Hi Monster,
Can u pls pm the download to me .
raid3868 wrote:Hi Monster,
Can u pls pm the download to me .
raid3868 wrote:Hi monster,
Sorry com 1
deppen157 wrote:can you PM dl link for com 2 baud rate 9600 ?
giovanni81 wrote:i need PAPAGO x5 for WINCE5 Com2 Baudrate 9600 800x480. have it???
911_speed wrote:Can i have PPG X5 happy file for 800x480 com3 baud9600, without map.
hehoheho wrote:Hi, the links are dead. Could you please update the link for happy file "Com1" baud 4800 and the organic and pm me the link pls. Thousands thanks!!
hehoheho wrote:Million thanks! Got it! May I know which version if map files should I put in? R21? or R51? Thanks! Also, do you have Chinese version of HK map please? Thanks!!!!!! I tried put R51 HK Chinese map (from andriod version) into Maps folder, also tried R21 HK Eng map d/l from web, both failed. Program just exited after the splash screen.
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