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Garmin Nuvi 42 - load unlocked maps via microSD?

Tue Oct 04, 2022 2:39 pm

Hi, I'm struggling to get my Nuvi 42 to recognise my MicroSD with unlocked maps on it.

I've tried it with the img file in the /Map folder and also the /Garmin folder.

My img file is called gmapsupp.img, but I've also renamed it to uk_gmapsupp.img in case it conflicted with the existing image file on the device.

I can copy the unlocked maps onto the device in the /Map folder and this works fine, but would prefer the microSD route as this doesn't require a connection to a PC,

This is an example of the HWID;
<PartNumber>006-B1613-00</PartNumber><SoftwareVersion>400</SoftwareVersion><Description>nüvi 42</Description>

Am I doing something wrong?

Re: Garmin Nuvi 42 - load unlocked maps via microSD?

Tue Oct 04, 2022 3:18 pm

nluk100 wrote:Am I doing something wrong?

Maybe Yes ...
1) microSD should not be larger than 32 GB (8 GB would be optimal size)
2) microSD must be formatted as FAT32
3) Create folder \Map and copy inside any .IMG Map
4) In \Garmin folder only 1 Map, named as gmapsupp.img. You can copy JCVs too, in \Garmin\JCV folder

Re: Garmin Nuvi 42 - load unlocked maps via microSD?

Tue Oct 04, 2022 3:55 pm

Got it, for some reason my PC was defaulting to formatting in ex-FAT. Re-did it as FAT32 and it worked.

Thank you.
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