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{Tutorial} How to Change Resolution PAPAGO from 800x480 to 4

Fri Jun 18, 2010 5:10 am

Anyone can help me to change this resolution...form my 7" din gps system..please

Tue Jun 22, 2010 4:07 am

hi kerek
can u pm me your papago files link?
i need the 800x480 version

Mon Jun 28, 2010 5:10 am

kerek2 wrote:Anyone can help me to change this resolution...form my 7" din gps system..please

cannot be done.
Papago does not have a resolution for 480x234

i suggest u use IGO..

Mon Jun 28, 2010 6:25 am

limboonseng2 wrote:cannot be done.
Papago does not have a resolution for 480x234

i suggest u use IGO..

So , is it possible to change form 800*480 to 480*272
he..he.. found one program with that res , but my unit is 480....

Mon Jun 28, 2010 9:34 am

i think a lot of users are confuse with all the variant and versions of papago.
All the papago PND or window CE core version are localised.

countries known to use papago.

malaysia, singpoare, thailand, indonesiaa, HK, taiwan, china and lately argentina

Unfortunately, Maps are mostly not interchangeable.

first thing, you must decided where u wanna to used your papago. then get the right copy. your country?

e.g. You can't use HK version in Thailand or malaysia and expect it to work perfectly.

Some malaysia users claims to converted a HK 480x234 in their double din. but later found that POI, search and routing all screwup.....

M3GPS is a customised copy for SEA esp. Malaysia market. only three SEA maps are supported.

so, if you are in Malaysia and got a 480x234 that is bad news.

Tue Jun 29, 2010 2:52 am

limboonseng2 wrote:i think a lot of users are confuse with all the variant and versions of papago.
All the papago PND or window CE core version are localised.

countries known to use papago.

malaysia, singpoare, thailand, indonesiaa, HK, taiwan, china and lately argentina

Unfortunately, Maps are mostly not interchangeable.

first thing, you must decided where u wanna to used your papago. then get the right copy. your country?

e.g. You can't use HK version in Thailand or malaysia and expect it to work perfectly.

Some malaysia users claims to converted a HK 480x234 in their double din. but later found that POI, search and routing all screwup.....

M3GPS is a customised copy for SEA esp. Malaysia market. only three SEA maps are supported.

so, if you are in Malaysia and got a 480x234 that is bad news.

Well lim, that's not true. I have "localised 480x234" X3 for SEA and working fine in all ARM-Atlas based 234 machines and of course in "English" only
Those interested can PM me directly

Tue Jun 29, 2010 4:47 am

pgoh101 wrote:Well lim, that's not true. I have "localised 480x234" X3 for SEA and working fine in all ARM-Atlas based 234 machines and of course in "English" only
Those interested can PM me directly

I want it2........just pm u....tq

Tue Jun 29, 2010 8:50 am

pgoh101 wrote:Well lim, that's not true. I have "localised 480x234" X3 for SEA and working fine in all ARM-Atlas based 234 machines and of course in "English" only
Those interested can PM me directly

I need it too, please pm me....

Tue Jun 29, 2010 5:06 pm

pgoh101 wrote:Well lim, that's not true. I have "localised 480x234" X3 for SEA and working fine in all ARM-Atlas based 234 machines and of course in "English" only
Those interested can PM me directly

what is this 234 machine?

Wed Jun 30, 2010 12:05 pm

Dear all,

Just dl and extract the files and put in the the \organic\en folder

If possible use the X3 480x272 version as the base

Fri Jul 02, 2010 3:57 am

Would very much appreciate for those who have downloaded and provide feedback


Fri Jul 02, 2010 12:03 pm

pgoh101 wrote:Well lim, that's not true. I have "localised 480x234" X3 for SEA and working fine in all ARM-Atlas based 234 machines and of course in "English" only
Those interested can PM me directly

pgoh101 wrote:Would very much appreciate for those who have downloaded and provide feedback


Wow..well pgoh...what i have written is true afterall..there is no such resolution for SEA.

It kind of you to share you "hacked" copy of PSU. to work with an original X3 480x272.
but be a bit humble lah esp. you have not even tested it.

Sat Jul 03, 2010 1:37 am

whose have the original program papago x3...can share it with me?....tq

Sat Jul 03, 2010 8:55 am

limboonseng2 wrote:Wow..well pgoh...what i have written is true afterall..there is no such resolution for SEA.

It kind of you to share you "hacked" copy of PSU. to work with an original X3 480x272.
but be a bit humble lah esp. you have not even tested it.

Already tested and working fine, only for those who downloaded and facing problem running it

Mon Jul 05, 2010 12:53 am

pgoh101 wrote:Already tested and working fine, only for those who downloaded and facing problem running it

Hi pgoh
I downloaded the files and tested on the MFM map
it will crash when i conduct a poi/road search and also navi/ map view
What map are you using?
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