No probs
A bit of info how I went about it for anyone interested...
The file I changed is named navigatemap.ui, found in the ui_igo9\common\ui folder inside the skin.
I left a copy of the original navigatemap.ui in there, unedited just renamed to navigatemap-original.ui
I always make a copy of an original file before messing with things.
I only had to change 1 character which was to add a ; at the start of the line responsible for that screenshot function, which comments the line out so the program ignores it.
Line number 104 it is, it reads like this:
- Code: Select all
<BUTTON screen_captt class=txt_20 left=1% top=33% z=1 bmp="back_screen_t.bmp" onrelease=sc_CaptureScreen onlongclick=sc_TomsoftTachShow overmaplayer>
And when commented out appears like this:
- Code: Select all
; <BUTTON screen_captt class=txt_20 left=1% top=33% z=1 bmp="back_screen_t.bmp" onrelease=sc_CaptureScreen onlongclick=sc_TomsoftTachShow overmaplayer>
The contents of that file are responsible for how and where a lot of things display on the map screen when the skin's in use.
I know I did forget to edit the info.ini file that's inside the skin, it is from the info.ini file that Primo reads and displays the actual skin name in settings.
You can have more than one of the same skin in the content\skin folder, with only minor differences between them, like that one function I disabled in the above skin, but without editing that info.ini file and giving them different names, Primo will display them all as the same name, making it harder to swap to the desired skin.
Primo ignores the name of the file.