dijitek wrote:i need 1582 patch . someones help me about it . thank you
Working link
dijitek wrote:i need 1582 patch . someones help me about it . thank you
techguru wrote:Should I even bother with my Drive 60? It comes with free lifetime lower 48 but I kind of want to have the entire NA continent.
It looks like I would have to re-patch it after every map update since Garmin Express won't let you download the map until the firmware it updated to the latest?
MasterCard wrote:Anyone got a patch for a chinese navigator 5? HWID is 1982, thanks.
Is it even possible to turn it into a european nav?
GarmanNuvi wrote:MasterCard wrote:Anyone got a patch for a chinese navigator 5? HWID is 1982, thanks.
Is it even possible to turn it into a european nav?
I cannot find the firmware to patch, look in the device for GUPDATE.GCD or make a copy of your garmindevice.xml
BMWNavV Japan | 1982 | 230 | MAP: Yes | GMA: Yes | MSV: Weak | GVS: Yes | File: BMWNavV,China_GCDfileonly__230.gcd
MSV: Weak - it verifies the validity of map signatures in a simple way, you can unlock an .img using gimgunlock-0.04 (without patching your firmware), but in case of unicode maps (CP65001) you must modify the CP value
MasterCard wrote:
Thanks boss, it would seem that the chinese market navigator has a file called "gmapupdate.gsd" instead of "gupdate.gcd".
I have uploaded it .
Will try the map unlocker on the euro maps i put onto it.
GarmanNuvi wrote:I was able to get the gupdate.gcd with your garmindevice.xml and run the Patching software with OK for MSV ,GVS & signature removed as normal on other Asian devices, but I don't have this device to test. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK
alexparadaf wrote:Hi,
Would it be possible to apply the universal firmware patcher to a Garmin Alpha 100 already patched with Alpha regional limitation patcher?
Currently with version 8.60 installed on the machine.
If it is possible, how to do it correctly?
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