Targa E3530 signal issue   

Targa E3530 signal issue

Postby Foxylady » Wed Oct 09, 2013 8:23 am

Morning everyone,
My wife uses this sat nav and it works fine once signal obtained with tomtom.
Problem is it takes approx 10 minutes to locate them each time.
Once it does get a signal you have to wait a few more minutes after route entered to make it stable which once it is, it is perfect.
Is there anyway of boosting the gps signal on this device?
I decided to open it up and see this what i know from searching is the gps antenna.
Any thoughts if this is possible.
Best wishes

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Postby Fatboyfun » Wed Oct 09, 2013 8:55 pm

First thing, does the car have one of those UV filtered windscreens? These play havoc with GPS signals.

Second thing, is the baud rate setting within Tomtom correct?

Third thing, did you try another GPS application to rule out a Tomtom problem, I suggest iGO 8?

Fourth thing, is the GPS antenna (White square box) mounted securely?

If the car doesn't have a UV filtered windscreen and you answered yes to the other questions, then you could have a hardware problem, something like a dry solder joint or crack in the PCB reducing the signal from the GPS module could cause this.
You will need specialist soldering equipment to fix that, a standard 25W soldering iron is likely to cause further damage.
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