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Tue Feb 15, 2011 11:36 pm

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United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland 860.3124 with Automatic Installer & Patcher

just for the sake of testing, will DL full as what required after
Q?- I'm trying the one that is with with Installer/patcher- is it as what it says and no AutoActivate will be needed?
will say, how its gone in a while... (after DL is done)

Wed Feb 16, 2011 12:30 am

yeah... both: running installer in to separate(new Card and Reader, by specifying install directory)
and by attempting to use AutoActivate I get
so After optimistic boot
same phailed thingy..

Wed Feb 16, 2011 12:49 am

I have redone whole formatting, copying and renaming, so new Installation has gone through, but error remains

I recon, now it is due to the issues of SHELL file commands!
Could somebody advise me as how map Configuration should be there?
The modded one and only command:

Thanks !

Wed Feb 16, 2011 1:41 am

What version of TT I have Installed (Wedding Pictures)?
Could it be wrong maps for a wrong version?
Is there a way to change language (French I think) of the actual TT Install)? or change that after?
Shall I DL new version of TT- how do I know which core will be compatible with which maps?

Wed Feb 16, 2011 2:23 am

Let me start from new! (not doing too good!)
What navcore would be recommended for my unit?
which maps would be compatible with that?
I already DL'ed all Patching tools, but seems having too much play about with no result...
Many Thanks!
if it does appear too big of a step- which iGo and maps I shall try again?

Wed Feb 16, 2011 4:23 am

Got quite few tools (most are no use)
so since got stuck and nowhere with (preferred TT), tried both iGo's- works just fine as soon as I modify SHELL with correct path for either. Not sure as which one would be better of two, but in Primo- no search for Post Code?/ in iGo8- no maps- all in Hungarian locale... (need if worth to ) DL maps the obviously.

ANW the prob with both iGo's- problem is how to find settings for band? as neither is able to find Sat's


as I say- I will DL some maps for iGO 8, not sure which if my attempts to get TT on will not work.
Problems with that is, that Only version of navcore (dunno which number build- Wedding Photos)- does not communicate with maps DL'ed (UK &ROI) and dont allow me to access of nay settings (to the best of my French). The second one TT tested Navcore 9.026 Go X20, Go X30, Go 630 core- got error as not enough memory... or simplly I have not found .exe with it and copied one from Wed Photos and altered SHELL accordingly
Could someone direct me to some sensible ways how to resolve either iGo- mapping and reception issues or T T both parts required/recommended please?

Wed Feb 16, 2011 6:40 am

BTW DL'ing now
Europe West 1gb 860.3126 [694.7MB]

Hope it will work with Wedding Pictures Core, as I suspect, that my downloaded maps (UK & ROI) are simply incompatible with French TT .exe. also, the other maps were not having self extracting... apart from copying them to the card and executing AutoActivate- will that be gooden?
and I do not need to be changing MobileNavigator folder and directories no more either. Simply whatever path in whatever named folder- SHELL is modded that way.
New SD crad was weird- gonna bin it, whilst another one works a treat!

Wed Feb 16, 2011 7:09 am

Ok, For Tomtom...
Download your maps, You need PDA 7.4XX compatible
Copy map folder to SD card, Next to MobileNavigator folder
Download AutoActivate and copy to root of SDcard
Put SD card into card reader on PC, Don't use usb/WMDC IT WILL NOT WORK!!!
Put SD card back into device and restart.
If all is well you'll see the map screen
GPS settings are next to do

Wed Feb 16, 2011 7:22 am

The other navcores you downloaded are for Linux based TT devices so they don't work, The weddingphotos archive is the only one for your device, And again you must use a card reader for map activation.

Wed Feb 16, 2011 7:41 am

I'm back... The version is 7.450, the maps are compatible... all is well (almost, I managed to start it after two errors of not enough memory), then I got to the settings(changed from French to English), but no signal!?
any ideas?
Maps, that I use now
Europe West 1gb 860.3126 [694.7MB]
; Europe_1GB_West_860_3126
FD D0 0A 19 B5 66 9F 2C 92 12 7B AC B6 E8 F2 30 Europe_1GB_West-264.meta

fourth from the bottom

Wed Feb 16, 2011 7:43 am

Fatboyfun wrote:The other navcores you downloaded are for Linux based TT devices so they don't work, The weddingphotos archive is the only one for your device, And again you must use a card reader for map activation.

Yup good fellow- did that! USB adapter as WMDC is crap!

Wed Feb 16, 2011 7:50 am

more worryingly it says no GPS Device and settings are only as for different type of GPS receivers...

Basically neither iGo nor TT find no Sats- unless the maps DL'ed are not compatible despite the chart?
I'm sure its hould be possible to check- alter something regarding GPS receiver settings?- :blink:

Wed Feb 16, 2011 8:07 am

Now you need to set your gps up...
Other NMEA reciever
I'm not sure what the port and baud are but baud 4800 is a good place to start and there'll be a com port with gps in it's name
If you got it right the yellow and blue circle will rotate and it'll say waiting for gps signal...

Go outside and wait for a lock, you may have to adjust the baud rate a bit to get a lock

You will get a not enough memory error on first lock, just restart.

TT doesn't write settings to disk straight away so you may have to do the gps settings again.

Wed Feb 16, 2011 8:29 am

I got done as you said, now I got few options:
Serial Cable on USP5 Debugging bo...
Serial Cable on USP2 Debugging bo...
or cancel
It does ay something about Driver too...

Wed Feb 16, 2011 8:38 am

Try them all, If the circle starts rotating after a few seconds then it's the right one, If it doesn't try another, Try com7 first, your baud rate might be 57600
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