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Sun Dec 08, 2013 5:57 pm

Tafseer wrote:Car uses a Micro sd card. I know that Garmap drive will work as my friend uses 1 on his unit.

no i meant check on your navigation unit what root it uses to look for navigation software

Storage Card

@Downunder, I tested today link for SDMMC and this file is in the filefactory
[Please Register or Login to download file]

I then Tested StorageCard and that one has the proper one for it.

P.S I have stated that i have got garmin to work on my friends unit, uses StorageCard , I have also got it to work on my pc emulator Uses Storage Card
However i am unable to get it working on my unit, thats Storagecard , Should the capital "C" difference be the reason?
can u make if possible one for Storagecard ?? i am using igo 2.4 that have online google search feature and i love it, (although i havent got a 3g usb modem yet for my unit)
but i have tried 4 different variations of igo sofar and this was the fastest and best one for me. However, my failure on Garmin for my unit is really pissing me off. I just want to know how my unit works on it.
So if you have time could you please make for Storagecard

Mon Dec 09, 2013 5:12 pm

Thanks Mustangl for the help earlier. Seems it was my pc acting up as the link does work for Storage Card. Download was successful.

Mustangl wrote:lol..
no i meant check on your navigation unit what root it uses to look for navigation software

Storage Card

@Downunder, I tested today link for SDMMC and this file is in the filefactory
[Please Register or Login to download file]

I then Tested StorageCard and that one has the proper one for it.

P.S I have stated that i have got garmin to work on my friends unit, uses StorageCard , I have also got it to work on my pc emulator Uses Storage Card
However i am unable to get it working on my unit, thats Storagecard , Should the capital "C" difference be the reason?
can u make if possible one for Storagecard ?? i am using igo 2.4 that have online google search feature and i love it, (although i havent got a 3g usb modem yet for my unit)
but i have tried 4 different variations of igo sofar and this was the fastest and best one for me. However, my failure on Garmin for my unit is really pissing me off. I just want to know how my unit works on it.
So if you have time could you please make for Storagecard

Re: Garmin Mobile XT CE for Chinanavi with 800x480

Thu Feb 13, 2014 1:24 pm

Figured out a quicker way to start XT on a Chinese 800x480 CE6 SDMMC device.
Quicker than having to go into the CE desktop, navigating through the device to Que.exe then starting it from there all the time.
Gave up trying to create a permanent shortcut on the desktop as it was lost every restart.

Using Fatboyfun's Simple Shell, create a shortcut with it to explorer.exe.
Run Simple Shell & select the explorer shortcut.
That brings up the CE taskbar on the bottom of the screen with a SHELLEX_LYG taskbar button appearing in it.
Don't touch the SHELLEX_LYG button, instead tap Start > Run > Browse, navigate to Que.exe, select it, tap OK.
Then tap OK in the Run box & it should start XT.
Once this is done once, from then on the Run box should remember Que.exe & it's just a matter of running Simple Shell > explorer > Start > Run > OK instead of all the extra taps needed to start it the other way.

XT won't start if only a shortcut to Que.exe is created as it needs an explorer shell running first.
Might not work on all devices but it works reliably on mine, still needs a restart after exiting XT though that's been the case since I first got it working.

Apologies if this info is already here, don't remember reading it when I read right through the thread a few months ago.


Re: Garmin Mobile XT CE for Chinanavi with 800x480

Mon Jun 23, 2014 9:36 am

you put the file on file factory and we have to pay to have it ?
Why we have to pay for a file we don't know if the software is ok ?

Re: Garmin Mobile XT CE for Chinanavi with 800x480

Mon Jun 23, 2014 9:56 am

What do you speaking about? You haven't to pay for any download here. Look carefully, the download providers have the option to choose slow download for free or fast download for money.

Re: Garmin Mobile XT CE for Chinanavi with 800x480

Mon Jun 23, 2014 10:31 am


Re: Garmin Mobile XT CE for Chinanavi with 800x480

Sat Dec 13, 2014 10:35 pm

I have an unlocked Navman ICN 510 (Win CE 4.2)
IGO Prima and Tomtom are running fine.
Garmin is my preferred program because I can allways update to the last new maps.
I downloaded the package for "Storage Card".
I renamed the directory "Garmin Storage Card" to "Garmin". I've put a gmapbmap in the directory.
The links in the XML are OK.
When I run Que.exe I get the error message "Cannot find Que (or one of its components). Make sure the path and filename are correct and that all the required libraries are available.". It seems that something is missing, or.... I forgot something.

What went wrong ?????

Re: Garmin Mobile XT CE for Chinanavi with 800x480

Sun Dec 14, 2014 8:34 am

This means something in the windows directory that Garmin expects to find has been removed by the manufacturer.

You can scan que.exe with dependency walker to find out what dll's are required, then drop the missing files in que.exe's directory.

This is not guaranteed to make it work however.

Re: Garmin Mobile XT CE for Chinanavi with 800x480

Sun Dec 14, 2014 7:48 pm

Thanks for the possible solution Fatboyfun.
A lot of DLL were missing (about 25). I found them all, but without any good result.... too bad.
I saw a short clip on Youtube of a ICN520 running Garmin, I mailed the owner of the clip.
Maybe he can mail me the directory structure.
Till then...... I'm patient.

Re: Garmin Mobile XT CE for Chinanavi with 800x480

Sun Dec 14, 2014 8:38 pm

Don't forget Garmin (and TomTom) were developed for windows mobile, not windows ce. They're not going to work on every windows ce device. Sometimes you're just better off going with other software.

Re: Garmin Mobile XT CE for Chinanavi with 800x480

Wed Jan 21, 2015 4:17 pm

Hello boys,

There is a Chinese 7 inch WinCE 6.0 device whose 800x480 resolution.
Nicely started on the Garmin Ignisport program, the only problem is that the
generated file SW.UNL not accept.
I tried the device ID from the memory card can unlock code to
do it, but do not accept.
Also interesting is that the device ID 31458080 and allegedly else is the same ID number as though they should be unique.
The generated code 1111111111 identifier ID will not be accepted. :(
How do I unlock software?

Re: Garmin Mobile XT CE for Chinanavi with 800x480

Sat Feb 21, 2015 11:35 pm

Hello I successfully installed garmin on my gps system.
but I have a problem with selecting my gps device in the settings.
I read that there should be a selection of different ports, but for me there is only a message saying
"Connection allowed to Garmin GPS device only"
any idea on how to solve this?

Re: Garmin Mobile XT CE for Chinanavi with 800x480

Thu Apr 16, 2015 4:08 am

hi, i've successfully :023: install in my ECHD China 2din player in ford ranger.
just make sure your sd card path (SDMMC, MMC, StorageCard or Storage Card)
download the appropriate file according to your sd card address
in root of your sd card, put Garmin folder.
copy all files in the folder.
download maps.. there you go.
luckily my player can choose which navigation file (*.exe) if not must use shell to use WinCE interface

kudo's to Downunder35m n fatboyfun

Re: Garmin Mobile XT CE for Chinanavi with 800x480

Fri May 22, 2015 3:34 pm

How well would this run on a unit that's 533mhz, 128mb ram.

I just want the fastest loading GPS possible.. currently I have iGO Primo..

Re: Garmin Mobile XT CE for Chinanavi with 800x480

Sat May 23, 2015 2:38 am

You want to stay away from garmin unless you like to mess with things.
It is not a true CE version, so it can work, but there is no guarantee for this.
Fast loading time hugely depend on the type of memory (card) used and you still need a fix on the satellites...
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