diMka 1.1.4 for Primo 1.1   

diMka 1.1.4 for Primo 1.1

Postby Fatboyfun » Wed Feb 16, 2011 11:28 pm

It's been a while :) ...

480x234 and 480x272 [Please Register or Login to download file]

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[SPOILER="Changelog"]Ver. 1.1.4:

1. Cabin-style 8.3:
- Right menu buttons in the style 8.x (button 2D/3D - switching 2D/3D, in browse mode - the output of the review; long press of a button 2D/3D - transition in the card settings, long press on the "Quick Menu" - go to the settings in this menu, the Menu button opens the menu once in the cab, long press on the menu - the main menu);
- 4 data fields on the left with logic folding Primo;
- Speed display with color change in excess, the appearance of icons limits the ability to display the substrate (in the style of 8.3);
- The field for signs of maneuvers in the style of 8.3 (click - go to the main menu of the route);
- Sign the ban maneuver (the settings in the "Visual guidance");
- House numbers (settings in "Map settings");
- Map and compass direction to the finish line in the style of 8.3 (the settings in the Preferences card ");
- Automatically reduce the transparency of buttons and substrates (different day / night settings for buttons, left the substrates and substrates field current and the next street) (setting in "Options Card);
- When viewing a map in the cabin of available actions immediately displayed on the screen automatically returns to navigation mode after about 30 seconds. after last action in view;
- The volume buttons and the inclusion of track record, long press - go to the appropriate settings;
- The control panel buttons are added simulation decrease / increase the simulation speed and return to normal speed, the simulation;
2. Quick Favorites button (4 pcs. - Home, work, ......) in the main search menu (position, you can choose from history, search by address, map, POI, etc.) (setting - at the click of the button unconfigured or a long press-minded (with the selected position) button);
3. Dimmer in a cabin in the night mode (color filter) (set in the Map Setup ");
4. As possible (where invoked by pressing one / two courses of action) button "More" is replaced by a direct action button in the "Search Maps" available actions immediately displayed on the screen;
5. Manage user data (backup and restore tools Primo) in the style of 8.3;
6. Settings screenshoter (execution snapshot gesture down the right side of the screen or in simulation mode - a separate button in the cockpit) (audio with a choice of sound and volume settings and visual indication of captured images);
7. Customize the display of billboards and strip;
- The inclusion of independent boards and display the intersection (Junction), selection of standard indicators of bands sound predeprezhdenie with a choice of sound and volume settings;
- While the display settings in the intersection (Junction), and if such a map is available, tap on the standard indicators show bands Junction, reverse tap - hide, etc. The inclusion of setting Junction - the intersection will immediately display on the screen in the cockpit , and then you can tapom minimize and restore as well as at off;
- Display panels can be similarly controlled from the cab (minimization, shutdown, inclusion, restoration of maps) in the style of 8.3;
8. In the screen skins added to "reset" button to avoid the appearance of errors associated with the lack of pictures in the other skins;
9. The choice of sounds for the voice acting of different events in the style of 8.3 (with the original to scan folders AUDIO) (sounds can be removed from the list in the menu) (to be played only the sound of which lie at the root AUDIO) (a list can be edited and outside Primo - file \ save \ userlists \ user_sound_list.txt);
10. Voice start / exit with a choice of sound and volume settings;
11. Voice event with a battery and external power supply with a choice of sound and volume settings;
12. Voice a warning sign (Driver Alert) with a choice of sound and volume settings;
13. Additions to the "Manage groups POI";
- Set up different groups for the visibility distance in the style of 8.3, delete the group (if it has already created user);
- Select the icon for the group in the style of 8.3;
- Added ability to manage groups, user-created (in the default skins off) (for the group "Favorites" is left only the possibility to change the icon, because it's technical team for the storage of selected items);
14. Create / Edit your groups and elements of the POI;
- Creating groups (group name can be entered only in Latin, translation should make their own groups in the language file);
- Creation of POI;
- Change (you can change the name, phone number, an icon) and delete POI;
15. The action "Add POI in the position of GPS" (right button menu);
- 2 press can add POI in the position of GPS;
- A name created by POI will contain the name of the subgroup and the creation date, in addition to information about the item will prescribe the time of establishment;
16. If possible enter numeric values changed version of the slider on the keyboard (easier input values with a wide range) (for negative values of the input button is available in "/ -" at the bottom of the screen)
17. Custom settings for zooming and tilting;
18. Screensaver in the style of 8.3;
- Settings in the Settings card "or a long push to the top of the screen saver;
- Manual (pressing a cabin in the scope of the cursor in the navigation mode) or automatic (the distance to maneuver) inclusion;
- The ability to display the sign next maneuver, camera warning signage Driver Alerts, panels and bands with similar self-contained settings for both the cockpit;
- Possibility to include a digital font (the corresponding item in the menu will appear, if at the root of the program will \ font \ digital.ttf)
- The ability to display the data fields at the bottom of the screen in the style of 8.3 (click on the field - Select field, long press to hide the data fields);
19. Kartomenyatel (external tool and its settings are identical to strip off GJA (thanks Gurjon & Arkoko)) (run through the "Quick Menu");
20. Add-in Options warnings about speed;
- An additional visual warning of excess (animation sign of increased reddening with the restriction of the text in the intro) in the style of 8.3;
- Advanced Settings audible warning (select voice / sound (when choosing the type of warning with the sound of a free choice between the sound and volume settings), mode of recurrence with adjustable pause between repetitions of sound) in the style of 8.3;
- Setting the admission of the excess (percentage / fixed value, separately for human settlements) in the style of 8.3;
21. Add-in Options camera warning ";
- A list of types of cells in the default notice skins added advanced types of 8.3 (only 8 pieces. Because "Zhd.pereezd" and "dangerous ground" is in the default List) (charset-default types remained unchanged);
Type the code in the *. spud
"Speed Camera" 0
"Mobile Speed Camera" 1
"Built-in Speed Camera" 2
"Average Speed Camera" 3
"Red Light Camera" 4
"Railroad Crossing" 6
"Bus Lane Camera" 7
"High Accident Zone" 8
"School Zone" 9
"Town Entry Point" 1910
"Red Light and Speed Camera" 1911
"Toll Booth" 12
"Hospital, Ambulance" 1913
"Fire Station" 14
"Congestion Charge Zone" 15
"Give Way" 16 new
"FixMobil" 17 new
"Speed Breaker" 18 new
"Children" 19 new
"Dangerous turn" 20 new
"Tunnel" 21 new
"POI" 22 new
"RPS Post" 23 new
"Dangerous Area" 1931

- Profiles of camera settings (4 pcs.) Style 8.3 (change of name, profile selection from the menu or sequential switch in the cockpit through a quick menu);
- Independently for each type of visual display in the style of 8.3;
- Two types of cameras Voice (voice Primo and Postproduction Ultra iGO8.3);
- Just type "Postproduction Primo" available options "Audible Warning" (only enable / disable playing sounds registered in sys.txt) (control of sensing distance at these sounds does not apply);
- Independently for each type of sensing distance visual and audible warning (for some types of speed control of such adjustment will not) (type "Postproduction Primo" setting the sensing distance of sound extends only to the sounds of excess) in the style of 8.3;
- Independent settings for each type of Voice over-speed camera (available for cameras that support the speed control) (on / off, the choice of Delta exceeded, sound and volume) in the style of 8.3;
- Just type "Postproduction Ultra iGO8.3" available to independent settings for each type of voice warning "(only on / off, or voice only at excessive speed cameras) in the style of 8.3;
- Just type "Postproduction Ultra iGO8.3" is available to choose the type of language and voice alerts (for language structure of the subfolders with the sounds shown in the screenshot Speedcam_Example.jpg skin in the game, the location of the subfolders displayed in the language selection menu, when used in locales miles the file name of the second sentence should contain _mph instead _kph (eg Speed_Limit_060_mph.wav));
- Just type "Postproduction Ultra iGO8.3" in the case of selection as a voice warning option "sounds an alarm, you can configure for each type of individual sound menu in the style of 8.3;
- Just type "Postproduction Ultra iGO8.3" in the case of selection as a voice warning language versions are available, independent for each type of setting (start / stop, pause) The second sentence (the speed limit) (in the same screen available test voice warnings);
22. Changes to the screen to create / edit the camera on the map (right map direction, depending on the rotation of the cards before entering the state of editing, choice of speed cameras in the style of 8.3);
23. Action-Add to the camera-in GPS position in the list right menu;
- Creation of the camera in up to four pressing;
- Speed, style and direction adjustable (go to settings on the long-pressing the Add Cam-);
- Two modes of the type of camera settings (preset, manual) (in the first mode by pressing the button will be created with certain camera in the settings, the second - will appear a window for selecting the camera type);
- Two modes of setting the direction of the camera (pre-, hand) (for the second - will appear a window for selecting the camera direction), while if the camera has only one type of direction, then the corresponding window will not appear (even in manual mode) (in manual mode, the arrow directions will be displayed based imaging relative to the direction of the road, with a particular in order to avoid incorrect identification of areas of unidirectional cameras may choose only two-and four-way);
- Two modes of setting speed camera (certain, manual) (in the second - a window will appear select the speed cameras), while if the camera does not have the speed, the corresponding window will not appear (even in manual mode);
- Enable / disable the opacity (attenuation) for the button-Dobav.kameru-(right-hand menu);
- The ability to configure options for selecting the list of types of cells ("All cameras" or "Only from iGO8.3") when creating the camera (setting applies to edit / create a camera on the map)
Read phonetically
24. Running external programs:
- The ability to scan the device to compile a list of programs;
- Programs can be removed from the list in the menu;
- Display name, and settings can be edited in the menu;
- Adjustable output from Primo at startup;
- A list of programs can be edited outside Primo - file \ save \ userlists \ user_program_list.txt.
- The call button the list of programs can be displayed in the main menu, by analogy with "Exit" button:
show_programs = 1
25. "Return to Car" - automatically saves the current GPS position when certain events (switch to pedestrian mode, the output of the program, loss of signal GPS (short-term jumps in the signal cut off), turn off the device) (included in "Preferences / Advanced / Returning to the car:
- Icon of the element of history is the same as the icon of the "My POI";
- Autosave will occur if the position is different from the last saved more than 50m.
26. Settings when reaching a destination (nominally arrival event occurs when the distance to the finish line less than 100 meters and during the interval time of 5 seconds. Speed is less than 2 km / h):
- The possibility of on / off. confirmation of arrival;
- The ability to customize the menu to appear destination (Off / Standard menu with travel information / Menu with avtom.vyhodom / Menu with avtom.vyklyucheniem device);
- The ability to customize the time display the selected menu item of destination (if the menu screen finish produced any action (switch to "pedestrian", etc.), the timer stops).
27. Direct access to the trip computer (nominally uses two trip computers for technical purposes: 1 - for the current route (on the basis of his data the progress indicator in the cockpit on the left of the route, etc.) 2 - for general statistics (Reference / Data / More / Statistics)):
- To call the trip computer can be configured for quick menu button or one of the buttons to the right menu in the cockpit;
- For custom travel in the computer screen viewing will be available to the pause button and "Reset"
- To add a custom computer:
num_of_trips = 4, or their number (by default - 2)
- Added ability to select trip computer data to display them on the data fields in the cockpit and screen saver.
28.Split-screen in the screen navigation:
- Enable / disable the call button in the Settings card:
- Two modes of display (Summary of the route, nearest location (a dynamic list of POI's almost like a 8.3)) (click on the button name - switching between modes, long press - setting the appropriate mode):
- For the Summary route may only display the first page of the list:
- For the Summary Route "in two ways display additional charge in the data (only the distance, all data):
- For the "Nearest places" may only display the first page of the list:
- For the "closest place" is possible to set the distance your search:
- For the "Nearest places" may display the POI of the selected group (the list will include all elements of the chosen and all sub-groups):
- For the "Nearest places" may include a filter named POI:
- For the "closest place after paging through a list of about 10 seconds you are automatically taken to the first page;
- To simulate the split-screen off;
- With the active split-screen house numbers are not displayed (no space), all other information is shifted to the left.
29. Simplified procedure for adding / removing blocked roads (Quick Add / Remove on the map search or browse in the cockpit as in 8.3):
- Non-blocking cursor on the road (click on the lock button - adding to the inclusion of all intervals, long press - adding to the inclusion of all intervals + transition in the current lock set intervals):
- The cursor on the blocked road (pressing the delete button lock - removal of the current block, with confirmation, long press - go to the settings of the current block of intervals):
- The cursor off the road (the distance from the nearest segment of the larger 50m) - the button to add / delete inactive:
- Simplified screen view / edit blocked roads in going from the list of blocked roads (call through the route-More-blocked roads) (removed redundant buttons):
30. Additional voice features using the TTS-voices:
- Aka the voice event start / exit the program (in settings screen Voice Launch / exit will be able to select the type of live voice / TTS-vote) (when you turn on the - test phrase):
- Aka the voice of the state of the battery (on / off external power supply, low and critical levels of charge) (in the Settings screen Voice's power will be able to select the type of live voice / TTS-vote) (when you turn on the - test phrase):
- Aka the voice of the right button presses and quick menu at the cabin (including a list of options "Sounds and prevention"):
- Aka the voice menu, pressing the buttons "Read More" (included in the list of options "Sound and sight"):
- Aka the voice messages of the program (dialog boxes):
Separate switches message on the screen with a confirmation button (information) (with the inclusion of the - test phrase):
message on the screen with two buttons to select the action (question) (when you turn on the - test phrase):
Hints (caused by long pressing the corresponding button) menu button names lower in the cockpit view mode and a map search) (for the inclusion of the - test phrase):
- Aka the voice of the current situation at the entrance to the screen "Current position" by pressing on the field of the current street in the cabin (including a list of options "Sound and sight") (with the inclusion of a parameter in the case of location - a test phrase):
- Aka the voice parameters destination for the created route (the phrase "The arrival at the destination in x hours y minutes. Z distance meters.") (Called by long pressing on the field with pointers maneuvers in the cab) (available without a separate switching):
- Aka the voice of signs when a ban maneuver them into the cabin (including a list of options "Sounds and Prevention") (when you turn on the - test phrase):
- Aka the voice of characters DA (separate phrases for each of the characters) (in the settings Voice Marks DA will be able to select the type of live voice / TTS-vote) (when you turn on the - to listen to testvovuyu voice acting of all characters):
- Aka the voice camera warning (the phrase "Let x meters stationary radar. Restriction y miles per hour.") (Voice in the settings of cameras, "Postproduction Ultra (iGO " will be able to select the type of live voice / TTS-voice):
for each of the types of cameras have an independent ability to combine a complete phrase, enabling / disabling the additional sentence range and limitations:
the settings can be heard nightly voiceovers for all types of cameras:
To change the phrase under him edit the file transfer program.
For the subtype "TTS-Voice" Voice cameras "Postproduction Ultra (iGO " additional records in sys.txt not required.
At the subtype "TTS-vote" Voice cameras spread all options such as "Postproduction Ultra (iGO (control range, the inclusion of a separate visual and voice warnings, etc.)
In general, the logic of interruption and overlap TTS-Voice is as follows:
- TTS-camera voice - interrupts any other TTS-voiceovers, interrupted with voice or voice acting or voice acting DA marks the next camera.
- TTS-voice characters DA - interrupts any other TTS-voiceovers, interrupted with voice or voice acting or voice acting Marks DA chamber.
- TTS-voice signs ban maneuver (turn left / right disabled) - will not start if the currently active TTS and pronounce any phrase, interrupted with voice or voice acting or voice acting Marks DA chamber.
- TTS-voice buttons cabin - will not start if the currently active TTS and pronounce any phrase, interrupted with voice or voice acting or voice acting Marks DA chamber.
- TTS-voice time and distance to the finish line - wait and start after the TTS will finish the previous sentence, suspended with voice or voice acting or voice acting Marks DA chamber.
- TTS-voice of the current situation - wait and start after the TTS will finish the previous sentence, suspended with voice or voice acting or voice acting Marks DA chamber.
- TTS-voice text messages, interactive screens - wait and start after the TTS will finish the previous sentence, suspended with voice or voice acting or voice acting DA signs camera button or closing the message box.
- TTS-voice (test) in the Settings screens - interrupts any other TTS-voiceovers, interrupted with voice or voice acting or voice acting DA signs chamber or other test voice acting. [/spoiler]
Currently sleeping...
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