huntsman wrote:UnLock MapSource Directory v5.0 (19.09.2014)
UnLock GMAP Directory:
Copy "UnLock MapSource.exe" in .gmap directory and run...
If you have problem to run EXE file "Right click and Run As Administrator"
%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\GARMIN\Maps\*.gmap\
Just came across your tool here... Went to give it a try...
My old windows computer running MapSource died and I installed MapSource software on to my new computer from the Topo Canada V 2.0 CDs I have.
The MapSource software once it installed on my new system says MapSource V.5.4.
Will this tool work to unlock the Topo Canada V.2.0 maps?
I downloaded the RAR archive from the zippyshare link.
Is this the correct link?
- Code: Select all
I had to copy the link from the download button target, as clicking the download button loaded some other software interstitial that looked suspect.
Chrome blocked the download of the RAR file as "dangerous".
Microsoft edge allowed the download, however. Once downloaded I used AVG Anti Virus and Malwarebytes to scan the folder containing the RAR file and they found no threats.
That said, when I tried to open the RAR using PeaZip, I got this error:

I am a little worried about opening this file.
Is there a password I need to open the RAR?
Can you confirm the file still checksums properly and has not been modified?
Thanks for your help.