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Thu Dec 23, 2010 9:33 am

Thanks for your input mod.. :D That means mine for around city use should be Papago then.

By the way, just found out that my 5" unit is 480x272.

CPU: Atlas-4
O/S: Win CE6.0
SDRam: 64MB

In this case what is recommended? The Papago x7 reality for R6100 can be used?

Fri Dec 24, 2010 3:25 am

That could be your problem too as this release is mainly for hi-res devices.
For your resolution try a normal Garmin version, it might work better.
For Papago please ask in the section as I don't know anything about it ;)

Fri Dec 24, 2010 9:09 pm


I'm new to this as i just got the chinavision king cobra 800x480 2 DIN HU with GPS built in. The memory card came with IGO8 but I'm trying to get the version of Garmin here to work. From the system browser, the memory card shows as 'Storage Card' and i am assuming I need the Storage Card version which I have downloaded and extracted the files to the root of the memory card. I browse to the folder where Garmin.exe is present and select it as the startup exe for the GPS application according to the instructions. When I try to fire up the application, I can hear a sound like the program is initialising but nothing happens on the screen.

What else do I need to do to get it to run? The headunit is on WinCE 5.0.

Specs for hardware are below.

- Chip Type: Samsung
- Processor: 2440
- Frequency: 400Hz
- Memory: 64 MB SDRAM
- GUI Interface: YES - 3D type

Fri Dec 24, 2010 10:39 pm

Ok...I got it to work as I realised in the path, it points to the Garmin folder in the root. I created this folder and all is well now.

However, the text display when you search for POI is truncated. Anyway to fix this?

Sun Dec 26, 2010 1:49 am

Hi downunder, I read you collect a lot of info for making this great release (by the way, it work in my chinese WinCE 6.0 GPS), and I want to ask you if in the way of making it, you manage to include the modified que.exe that has some performance improvement. The name of the file is QueCE5.3_1.exe and I found it here
[Please Register or Login to download file]

I also would like to ask you if you know about any solution to the 3D map not centered and shift from left to right.

Thanks in advance!

Sun Dec 26, 2010 2:09 am

no_name wrote:And I dont have a problem viewing the 3D mode, it is just fine:


So is there any solution?
Thanks in advance!

Hi no name. I'm trying to investigate the 3D map shifting in some gps models, and I saw you don't have that problem. Is there any chance you could send to me a zip with all the files contained in your resident flash (in WinCE)? I will like to see if this is cause by some missing or differente dll.

Thanks in advance!

Wed Dec 29, 2010 2:40 pm

ninguno wrote:Hi no name. I'm trying to investigate the 3D map shifting in some gps models, and I saw you don't have that problem. Is there any chance you could send to me a zip with all the files contained in your resident flash (in WinCE)? I will like to see if this is cause by some missing or differente dll.

Thanks in advance!

FYI, I use same the Garmin CE software save in 2 different typeChina PNA 800X480, found 1 PNA map shifted as above mention but another PNA found map OK.
Highly possible map shifted cause by PNA OS wince itself.


Thu Dec 30, 2010 1:06 am

ninguno wrote:Hi downunder, I read you collect a lot of info for making this great release (by the way, it work in my chinese WinCE 6.0 GPS), and I want to ask you if in the way of making it, you manage to include the modified que.exe that has some performance improvement. The name of the file is QueCE5.3_1.exe and I found it here
[Please Register or Login to download file]

I also would like to ask you if you know about any solution to the 3D map not centered and shift from left to right.

Thanks in advance!

No I have not used this Que.exe, but afaik you can replace the EXE in my release with this and simply try it out.
You might need to adjust the paths though, assuming that they can be edited in your version as I found quite a lot of versions out there that are compiled so you can not edit the path without the source files at hand :(

For the shifting problem you guys here do the right thing- it must be a difference in the CE system itself.
I assume it has something to do with the screen handling : Either the native screen resolution differs from what is set up in the CE core and the device emulates it or they use a driver for the display that is not really compatible with the MS standards.
The only other thing in my mind would b that the type of screen used is not compatible, like these new capacitive touch screens.
There must be a program out there to check the display on the device under CE, maybe this way we can compare results from different devices (with and without the shifting problem) and if we are really lucky we will find some connections.

Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:31 am

Hi Downunder35m,
"On my old ICN520 I get the other versions working" So my Icn 520 should work with Garmin to?
First I did have Tomtom and for some reason it did't work anymore:doh:
So I wanted to try Garmin ( Have a garmin Edge705 on my bike, excellent stuff)
I looked in the forum and tried about every version nothing is working for my.
Peaple also are taking about a tuturial but I can't find this.( changing en renaming some files)
I trying this for 3 days now! and I'm tired of it.
So you are my last hope to make it work.
I don't want to buy a new gps because my ICN520 got me everywhere I wanted to go and still did work fine.
Are do you have a better solution as Garmin ( please links to tuturial)
I feel like an idiot not get my gps working myself

Tue Jan 04, 2011 6:15 am

Any one experience that when you start the program, it just hang at the Garmin NavitTotal Edition page?

Tue Jan 04, 2011 6:55 am

This Garmin release is meant to be used on devices with 800x480 pixel resolution (Hi-res) togheter with a fast CPU and enough Ram.
An ICN is lacking all that and most likely Garmin will not work on it.
Igo however was tested fine on my old ICN 520 and even works with TTS voices on it.
If you really need Garmin I suggest to try one of the other Garmin releases for CE.
But please keep in mind that Garmin was designed for WM and every CE release out there is more or less a hack that compensates the stuff that CE can not offer.

If the device freezes or hangs than it is often caused by an incompatible CE system that is not fully equipped with all components or is modified in way that only the manufacturer knows.
If the installation is correct it should start and work fine, as there is nothing I can do to fix unknown errors caused by a device I have no point to start.
All I can say again is that it was tested on several devices with 128mb Ram (CE5 and 6) as well as on the Microsoft CE emulator with no problems at all.
If other Garmin releases show the same symptoms on your device than all you can try is to find out what exactly causes program to hang, e.g. missing DLL's, software running in the background etc...
After that you can only try a different GPS software like Igo, Primo, Papago, Mio and so on.

I'm sorry but my knowledge is limited to what I can see and get as a report and so far I was not able to find a general cause for the problems on some devices.

Tue Jan 04, 2011 8:47 am

Thanks for the reply.
I am running on those Witson Brand DVD/GPS systems also.
I have tried quite a numbers of Garmin release have the same problem at some point, it will shown the "ERROR: Assert failed at CDP_StaticListField.cpp : 646 in Garmin Mobile XT with error 0" message.
While I run your version, the program just hang there.
I understand no one know every detail on Garmin, specially on the crack version. Just trying my luck here.
Thanks anyway for the great job you have done!

Tue Jan 04, 2011 9:10 am

When you do a Google search you might notice that I already tried to find a solution for that particular error but it seems noone knows a thing about it.
There is only one thing I could think off and that would be that Garmin calls DLL files in the CE system that are modified by the manufacturer and can't handle this request correctly.
If that is caused by a wrong call inside Garmin or really caused by the corresponding DLL can only be answered by a good coder that can analyse this error on a device that actually causes it every time.
As this a problem with every Garmin version so far I tend to say it is a DLL and not Garmin as any good hacker would try to avoid that same error for the next release.

Tue Jan 04, 2011 10:39 am

Gave up garmin, installed Igo8, works even better as Tomtom, much quicker Gps lock, program loading etc..
But had to use Navteq maps witch are more detailed for my region( even if teleatlas should be better for europe).
Navitotal did it again:lol:

Thu Jan 13, 2011 1:28 am

Hi all

Thanks guys for your work, I have it working OK. The only problem is the 3D image cut as described here.

cheers all
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