Sorry, Monters GPS
I need PAPAGO! H5600 X7 (TW) - HD 800x480 OCTOBER for Com 1 B4800,
not Freeway Purenavi 8 tw,
Can you send me again,
danangts wrote:Hi Monters GPS,
I need happyfile for PNA cina 800x480 C1 4800. Thank you in advance.
javacom wrote:I need also happyfile for PNA cina 800x480 C1 4800. Thank you in advance.
wing88wing88hk wrote:Hello, Monters GPS
I need (Main Program) + (Taiwan map) + (Com 1 B4800 & Com 7 B4800)
My GPS is CE6.0 800x480 , Can you send me ,
wing88wing88hk wrote:Where can i download the OBU Papago Taiwan version?
Monters GPS wrote:[color="blue"]PAPAGO! H5600 X7 (TW)[/color] - [color="red"]HD 800x480[/color] [color="purple"]OCTOBER Latest New Release[/color]
For more information please log on to: [Please Register or Login to download file]
:dash3: [color="darkgreen"]*** Trial Purpose Only, If you like it it ***[/color]
diving wrote:do you think tis software can use in malaysia map and language can chnageable to malay and english?
techlink23 wrote:Hi Brother Monster,
I will need the program files and happy file for COM 1 & 4800 Baud rate
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