Route 66 Chicago 8000 alternative maps   

Route 66 Chicago 8000 alternative maps

Postby Vieux Richard » Wed May 26, 2010 9:41 am

Have been looking to change maps for my Chicago 8000. Since Route 66 no longer support Chicago Navigate 7 the only option with them is to go to Navigate 8 designed for their new PNDs. I can't make any progress with the Western European maps of Navigate 8 due to max. memory of 2GB on my SD card.
Not wanting to do any more mods to the Win CE5 to try to get 4GB SDHC cards to work (having tried & failed) - I wanted to know if there is a legitimate alternative so that I can have European navigation maps installed instead of Route 66 without making any s/w changes?
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Postby bandjaci » Wed Jun 23, 2010 5:57 am

I have tried route66 v8 with maps of Australia om my Chicago8000 but found maps not to be upto date and not many extra features. I have tried numerous other progs eg Destinator v6 to v9 ( too Slow), Polnav (quite good), Kudos (also good) and now Igo8 and AmIgo (very good many features and skins) See Igo section for installs.
To crack into windowsCE, Turn on unit, then while holding in lower button, reset unit (poke stylis in hole), then release the lower button when grey line appears on bottom of screen. touch screen at bottom left corner and START task will appear. Setup your desktop.
Point to remember Anytime the SD card is removed from unit and data changed, the unit has to be reset as explained above..... Good Luck
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