Ok, here is a question for you all:
I own a Nintendo DS (actually several, I am a retro computer collector) and for a few bucks I have bought a "Ranger NDS GPS System" set for it.
So what is it ? Basically it is a GPC-receiver that sticks into the GBA-slot (slot2) of the Nintendo DS so you can determine you GPS position.
With some homebrew software on a flashcard like an R4 or an M3 you than can have turn by turn navigation.
The beta version of this software was called 'Caelitis' or 'Caelites' and the GPS module is an u-Blox LEA-5A-0-002.
But.... there is allways a but...
This thing is it is from 2008/2009 and the official website [Please Register or Login to download file] is long gone (Yes it is now a dead link).
So I can't download the turn-by-turn navigation software. To make matters even worse, a program called "Global Map Download Tool",
to extract Google Map data, has succumbed to the same fate. Unfortunatly, no amount of Googling helpt me further.
Soooooo does anyone know where to get the software, or any software for that matter ?
Or does anyone perhaps have it ?????
Now before you all start yelling "IT OBSOLETE THROW THAT JUNK AWAY !", this is part of a retro collection.
So even though I probably will never use it for real, I have two real TomTom's, a Garmin and a Mio,
purely from a collector standpoint I would very much like to get this thing 'on the road' so to speak...
Here is a small pict of how it looks all setup :
