kleobis wrote:Downunder35
Hi, Like you can see, I´ve taken a fews days to investigate about the hour.
I find this script, this puts the time zone and car´s time setting when the GPS satellites detected.
RegWriteDword("HKLM", "\Software\Microsoft\Clock", "AutoDST", 1)
RegWriteBinary("HKLM", "Time", "TimeZoneInformation", "C4FFFFFF52006F006D0061006E00630065002000530074006 1006E0064006100720064002000540069006D0065000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000A0000000 50003000000000000000000000052006F006D0061006E00630 0650020004400610079006C006900670068007400200054006 9006D006500000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000300000005000200000000000000C4FFFFFF")
RegWriteMultiString("HKLM", "Loader", "SystemPath", Array( IniRead("Autorun.ini", "Sys","DllPack"), IniRead("Autorun.ini", "Sys","SysExe"))
RegWriteString("HKLM", "Time", "Dlt", "Romance Daylight Time")
I don´t know if it works, and the most important thing, I don´t know how to adaptate to your fabulous program.
If you think that is posible...
Sorry for my insistence but if I can help you improve, I do with taste
MS001 wrote:Hi, I have similar problem with my storage card which name "ResidentFlash", after follow the given solution now I can launch my Garmin but new problem occurred due to it can't find the GPS so I guess it cause from QUE.EXE? so could you please help me with SD card name "ResidentFlash"
Big thanks.
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