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Thu Mar 03, 2011 12:01 am

Yup! it did found GPS, but not maps..
ANW copying as I said earlier.. will take 10 more min

also you might not noticed double whammy... \DRIVE\DRIVE (another folder within) as where Drive.exe again.. will just rename that one and place TC in there for experiment sakes.
Thanks again and if anything, hopefully we'll catch up tomorrow!
Sorry, got carried away and there is no double whamy now... dunno- something has been mixed up from yesterday perhaps.

Thu Mar 03, 2011 12:23 am

It works!
loaded one error
what remains is to get to use to iGO (so far appears OTT on few things and lacking plain quick functions as for navigate to postcode etc...
Which maps would be compatible for full EU coverage?
Tomorrow will post step by step as how it is all (for future readers) and wander also as how to kill (if worth that) remainder of Sygic (looket) joy.
Thanks and I'll be back in midday tomorrow!

Thu Mar 03, 2011 8:19 am

The error can be sorted easily, I'll be back online later...

Thu Mar 03, 2011 11:52 am

Fatboyfun wrote:The error can be sorted easily, I'll be back online later...

Same as!
despite this error- still works! will try on a road and see if I can live with it.
Still, If I decide to live with it is it iGO Q3 maps, that are compatible?

Thu Mar 03, 2011 6:59 pm

Atasas wrote:It works!
loaded one error
what remains is to get to use to iGO (so far appears OTT on few things and lacking plain quick functions as for navigate to postcode etc...

[color="red"]Postcodes go in the city box in this format AA11 1AA (Note the space)[/color]
Atasas wrote:Which maps would be compatible for full EU coverage?

[color="red"]Any 8.3/R3 maps, Either Teleatlas or Navteq, I use Navteq maps and Teleatlas POI's[/color]
Atasas wrote:Tomorrow will post step by step as how it is all (for future readers) and wander also as how to kill (if worth that) remainder of Sygic (looket) joy.

[color="red"]We would appreciate the guide, Thanks.
If it works then leave it as it is.
Atasas wrote:Thanks and I'll be back in midday tomorrow!

[color="red"]No problems :)[/color]

Thu Mar 03, 2011 7:33 pm

as ever!- you are the star!
everything works just fine, but complaint about OTT features, not 100% functionality (regarding addresses-post codes)remains...
Now as for guide- not sure as weather "we" are done with it? not sure as weather to kill somehow m8main.exe before saying all is done? also, that minor (dont get it myself as why or what it does error)-- worth fixing? or is there way to completely wipe out Sygic and try TT again.
Not sure again as how to ask, but in simple terms (I am n00b still) would prefer TeleAtlas maps (hopefully) and wander if they would work with Sygic (Looket) as well... maps I had from you they seem to be different formats to ones, in original Looket Update.
as for actual, initial topic title- all is solved by you for iGO Primo to run. But do have minor reservations still as it is what I like or even just map update of original soft will do!

Thu Mar 03, 2011 7:57 pm

I know it's different to Tomtom but trust me it is an excellent navigation application, The download link i gave you for the maps were Teleatlas maps, They have been updated since i uploaded them though.

Again just type the postcodes into the city box on the address search page (AA11 1AA)

iGO maps are a different format to Sygic so will not work.

In my experience if Tomtom doesn't work straight away, then it's usually not worth the effort as it either constantly goes wrong, or just impossible to get working at all, It didn't see the GPS receiver and the programme that fixes it (portsplitter) didn't run at all. So unless someone else offers a fix, i'd forget about it.

The error can be fixed, You just need to edit a file but for the life of me i can't remember which file :crazy:, I'll get back to you about it.

The beauty of iGO is you can have it exactly as you want it, You can have all the fancy effects and TTS or none at all, or any combination of... There are skins included with the download, (Goto settings->display) colour themes and 3D cars available.

Do we need to kill m8main.exe? Chas always says "If it ain't broke, Don't fix it"

Sat Mar 05, 2011 9:15 pm

Re the EULA error message...

Add these lines to the sys.txt file in the Primo directory.


This will disable the EULA check.

Sun Mar 06, 2011 12:57 pm

You are a star!
Getting to use to iGO- not too bad, still few clicks too many as for where to go etc, but not "worse", than TT- different!

Sun Mar 06, 2011 1:12 pm

There are skins available that add new features and fix problems, Pick the one that matches your resolution.

In the skin section of the iGO sub-forum.

Tue Mar 08, 2011 4:31 pm

will be looking for more maps as turns out ones, that I dl'ed, tried to add- wrong format....
still different and better than Original Sygic by a bit (thanks to FatBoyFun) .

Wed Dec 05, 2012 5:11 pm

Holy thread resurrection by a Leeching bugger (meh) :pray:
It packed up completely, iGo doesn't start, if it does, maps doesn't load...

(mostly at FatBoyFun) or anyone a bit brainier...
Anyone would guide me again for what packages I need please?
I will require maps for whole EU again.
Many thanks!

Wed Dec 05, 2012 6:49 pm

Long time no see...

Use this version of iGO here

And then take your pick of these mapsets, Navteq or Teleatlas (Now known as Tomtom maps for iGO)

You only need one mapset!

Installation is exactly the same as before!

Sun Feb 03, 2013 1:16 am

OK... Well I got good old Primo 1.1 and Navteq maps- working just fine!
Where preferred upload would be These days?:crazy:

Sun Feb 03, 2013 11:41 am

Upload of what?
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