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Garmin Lifetime Updater

Fri Jul 15, 2011 8:41 am

[SIZE="4"]Garmin Lifetime Updater[/size]

The no-hassle way for devices with nüMaps Lifetime™ subscriptions to get map updates.
Garmin Lifetime Updater continually checks for available map updates and automatically downloads them to your computer. It then alerts you right on your desktop when files are ready to install.

Start by downloading and installing Lifetime Updater on your computer
  • Downloads files automatically to your computer.
  • No sign-in required.
  • No web browser required.
  • Advanced options let you specify download speed and schedules.
  • [color="sienna"]You must have a valid subscription to use this program[/color]
[SIZE="3"][Please Register or Login to download file]

[Please Register or Login to download file]

Save your devices in the application

The application downloads map updates for you. All you have to do is install them when you are ready.

[Please Register or Login to download file]

Fri Jul 15, 2011 8:53 pm

I tried to add Garmin mobile XT from my Nokia N82 but app don't want to add it. I tried It by nokia cable and by memorycard reader witch reads micro sd, but I have this problem. Thank you for your help

more information:
app see the device but cannot add it and saying somethink like adding device

Sun Jun 24, 2012 7:50 pm

please re-upload link!thks

Mon Jun 25, 2012 7:57 am

All links are working properly!

(reupload wouldn't be possible, because it's directly from Garmin servers :D)

Tue Nov 13, 2012 6:23 pm

What happens if you have a Nuvi with lifetime USA maps and move it to Australia.
How do you switch the map subscription to a new country?

The Nuvi has never been registered so I wonder if simply replacing the map image with the Ozzie one would then let the upgrader do its work?

Anyone have any thoughts on this?

Wed Nov 14, 2012 8:30 pm

WomblingFree wrote:What happens if you have a Nuvi with lifetime USA maps and move it to Australia.
How do you switch the map subscription to a new country?

The Nuvi has never been registered so I wonder if simply replacing the map image with the Ozzie one would then let the upgrader do its work?

Anyone have any thoughts on this?

Got an answer from Garmin on this.
Despite al the claims about Lifetime Updates for the life of the unit and the original owner, what they don't tell you is that each 'LM' model is coded for a particular market and you cannot get free updates for any other area.
It'd be good if they told people that 'up front'.

Re: Garmin Lifetime Updater

Sat Apr 14, 2018 11:48 am

tyvm sweet

Updater for Garmin Nuvi 255w

Sun Mar 31, 2019 2:34 am


guys can I use this lifetime map updater for my Nuvi255w which does not have any option to update map. It has 2010 map.

Re: Garmin Lifetime Updater

Sun Mar 31, 2019 7:02 am

inchica2009 wrote:Hi,

guys can I use this lifetime map updater for my Nuvi255w which does not have any option to update map. It has 2010 map.

Download and copy the new maps that you need

Re: Garmin Lifetime Updater

Sun Mar 31, 2019 6:55 pm

OK DOWNLOADED 2019.20 MAP. Works great now. Put it on sd card since the map was large and my internal memory was only 2GB.

Re: Garmin Lifetime Updater

Thu Jun 09, 2022 3:41 am

Siudenote - is Lifetime updater available for BigSUr nowadays or Garmin has dropped the support?

Re: Garmin Lifetime Updater

Thu Jun 09, 2022 4:13 am

andrus73 wrote:Siudenote - is Lifetime updater available for BigSUr nowadays or Garmin has dropped the support?

The most recent found is WebUpdater for Mac software version 2.2.1
as of September 29, 2020
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Mac OS 10.10 or higher
Current Version of Garmin Express for Mac: v7.13.2 as of May 20th, 2022.
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