI.
anyone have the same problem?
matganu wrote:I already dl the port splitter in zip file & the question where to put the port spliter files. ie. in galactio foleder or root file. TQIA
gogo909 wrote:put the Port Splitter.exe and extvsplit.dll in galactio folder.
Everytime you want to run galactio, run Port Splitter.exe first and start it.
After exiting galactio, dont forget to stop the Port Splitter.
The very first time you run this utility, you must configure it. Do the following:
1. Select input port and baudrate (your gps com port and baudrate).
2. Check Autostart.
3. Select ouput port (i.e. COM1).
4. Click Add.
5. Click Start.
6. Click Stop.
7. Click Exit.
A configuration file (settings.dat) will be created in galactio folder.
If you want to reconfigure it just delete Settings.dat file.
we can automate the "start port splitter, run galactio, stop port splitter" process by utilizing mortscript utility.
if you have garmin gmxt in your pnd, you can copy and modify the script (.mscr file) to be used for galactio.
efendi wrote:I used navnet (indonesia) map that running well at galactio v8.6, but with Galactio v8.8 this map can't be loaded. out message :
Map database cannot be loaded!
error code = -105
Please contact distributor for advice
quoting following device ID:
any body know way this happen?
efendi wrote:I used navnet (indonesia) map that running well at galactio v8.6, but with Galactio v8.8 this map can't be loaded. out message :
Map database cannot be loaded!
error code = -105
Please contact distributor for advice
quoting following device ID:
any body know way this happen?
ehem8244 wrote:Maybe you can refer to #70. It might help.
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