zrilek wrote:found something like Garmin XT for Symbian S60 v5.00.60, but not sure how authentic it is. If our moderators can confirm.
I can confirm its authentic, cause made by me. The "pl" stands for painless and is based on the official release from garmin Taiwan, just made it international. Its signed, its working
You can install the latest one from garmin's website: [Please Register or Login to download file] , as well as the support files and basemap. However, the landscape mode won't work properly.
Hi, i have a Mio C310 and have installed XT v5.00.20w, and i works fine but not the GPS-antenna. I dont know how to find the correct GPS-antenna. I have tryed to change the settings in the menu under GPS-antenna, but nothing happens. I cant recornice the correct antenna. I there anyone that have a sollution ? I have tryed in portslitter but no ??