@ shloimy95
Some time ago, when using and when the message for avoiding a road came up, tapping the screen made Primo crash.
I can not tell anymore what the error message was, but Primo crashed.
Using resolved that.
@mshelby500NO HELP BY PM - This is a forum for a reason.
So far, you did not give the information we need and confuse us very much. We are no wizzards. We can only try to help when we have the information we need. I suspect a memory issue, but on a picture, I can not see how much memory your device has. I asked you if you did use a skin and TTS. First you said you did not know how to install a skin nor TTS (post 7) - so I think: "no skin, no TTS, so what next? "
Next (post 9) you say you installed a skin (which one) and TTS.
When? Before the error started or because and after I asked if you had it installed? I also told if you had it installed to try without TTS (use normal voice) or without skin to see if that solved the error. Did you? Or did you install between post 7 and 9?
Be clear about
- what igo/primo version?
- what device? (brand/type) so that I can do a internet search for its specifications (OS, RAm, ...) Or you can do it yourself and post it here.
- what skin is installed + active?
- what voice is enabled? TTS or not? Loquende or LUA? what TTS engine?
- was the skin and TTS active when the message appeared for the first time?
- was primo working before and you made some changes (what changes?) and only then the error appeared?
- depending on your answer, I might need some more information.