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Wed Feb 27, 2013 6:37 pm

Black Wolf wrote:Requirements: Windows CE v4.2 or Windows CE v5.0 or Windows CE v6.0, 16MB program memory.
Overview: This is Garmin Mobile XT for Windows Mobile v5.00.20w cracked to work under Windows CE.

This is Garmin Mobile XT for Windows Mobile v5.00.20w cracked to work under Windows CE. Inside is included a scripted that does the following:

1. Renames coredl2.dll depending on the Windows CE version
2. Configures/runs Port Splitter
3. Runs explorer
4. Hides the taskbar
5. Loads Garmin settings
6. Runs Garmin Mobile XT
7. Saves Garmin settings
8. Safely stops and exits Port Splitter

more info
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Download Instructions:
Download all in one package:
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Edit Garmin\RunGMXT\Garmin.mscr to enable/disable PortSplitter.
Delete Garmin\RunGMXT\Settings.dat to reconfigure PortSplitter.

Now it should run on any Windows CE device (4.2, 5.0, or 6.0). Just run Garmin\RunGMXT\Garmin.exe.

Old versions:
Garmin Mobile XT for Windows CE v5.00.10w

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TNX to Karagiosis author of this release!

IMPORTANT NOTICE: You may use this software for evaluation purposes only. If you like it, it is strongly suggested you buy it to support the developers. By any means you may not use this software to make money or use it for commercial purpose.

why can't i run the garmin application in my mio digiwalker 320 windows CE core 5.0? i store it in audio folder because i have no memory card in it can someone help me? tnx

Wed Feb 27, 2013 7:53 pm

jawojawo wrote:why can't i run the garmin application in my mio digiwalker 320 windows CE core 5.0? i store it in audio folder because i have no memory card in it can someone help me? tnx

I don't know why you can't run it, is there an error message?

Also posting the same information in different threads won't get you any help quicker!

Mon Mar 04, 2013 11:57 am

do i need to unlock first the c320 to run the garmin xt?

Re: Garmin Mobile XT for WinCE5.0 program

Mon May 23, 2016 10:59 am

Link is dead, please reupload new link.

Re: Garmin Mobile XT for WinCE5.0 program

Thu Sep 15, 2016 9:21 am

is there any way to make recorded track that is shown on the map more visible or wider? I know that garmin like zumos shows straight line that is clearly visible but in mobile xt it shows dotted line and i cant see it while driving or it takes a lot of effort.
Maybe i can edit something that it will be straight line and wider or at least the dots bigger?
Here is the picture of the track:
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