Tue May 24, 2022 12:59 am
i have a supratech ulises gps device found at a scrapyard, i know its an old device but i just wanted to explore it
i have unlocked it and i have full access to wince, its running version 5.0 and it has built in bluetooth, mic, headphone jack (can be used for line in too).
and i was searching for a navigation software to use on that system but unluckly all links for garmin XT, tomtom, igo 8.3.5 are dead and old.
the only software i found that still available to download was Igo Primo 2.4 from torrent source, and it is working good
i had to modify few lines to make the gps works (com1 to com7)
i downloaded the morocccan map and install it for primo 2.4, and works good.
i wanted to try the other navigation software, if anyone made/have mirrors for garmin wince5.0 version ,please comment bellow
thanks in advance :D
Sun Jul 24, 2022 9:28 am
I happen have Garmin Streetpilot XT remainig on disk, PM me e-mail to i can acticate google drive sharing.
Thu Aug 04, 2022 1:24 pm
Hello there, can you please share with us the Moroccan Map
Thank you