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Sun Aug 28, 2011 6:30 am

@2happy, try to send the route in your device with Garmin XT running (if this is possible).

Sun Aug 28, 2011 7:01 am

No - not possible, my XT runs from a sd card and I have to transfer data by removing from the unit (an in car 2din) and inserting via card reader into the PC.

Sun Aug 28, 2011 7:30 am

But at least Mapsource transfers waypoints on your sd card.
With waypoints transfered, you can create the route on the device, like in Mapsource.
Try this ideea.

Tue Aug 30, 2011 1:30 pm


can someone help me with my garmin.mscr codings for saving Settings?


If(WndExists("Garmin Mobile XT"))
Show("Garmin Mobile XT")


#Run Windows CE


#Hide Taskbar

Run("\Storage Card\Garmin\RunGMXT\TaskbarToggle.exe")


#Copy previous stored settings to \Garmin
XCopy("\Storage Card\Garmin\Settings\*.*","\Garmin",TRUE)

#Run Garmin Mobile XT.
RunWait("\Storage Card\Garmin\Apps\WM\que.exe")

#Save new settings back to SD Card
XCopy("\Garmin\*.*","\Storage Card\Garmin\Settings",TRUE)


#Show Taskbar
#Run("\Storage Card\Garmin\RunGMXT\TaskbarToggle.exe")


Tue Aug 30, 2011 1:33 pm

What problem are you having?

Tue Aug 30, 2011 1:53 pm

Fatboyfun wrote:What problem are you having?

i cant save my settings. once launched it is in chinese and i have changed it to english and all e other necessary settings to english but everytime i exit e program, it goes back to chinese interface.

Tue Aug 30, 2011 2:07 pm

Does your device call your SD card "Storage Card" "SDMMC" or something else?

Tue Aug 30, 2011 2:15 pm

Fatboyfun wrote:Does your device call your SD card "Storage Card" "SDMMC" or something else?

Storage Card.

i have also changed my .xml file contents to Storage Card

Tue Aug 30, 2011 6:18 pm

I take it you're running RunGMXT\Garmin.exe and not Apps\WM\Que.exe?

Also did you need to rename any folders to be able to start Garmin?

Tue Aug 30, 2011 7:17 pm

Fatboyfun wrote:I take it you're running RunGMXT\Garmin.exe and not Apps\WM\Que.exe?

Also did you need to rename any folders to be able to start Garmin?

i'm running from Apps\WM\Que.exe.

Nope, i did not rename any folders to start Garmin. i was able to start Garmin using Apps\WM\Que.exe

Tue Aug 30, 2011 7:22 pm

i_avante wrote:i'm running from Apps\WM\Que.exe.

Nope, i did not rename any folders to start Garmin. i was able to start Garmin using Apps\WM\Que.exe

Boom! And therein lies the problem... The script is not running, The backup/restore is not happening, What happens when you run Garmin\RunGMXT\Garmin.exe?

Tue Aug 30, 2011 7:36 pm

oops! guess i got it wrong... let me try and feedback again.
thanx alot!

Thu Sep 01, 2011 12:55 pm

Giving my warmest thanks to Downunder for this post. Finally got Garmin Mobile XT working on my generic car DVD with GPS. Used all the files included in his post as-is, and changed setting of Map Detail to LEAST and I'm able to minimize the crashes when using the system.

Only inconvenience I have at the moment is when searching for POI's, the texts seem to overlay each other on the search results. Other than that all's well. Thanks again.

Thu Sep 01, 2011 1:13 pm

Fatboyfun wrote:Boom! And therein lies the problem... The script is not running, The backup/restore is not happening, What happens when you run Garmin\RunGMXT\Garmin.exe?

Ok, I ran from garmin.exe and it will show my explorer.exe screen then load to garmin launch screen(e 1 showing garmin 2008....) Then it took another 3-4mins to go to e garmin main menu. Anyway to minimize e loading time? And also after I press e exit program button, it closes garmin and show e explorer.exe screen again then after awhile it goes back to my main screen.

Thu Sep 01, 2011 1:59 pm

If Garmin works ok when used without the script then use this script...

#Copy previous stored settings to \Garmin
XCopy ("\Storage Card\Garmin\Settings\*.*", "\Garmin", TRUE)

#Run Garmin Mobile XT
RunWait ("\Storage Card\Garmin\Apps\WM\que.exe")

#Save new settings back to SD Card
XCopy ("\Garmin\*.*", "\Storage Card\Garmin\Settings" ,TRUE)
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