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PolNav R6.0.28.p18 DATED 2012-02-29 WITH KEYGEN AND INSTRUCT

Wed Apr 11, 2012 9:29 am

( wince 5,6 , all resolution support )









Indonesia_v221.rar navnet v2.21 map 2012-02-19




Wed Apr 11, 2012 10:13 am

Link is dead PolNav_6028_P18_2012-02-29.rar ( opp now is working )

Fri Apr 13, 2012 3:22 pm

how to view junction view? it dissappear

Fri Apr 13, 2012 5:50 pm

goldeneleven wrote:how to view junction view? it dissappear

mfm map dun hav junction view

Tue Apr 17, 2012 2:16 pm

I Just installed it, thanks to you andyteh.. :D

Overall, this version of Polnav works just fine in my China GPS (I installed it in my 8GB speed class 4 SDMMC with Indonesia Map by NAVNET ver. 2.21 on it) but its weakness is the NAVIGATION LAG / FRAME LAG (just exactly the same lag @ Garmin XT on WinCE) is that condition (the frame lag) normal when I use Polnav in my China GPS? Or is it due to lack-of-memory-resources reason (the same reason as the Garmin XT on WinCE)?


Fri Apr 20, 2012 4:44 am

Hello andyteh,

One silly question, how can I convert the default voice into Chinese? Thanks.

Fri Apr 20, 2012 10:37 am

imoldman wrote:Hello andyteh,

One silly question, how can I convert the default voice into Chinese? Thanks.

setting > language > voice

Sat Apr 21, 2012 9:49 am

andyteh wrote:setting > language > voice

Thanks, andyteh, I'll try on my device.

Sat Apr 28, 2012 10:38 am

Thanks for your kindly sharing!

Main Download Link -- Polnav

Mon Apr 30, 2012 4:48 pm

Polnav Main Download Link : [Please Register or Login to download file]

Prepared :
1. Device Number
2. Registration key ( Rxxxxxxxxxxx.key )
3. Model :.........(find on setting-about)

Other link for GS Trend 780
hxxp:// ... part1.rar/
hxxp:// ... part2.rar/
hxxp:// ... part3.rar/
hxxp:// ... part4.rar/

change xx to tt

Instruction from page 1.
1) Extract and copy folder Navi to sdmmc or residentflash
2) run polnav_kg.exe
3) write down device ID than exit program
4) using pc goto folder Navi\Map rename Your_Device_ID.key to "Rxxxxxxxxxxx.key" Rxxxxxxxxxxx = device ID
5) run polnav_kg.exe again than exit ( this step will generate new "Rxxxxxxxxxxx.key" in PolNav_6028_P18 folder )
6) using pc goto folder Navi\Map rename back "Rxxxxxxxxxxx.key" to Your_Device_ID.key for future use
7) using pc goto folder"Navi" move "Rxxxxxxxxxxx.key" to "Map" folder
8) run polnav_istts_release.exe
9) done

Keygen :

Tue May 22, 2012 8:21 am

I got a problem.

The hardware ID is different, When using polnav_kg I got a different id compare to polnav_istts_release.exe

Any ideas

Edit: Everything works fine now

Wed May 30, 2012 1:34 pm

i have followed instruction and used keygen, but out message/warning "Unregistered maps(s) found! Contact with your local distributor!". if i continue the program, appear big sign/mark "?" at current position. any body know why does this happen? thanks before..

Wed May 30, 2012 8:04 pm

mrlee2k wrote:I got a problem.

The hardware ID is different, When using polnav_kg I got a different id compare to polnav_istts_release.exe

Any ideas

Edit: Everything works fine now

Need to know how did you solve this problem ?

Mon Jun 11, 2012 7:07 am

Hi, I use [color="#FF0000"]Polnav necvox, NAV-508[/color] on my car,
and I updated new map [color="#FF0000"]2012Q1[/color] from Polnav official website,
but my license was expired since 2010, so I always get "Unregistered maps(s)" warning...

Can I use the Keygen to pass the license check?

Mon Jun 11, 2012 3:00 pm

howdz wrote:Hi, I use [color="#FF0000"]Polnav necvox, NAV-508[/color] on my car,
and I updated new map [color="#FF0000"]2012Q1[/color] from Polnav official website,
but my license was expired since 2010, so I always get "Unregistered maps(s)" warning...

Can I use the Keygen to pass the license check?

you can try than feedback
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