diMka-WA P1.3.8 Skin for iGO Primo 1.2   

diMka-WA P1.3.8 Skin for iGO Primo 1.2

Postby Yurbuh Tuggly » Thu Jul 07, 2011 5:46 am

New Version 1.3.8
Requirements: iGO Primo 1.2
Operating System: WinCE 4.2,5,6 Windows Mobile
320x240, 480x234, 480x272, 800x480

Short Changelog:
Spoiler: Show
[color="darkgreen"]ver. P1.3.7[/color]
1. Added setting priorities TTSPro-voice-camera warning, signs of DA and the voice instructions (TTSPro-menu):
1) option - Warnings Support: TTSPro-voice camera warning signs and DA has priority over the voice-over, ie a phrase about the cameras and signs of dropping off voice guidance on routes and not the voice instructions until the end of the phrase chambers or signs;
2) option - Escort Warnings: voice guidance takes precedence over the voice acting TTSPro-camera warning signs and DA, Ie the phrase about the cameras and signs are interrupted by voice-over on the route and there will be voice-camera warning signs and DA, while not finish the sentence Voice warnings on the route.
Other TTSPro-voice-have a lower priority than the camera warning, Marks DA, and voice guidance.
2. Added the ability to prevent an increase in road speed limits:
- Switching off a visual warning (animated character limit) in the cockpit and screen saver;
- Audible warning with a choice of sound and volume settings;
- TTSPro-voice warning about the increase in road speed limits (the phrase "You can increase the speed. Restricting x miles per hour.") (Listen to and enable / disable the additional sentence may be the speed limit once the menu (the button to go to the screen test voice-activated when included mainly and the sound of the voice instructions) when you turn a standard voice-related settings are inactive).
Enable / disable in the menu will be available TTSPro with the support of TTS-voice such a possibility, ie the presence of *.zip\i18n\dictionary.voice) voice file such a block transfer (for example):

You can increase speed .= "You can increase the speed."
Limit% s = "limit% s"

Preventing an increase in road speed limit is only in the case of exceeding a speed, ie if the current speed is less than the new value of the only restriction.
Reduced speed limits and road warning in case of excess irrelevant, because at the moment running a warning (visual and audible) on the excess.
ver. P.1.3.6:
. Added setting methods audible warning signs DA (Settings / Sounds and alert / warning signs / Sound Settings):
1) the "only active character" - voice, as ever, occurs in the time of activation mark (Ie at the time of entry into the zone of the sign);
2) the method of "Pre-warning" (because for some characters (such as "Pedestrians," "give way", etc.) is desired voice beforehand, not when they are activated) - voice occurs when the sign appears to mark the activation (based on the distance set in the settings of warnings).
When using TTSPro possible options include a set of phrases:
- An inactive sign - "Soon, a certain sign.";
- Two characters (the first active, the second active) - "Such a sign 1. Soon after this a sign 2."
- Two characters (both inactive) - "Soon after this a sign of a and such a mark 2."
In connection with the above, you need to update dictionary.voice. Added sentences:

Warning Method="Warning Method"
Only for active signs="Only for active signs"

Long Changelog:
Spoiler: Show
1. Cabin-style 8.3
- Custom (set to "Map settings") right menu buttons in the style 8.x (permanent menu button opens the menu once in the cab):
- Long press on the menu - action according to established preferences:
- 4 data fields on the left with logic folding Primo:
- Displays the speed change color in excess, will the advent of restrictions, the ability to map the substrate (box displaying the speed change position depending on the data fields (expand / collapse), the width of the current street) (in the style of 8.3):
- The field for signs of maneuvers in the style of 8.3 (click - to the main menu route) with a color change the distance to maneuver, can be turned off (in "visual notes") display the second maneuver:
- Sign the ban maneuver (the settings in the "visual notes"):
- House numbers (set to "visual notes"):
- Compass mapping and directions to the finish line in the style of 8.3 (set to "Map settings"):
- Automatic reduction of the transparency buttons and substrates (different day / night settings for buttons, Left substrates and substrates field current and the next street) (setting in "Options Card"):
- In the map view in the cockpit of the available actions are immediately displayed on the screen + automatic return to navigation mode after about 30 seconds. after last action in the view mode:
- With adjustable volume control button (set to "Map settings") to display information, long press - go to sound settings:
- In a simulated control panel buttons are added to reduce / increase the speed of the simulation and return to normal speed simulation:
2. Quick Favorites button (4 pcs. - Home, work, in the main menu ......) search (position, you can choose from history, search by address, map, POI, etc.) (setting - at the click of a cleared Button or "More"). Long tap-tuned (with the selected position) button - to add a route without looking at the map:
3. Dimmer in a cabin and splash in the night mode (color filter) (set to "Map settings"):
4. Whenever possible (where summoned at the touch of one / two courses of action) button "More" is replaced by a direct action button + the "Search Maps" available actions are immediately displayed on the screen:
5. Screenshoter settings (performance snapshot gesture down the right side of the screen or in simulation mode - a separate button in the cockpit) (audio with a choice of sound and volume settings and visual indication of the captured image):
6. Display Options panels and strips:
- The inclusion of independent lanes, display boards and junction (Junction), selection of standard indicators of bands sound predeprezhdenie with a choice of sound and volume settings:
- Switched off in the settings display the intersection (Junction) and if such a map is available, tap on the standard indicators show bands Junction, reverse tap - hide etc. when the settings in the Junction - the intersection will immediately display on the screen in the cockpit , and then you can minimize and restore tapom as when off:
- Display boards like can be controlled from the cab (minimization, disabling, enabling, restoration mapping) in the style of 8.3:
7. In the screen skins add a button "Restart" to avoid errors associated with the lack of pictures in the other skins:
8. The choice of sounds for different events in the voice-style 8.3 (with an initial opportunity to scan folders AUDIO) (sound can be removed from the list in the menu) (when scanning the list will get only the sound of which lie at the root AUDIO) (a list can be edited and outside Primo - file \ save \ userlists \ user_sound_list.txt):
9. Voice start / exit with a choice of sound and volume settings:
10. Voice event with a battery and external power supply with a choice of sound and volume settings:
11. Voice a warning sign (Driver Alert) with a choice of sound and volume settings:
12. Additions to the "Manage Groups POI":
- Set the visibility distance for different groups (there is a possibility to disable the transfer of the current settings of its subgroups) in the style of 8.3, removal of the group (if it has already created user):
- Select the icon for the group in the style of 8.3 (Icons are sorted into sets):
if from any cause permanent displays an empty list of icons, disable the sorting icons sys.txt:
sort_icons = 0
- Added ability to manage groups (delete, rename (group name can be entered only in Latin, translation should make their own groups in the language file)), created by the user (in the default skins off) (for the group "Favorites" is left only the possibility to change the icon of the fact that it is a technical group to store favorite items)
13. Creating / editing of their groups and elements of POI:
- Creation of a group (group name can be entered only in Latin, translation should make their own groups in the language file):
- Creation of POI:
- Change (you can change the name, phone number, an icon for more information):
- Transfer of an item from one group to another:
- Remove possible when viewing the POI item directly on the map and search:
14. The action "Add POI in the position of GPS" (right button menu):
- 2 press can add POI in the position of GPS:
- Name of the new POI will be the name of the subgroup and the creation date, in addition to information about an element prescribes a time:
15. If possible, enter numeric values modified version of the "slider" on the keyboard (input facilitated with a wide range of values) (for negative values of the input button is available "-" in the main panel of the keyboard), further added "smart" input (activation of the keypad buttons, depending on the range of input parameters):
16. Custom settings zoom and tilt:
When turning off the option "Custom scale" becomes available default settings set the vision for which the mode is added, "always enabled" (in the default skins included only for highways):
17. Screensaver in the style of 8.3:
- Settings in "Map settings" or long press to the top of the screen saver:
- Manual (push in the cabin area of the cursor in the navigation mode) or automatic (the distance to maneuver) Include:
- The ability to display the sign next maneuver, camera warnings, warning signs, Driver Alerts:
- The possibility of mapping, panels and bands with similar self-contained settings for the cockpit:
- Possibility to include a digital font (the corresponding item in the menu will appear, if at the root of the program will be \ font \ digital.ttf):
- The ability to display the data fields at the bottom of the screen in the style of 8.3 (click on the field - Select field, long press or hide data fields):
18. Kartomenyatelya (external utility and its configuration is completely analogous to throw off GJA (thanks Gurjon & Arkoko)) (run through the "Quick Menu"):
Title card provider for the screen can be set through kartomenyatelya sys.txt, prescribing their names.
map_ta = "TELEATLAS"
map_nt = "NAVTEQ"
map_ot = "OTHER"
Kartomenyatelya button can be displayed in the main menu, similar to the "Exit":
show_mapchanger = 1
19. Additions to the "Settings warnings about speed":
- Additional visual warning of excess (animation sign of increased reddening with the restriction + intro text) in the style of 8.3:
- Advanced Settings audible warning (select voice / sound (when selecting warning sound will be the possibility of selection of the sound and volume settings), selecting the repetition with adjustable pause between repetitions of sound) in the style of 8.3:
- Setting the admission of the excess (as a percentage / fixed value, separately for urban areas) in the style of 8.3:
20. Additions to the "Options camera warning":
- A list of types of camera warnings in the default skins is enhanced types of 8.3 (only 8 units. Because "Zhd.pereezd" and "dangerous ground" is in the default list) (default encoding type is unchanged):
- Profiles of camera settings (4 pcs.) Style 8.3 (change of name, profile selection from the menu or sequential switch in the cab via a quick menu):
- The ability to automatically change the profile settings, cameras at the border of the settlement:
- Independent of each type of visual display in the style of 8.3:
- Two types of voice-chambers (Postproduction Postproduction Primo and Ultra iGO8.3):
- Just type "Postproduction Primo" The settings of "Audible Warning" (only enable / disable playing sounds registered in sys.txt) (sensing distance control these sounds does not apply):
- Independent of each type of sensing range of visual and audible warning (for some types of speed control such settings will not) (type "Postproduction Primo" sensing distance adjustment applies only to the sound sounds excess) in the style of 8.3:
- Independent settings for each type of voice-over-speed camera (available for cameras that support speed control) (on / off, the choice of delta exceeded, sound and volume) in the style of 8.3:
- Just type "Postproduction Ultra iGO8.3" available to independent settings for each type of voice warning "(only on / off voice or just in excess of the speed cameras) in the style of 8.3:
- Just type "Postproduction Ultra iGO8.3" able to choose the type of language and voice alerts (for language structure subfolders with the sounds, see the screenshot in the game Speedcam_Example.jpg skin, the location of sub-folders is displayed in the language selection menu, when used in locales miles the file name of the second sentence should contain _mph instead _kph (eg Speed_Limit_060_mph.wav)):
- Just type "Postproduction Ultra iGO8.3" when selecting a voice alert option "Sound an alarm" can be configured for each type of individual sound menu in the style of 8.3:
- Just type "Postproduction Ultra iGO8.3" when selecting a voice warning language versions are available, independent for each type of setting (start / stop, pause) the second sentence (the speed limit) (in this screen test Voice Alert is available):
21. Changes to the screen to create / edit the camera on the map (right map direction, depending on the rotation of the cards before entering the state of editing, choice of speed cameras in the style of 8.3):
22. Action-Add-in camera GPS position on the list right menu:
- Creation of a maximum of four cameras clicking:
- Customizable ability to enter or pass rate, type and direction (go to settings on the long-pressing the Add-camera):
- The possibility for connecting to the Internet available to configure a camera mode (Create / Notify / Interactive mode selection):
- Two modes of the type of camera settings (preset, manual) (in the first mode by pressing the button will be created with specific camera settings in the parameters, the second - will appear a window for selecting the camera type):
- Two modes of setting the direction of the camera (pre-and manual) (in the second - will appear a window for selecting the direction of the camera), while if the camera has only one type of direction, the corresponding window will not appear (even in manual mode) (in manual mode, the arrow directions will be displayed based imaging relative to the direction of the road, with a particular in order to avoid incorrect identification of the direction of one-way cameras can be selected only two-and four-way):
- Two modes of setting the speed camera (certain, manual) (in the second - will appear a window for selecting the speed cameras), while if the camera does not have the speed, the corresponding window will not appear (even in manual mode):
- Enable / disable opacity (attenuation) for the button-Dobav.kameru-(right menu):
- Ability to configure the options to choose from a list of types of cameras ("All cameras" or "Only from iGO8.3") when creating the camera (set extends to edit / create the camera on the map):
23. Quick Edit the current camera:
- When you turn this feature on the camera icon (with the exception of the camera with the type of "Section") in the cockpit or the splash screen button will appear:
- When you click on the consistent appearance of screens is the choice of camera type, choosing the type of direction of the camera, speed camera option:
- Function works in the "Screen Saver":
- Long press on the button edit / delete - go to the settings of the function;
- The current value (type, direction, speed) in each of the selection screen will appear with the indication;
- In each of the screens available to select the button "Delete cell";
- The appearance of each of the screens can be switched off in the settings (options, "Change type", etc.);
- If the call is disconnected all three screens (or type in the current camera turn off the "change type" does not change the direction and speed, for example, type "POI" or "Children"), then place a call request to remove the camera;
- Actions with the camera (deleting / editing) will be made after the passage of the camera if the call of such an action (pressing a button) occurred at the time of the camera.
24. Various display on the map and the menu cameras from different sources:
- Online point (speedwarn0.bmp):
- Created or modified in the program point (speedwarn1.bmp):
- *. Spc (the manufacturer) basis (speedwarn3.bmp):
- *. Txt base (speedwarn4.bmp):
25. Running external programs:
- Ability to scan the device to the list of programs:
to limit the list of folders scan, you can add entries such as "PROGRAM:: papka_skanirovaniya" in the parameter section include_directories [oasis], Ie, for example to find only in your Programs on the card:


by default, this string is:
- The program can be removed from the list in the menu:
- Display name and parameter of the program, you can edit the menu:
- Adjustable output from Primo at startup:
- A list of programs can be edited and outside Primo - file \ save \ userlists \ user_program_list.txt.
- Click to open a list of programs can be displayed in the main menu, similar to the "Exit":
show_programs = 1
26. The "Back to the machine" - automatically saved in the history of the current GPS position when certain events (switching to the pedestrian exit from the program, dropouts GPS (short-term jumps in the signal cut off), turn off the device) (included in "Preferences / Advanced / Returning to the car ":
- The name of the stories contain the name of the event, time, date:
- The icon of the element of history is the same as the icon of the "My POI":
- Autosave happens if the position is different from the last saved more than 50m.
27. Settings reach your destination (the nominal arrival event occurs when the distance to the finish line less than 100 m and during the time interval 5 seconds. Speed is less than 2 km / h):
- Distance setting of arrival:
- Adjust the speed of arrival:
- The possibility of on / off. a confirmation of arrival:
- The ability to customize the menu is the destination (Off / Standard menu of travel information / menus with avtom.vyhodom / Menu with avtom.vyklyucheniem device):
- The ability to customize the display time of a selected menu of destination (if the menu screen, the finish produced any action (switch to "pedestrian", just click on the screen, etc.), the timer stops):
28.Dobavlen access to the trip computer (standard uses two tripkompyutera for technical purposes: 1 - for the current route (on the basis of their data runs the progress bar on the left route in the cabin, etc.) 2 - for general statistics (Help / About / More information / statistics)):
- To call the trip computer can be configured for quick menu button or one of the buttons in the cockpit right side menu:
- For custom travel in the viewing screen computers will be available to the button "Pause" and "Reset":
- To add a custom computer:
num_of_trips = 4, or their number (by default - 2)
- Added ability to select data for the trip computer display them on the data fields in the cockpit and the intro (as a source, you can choose any of the computers registered in the program - current route, Statistics, dropped / stopped by user Travels 1.2 ,...)( long press of a button changes tripkompyutera - go to the screen tripkompyutera):
29. Split-screen in the navigation view:
- Enable / disable the call button in the "visual notes":
- Two modes of display (Route summary, nearest location (a dynamic list of POI's almost like in 8.3)) (click on the button name - switching between modes, long press - setting the appropriate mode):
- Mode "Route Summary" may only display the first page of the list:
- Mode "Route summary" option you can choose to display data (results, Normal, detailed instructions, list of roads):
- Mode "Route summary:" There are two possible options display additional data (only the distance, all data):
- Mode "Closest" can only display the first page of the list:
- Mode "Closest" can be set distance search:
- Mode "Closest" can display the POI of the selected group (the list will include all elements of the chosen and all sub-groups):
- Mode "Closest" can include a filter named POI:
- Mode "Nearby places" after paging through a list of about 10 seconds you are automatically taken to the first page;
- To simulate the split-screen off;
- With the active split-screen house numbers are not displayed (no space), all other information is shifted to the left:
- When the split-screen and split-hidden panel in the event of route information «POI on the highway" icon open split-screen changes to the relevant and pressing in this case reveals a split-screen with an active page «POI on the highway":
- From page «POI on the highway," a transition on the summary page and find the next route and back seats:
- When the split-screen and split-open panel in the case of route information «POI on the highway" icon will appear above in addition to access the «POI on the highway":
- Page «POI on the highway," a long push on the button panel to hide or move to another page will open the settings:
30. Simplified procedure for adding / removing the blocked road (quick add / remove the map search or browse in the cockpit as in 8.3):
- Non blocking cursor on the way (press the lock button - adding to the inclusion of all intervals, long press - adding to the inclusion of all intervals of + transition in the current lock set intervals):
- The cursor is locked on the road (pressing the delete button lock - removal of the current block the confirmation, long press - go to the settings of the current block of intervals):
- The cursor off the roads (the distance from the nearest segment of the larger 50m) - the button to add / delete inactive:
- Streamlined screen view / edit blocked roads in going from the list of blocked roads (route the call through-More-blocked roads) (removed redundant buttons):
31. Added ability to search for list items, stories, favorite, POI, intersection of streets directly in the search screen to select the action (the construction of the route or to preview the map):
- By default, clicking on the item in the list - build a route, click on the button with an additional icon - Preview on the map:
- Change the action to the contrary - in the "Advanced Settings / Clicking on the search list element":
32. Added the ability to control dynamic volume (as in the skin for 8.3):
- Simple mode (adjustable speed range within which the main volume varies from 25% to 100%):
- Voice prompts (adjustable speed range within which only the volume of voice prompts change):
- Basic sound (adjustable speed range within which the volume of basic sound changes):
- Basic sound + voice prompts (adjustable speed range within which the volume of basic sounds and voice prompts change):
33. Changes for TMC (as in the skin for 8.3):
- Ability to manually enter the frequency of the station:
- A choice of stations an edited list:
- Automatic payment to the station to the list of stations:
maximum list size (default 30) changes in sys.txt
saved_stations = 30
- Buttons for manual adjustments of frequency (long press - search in the appropriate direction of the range):
- New Safe Mode, search for TMC-stations:
1) manual (built-in Auto Search Primo off):
2) automatic (built-in Auto Search Primo included):
3) automatic (scanning) (built-in Auto Search Primo off, is scanning range):
4) automatic (list) (built-in Auto Search Primo off, is looking only at the list of saved stations, if the list is empty - scanning range):
5) automatic (list + scans) (built-in Auto Search Primo off, the search for just the list of saved stations + scanning range):
For automatic mode 3), 4), 5) may be the following settings:
test_station_time = 3, the number of seconds the signal TMS before continue the search
hold_station_time = 15; wait time in seconds at the frequency of the station, after the loss of signal
34. Added ability to configure the Bluetooth button launch an external program from a list (if Primo does not support the Bluetooth device):
- Settings - long press on the Bluetooth button on the main menu, right menu, etc:
35. Added the ability to individually turn on / off voice acting maneuvers along the route. While another voice voice (speeding, TTSPro etc.) work regardless of this setting:
36. Detours maneuvers in the main menu detours:
37. Detour right next maneuver in the cabin:
- Calling on a long push on the following streets:
- A confirmation of a detour if not confirmed, or will disappear after 10 seconds, or by passage of this maneuver:
38. Added the ability to put the insertion point anywhere in the input parameter + scrolling left / right input fields long (useful when entering long options). Option is available for input fields, input which is not enabled "smart" keyboard (with supervision available klavisch) (eg when entering a new name to add / edit POI, the new name added / edited the group POI, the new additional information edited POI, and edit the path parameter external programs, editing the name TMC-station, I saved routes, tracks, favorite lines for Google-search, etc.):
39. Ability to quickly switch between keyboard layouts in the selected input screens:
- Settings (inclusion and choice of favorite layouts):
- Fast switching of selected layouts at the touch of a screen, enter:
- Long press on the switch button opens a standard list of available layouts:
40. Added customizable quick search on the main menu Search POI:
- Switching between regular and customized searches (state retained):
- Long press on an element of a quick search - go to the settings:
- Possible setting of POI:
- Possible to set the distance of search (from mashruta) POI (available only when choosing the type of search "on route"):
- Possible to set search type "on route" / "At the finish line" (for the second option is inactive and setting the distance distance search is 50 km):
41. Changes to methods of calculating your route:
Added new method "More highways" (Most highways) (there is such for Primo) (Observations - very close to the "fast" (in the absence of the proposed route on the way highways equal to)):
Added a new algorithm for calculating alternative routes (multi routes):
- Switching between algorithms ("Standard / Multicolour routes") in Settings / Preferences route:
- The calculation is only for the main methods of calculation (without the "Speed 1", "Speed 2", etc.);
- On-screen display of all the route options in different colors:
to match the colors on the map and the menu must have at color.ini the color scheme of this unit:

planned_road_alt1="", 255,0,0
planned_road_alt1_ext="", 120,0,0
planned_road_alt2="", 0,255,0
planned_road_alt2_ext="", 0,120,0
planned_road_alt3="", 0,0,255
planned_road_alt3_ext="", 0,0,120
planned_road_alt4="", 255,40,230
planned_road_alt4_ext="", 120,0,110
planned_road_alt5="", 0,255,255
planned_road_alt5_ext="", 0,120,120

because the above colors in the default schemes in data.zip are little different from one another and this functionality in default scheme is not used, we have taken the values used in the schemes for iGO8 (changed only alt4);
- After the alternative routes calculation you can quickly switch between route options, include a map of all routes (the button "All routes" is visible only if you select an option), without repeating the calculations:
- When leaving the screen alternative routes the program provides the selected option (also without any additional calculation), if the option is not selected, ie at the moment of the map shows all the routes, the method of calculation does not change (the same that was before it enters the alternative routes screen) ;
- A screen button has been added to the Alternative routes screen to change the profile of the vehicle.
42. Changes in TTSPro using TTS-voices
- Voice: a voice event start / program exit:
When these parameters a standard voice-related settings are inactive
listen to a phrase you can immediately test the menu (the button is enabled when the test voice-enabled voice and basically a sound):
on / off in TTSPro menu will be available with the support of TTS-voice capabilities such, ie in the presence of \ i18n \ dictionary.voice voice file such a block transfer (for example, Russian TTS):
- Voice vote with the battery status (on / off external power, low and critical levels of charge):
possible inclusion of each of the separate sentences:
When these parameters a standard voice-related settings are inactive
listen to a phrase you can immediately test the menu (the button is enabled when the test voice-enabled voice and basically a sound):
on / off in TTSPro menu will be available with the support of TTS-voice capabilities such, ie in the presence of \ i18n \ dictionary.voice voice file such a block transfer (for example, Russian TTS):
- Aka the voice of the right button presses and quick menu in the cockpit:
listen to a phrase you can immediately test the menu (the button is enabled when the test voice-enabled voice and basically a sound);
on / off in TTSPro menu will be available when you activate TTS-voices (check no translation);
- Aka the voice of the current situation at the entrance to screen "The current position" by pressing on the current street in the cockpit:
listen to a phrase you can immediately test the menu (the button is enabled when the test voice-enabled voice and basically a sound);
on / off in TTSPro menu will be available when you activate TTS-voices (check no translation);
- Voice tone parameters established for the destination route (the phrase "Arriving at your destination in x hours y minutes. Z distance meters.") (Called long-click on the pointer maneuvers in the cockpit:
listen to a phrase you can immediately test the menu (the button is enabled when the test voice-enabled voice and basically a sound);
on / off in TTSPro menu will be available with the support of TTS-voice capabilities such, ie in the presence of \ i18n \ dictionary.voice voice file such a block transfer (for example, Russian TTS):
- Aka the voice of signs prohibiting the appearance of their flexibility in the cockpit:
listen to a phrase you can immediately test the menu (the button is enabled when the test voice-enabled voice and basically a sound);
on / off in TTSPro menu will be available with the support of TTS-voice capabilities such, ie in the presence of \ i18n \ dictionary.voice voice file such a block transfer (for example, Russian TTS):
- Aka the voice of characters DA (separate sentences for each of the characters):
phrases can listen to the test once the menu (the button to go to the screen test voice-activated in the ground and included the sounds of the voice instructions):
when you turn a standard voice-related settings are inactive
on / off in TTSPro menu will be available with the support of TTS-voice capabilities such, ie in the presence of \ i18n \ dictionary.voice voice file such a block transfer (for example, Russian TTS):
- Voice voice camera warning (the phrase "Let x m stationary radar. Restriction y miles per hour.")
Enabling the appropriate setting some standard voice acting are inactive:
inclusion is tied to the profile settings, cameras;
listen and turn on / off additional phrases distances and speed limits can be directly in the menu (button to go to the screen test voice-activated in the ground and included the sound of the voice instructions):
on / off in TTSPro menu will be available with the support of TTS-voice capabilities such, ie in the presence of \ i18n \ dictionary.voice voice file such a block transfer (for example, Russian TTS):
- Voice vote total (default 'voice of the country is only at the border and includes only the speed limit) information about the country:
there is no separate switching;
available with the support of TTS-voice capabilities such, ie in the presence of \ i18n \ dictionary.voice voice file such a block transfer (for example, Russian TTS):
- Correction for distance unit TTSPro (aka distance by means of TTS is used in TTSPro / Warnings about the cameras and TTSPro / Summary of the finish (by long press)):
use only if the TTS voice is used incorrectly pronounces the selected distance units (meters, kilometers, miles, etc.):
listen to the test phrase with and without correction may be right in the menu (the button is activated when the test voice-enabled voice and basically a sound);
on / off in TTSPro menu will be available with the support of TTS-voice capabilities such, ie in the presence of \ i18n \ dictionary.voice voice file such a block transfer (for example, Russian TTS):
- Correction unit for velocities TTSPro (aka speed means used in the TTS TTSPro / Alerts cameras and TTSPro / Country information in the cockpit):
use only if the TTS voice is used incorrectly pronounces the selected unit of velocity (kilometers per hour, miles per hour):
listen to the test phrase with and without correction may be right in the menu (the button is activated when the test voice-enabled voice and basically a sound);
on / off in TTSPro menu will be available with the support of TTS-voice capabilities such, ie in the presence of \ i18n \ dictionary.voice voice file such a block transfer (for example, Russian TTS):
Correction speed unit does not apply to full-time TTS-voice-over-speed, its skin does not change, only a separate file.
To change the phrase under her edit \ i18n \ dictionary.voice in the voice file.
Ready for the Russian dictionary.voice TTS (you can use as a voice from the TTS-Primo 1.1 and from the Primo 1.2) with added above the blocks. Add (or replace if any) in the voice file *. zip (you should have *. zip \ i18n \ dictionary.voice) (red.03.07.2011):
43. Extras:
- Repainted almost all the images in a new style for all permits (say thanks Andron66);
- Added ability to disable street names for maps and navigation simulation separately for 2D/3D modes (Options-Settings cards);
- Corrected errors in data.zip displaying items when you use language such as "right-left» (right to left) (Hebrew, ...);
- Ckin bug fixes data.zip with color schemes (including no need to prescribe default = 1,2 in the schema file);
- Ckin corrects camera restrictions on Ukrainian territory (the error is the current version of Primo 1.2); if in the future program (next version) will work correctly with the restriction chamber of Ukraine, will be sufficient to add to sys.txt:
speedlimit_ua_correction = 0

18 MB RAR file--direct download
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Megaduck - information
WertVRV - author
Andron66 - author of all the skin images (for 800_480 completely drawn almost all the pictures in high quality).
dima8389 - author of the original skin di / \ / \ ka for iGO8.3, many of whom moved to the skin for Primo.
psb - author decompiler file *. lua, without which there would be no skins.

The "You can increase the speed........." feature comes in very handy on roads that change speed limits up and down as you travel along them. For instructions on how to modify/update the dictionary.voice files in Nuance TTS Pro voices for Primo 1.2 to include this feature, see here:

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Re: diMka-WA P1.3.8 Skin for iGO Primo 1.2

Postby GOSSIO » Tue Oct 07, 2014 6:28 pm

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Re: diMka-WA P1.3.8 Skin for iGO Primo 1.2

Postby nabi » Tue Oct 07, 2014 7:55 pm

You mean wel, but you clutter up the forum by posting 'thanks' for the 3rd time !!! If everyone does that, we have to look for the useful posts between thousands and thousands of posting just saying 'THANKS' :lol: Ever think of that ???

Okay? Now this :
Do not post thanks but press the thanks button, which is the thumbs up symbol left from your screen name !!!
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