Overview: There is a checksum bug in JetMouse Garmin Keygen (a.k.a. Garmin Unlock Generator) versions 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5 which generate invalid unlock codes for some map IDs such as 2040 to 2047. This release fixes the bug by a binary patch to v1.5. Enjoy!
UnLock Map or Mapsource
1. Put your DeviceID ( In Garmin Tools/Settings/About or some similar)
2. Select <custom mapset>
3. Put MapID
4. Generate
5a. Unlock map image - Make .UNL file with this 25 digits generated key ( If map is GMAPSUPP.IMG make GMAPSUPP.UNL file...) (save as .UNL not .UNL.TXT)
5b. Unlock Mapsource map - Unlock map in Mapsource go menu "Utilities\manage map products\Unlock regions" push add button and add key here
UnLock Garmin Mobile XT/PC
1. Put your DeviceID ( In Garmin Tools/Settings/About or some similar)
2. Select Product Garmin Mobile XT/PC
3. Generate
4. Make SW.UNL file with this 25 digits generated key (save as .UNL not .UNL.TXT) Copy that SW.UNL file to Garmin directory