Hema 2012 collection   

Hema 2012 collection

Postby Downunder35m » Sun Mar 03, 2013 2:46 pm

I converted the Hema 2012 collection to ECW and the old OZI OZFX3 (unprotected) format.
Files are unmodified in terms of map collar or image manipulations.
For the PNG files all vital infos in the form of projection and other support files are included, allowing easy use or converting into other formats.

The Ozi files have been created from PNG files using the old 3.03 version of the image tool.
These files should be usable for all programs that support the Ozi format.
Since no prtotection is used in the old version you can modify the files with any supporting software.

All files are Lat/Long based so some maps my seem to be a bit distorted.
That is not a converting fault but the way the files came.
Instead of using the map datum of the paper source Hema used the coordinate grid for the calibration.
I could not convert the topo maps as they are in a protected format that I could not convert (yet ;) ).
But since topographic data usually does not change much I think the topo maps from older versions are still good enough if you don't have other alternatives at hand.
You can also download the elevation data manually to create realistic 3D maps as supported in Ozi2D for example.

Overview of the included maps:
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Download the PNG collection [Please Register or Login to download file] or use the [Please Register or Login to download file] version.
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Password for all my files: downunder
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Postby bondy99 » Sat Apr 06, 2013 12:18 am


I'd like to obtain the Hemma 2012 map collection as I plan to go 4WD some day soon.
I have problems obtaining your items. Could you upload to rapidshare.com by any chance?

Cheers, bondy99
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