by Fatboyfun » Tue Apr 26, 2011 8:28 pm
Windows is responsible for the screen calibration settings not the SmartST_CE software.
The calibration app needs you to tap the cross hairs five times, (One in the center and then one in each corner) then it will say something like Tap screen within 30 seconds to save settings, The problem is where does Windows save the data? Some devices (inc. Navman) have there screen calibration pre-set at the factory, and while it's possible to realign the screen, the data is not saved to disk, Just held in RAM, Which is lost after a reboot.
It is possible to configure the device to run the screen calibration app before the main app starts, but i suspect that will become annoying after a while.
I would suspect that there is a hardware problem here, especially if it suddenly went out of alignment.
Currently sleeping...