Im used papago X5SE in china PND GPS.
I dowload map from [Please Register or Login to download file]
But i can't used it. Why ? Plz help me. THank!
Nagas wrote:Papago has also X5 Vietnam, it can run Viet Map directly without changing header (original map).
Nagas wrote:you should get MFM header R21_MFM_SSC.hdr and put it to Vietmap map files (after rename it to Vietmap name ex.
thainl wrote:skylai82,
1. copy 2 files: tahoma.ttf and tahomabd.ttf into one folder on your sd card (ex: SDMMC/Fonts). These 2 fonts can be found on any window computer.
2. Use a regedit software for wince to create one more key in registry:
3. Restart and enjoy.
skylai82 wrote:Thanks Nagas!
just copy 3file from MFM to vietnam map.
-R21_MFM_prp.kuf rename to R21_Q2_prp.kuf
-R21_MFM_SSC.hdr rename to R21_Q2_SSC.hdr
But I still problem about font error.
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