goro11 wrote:in the update of yesterday there are just AZ and IT. Where are the other countries?
The updates are received from users that pay for the cam updates.
The updates are not released in real time, so it depends on what and when we get access to newer files.
No speed cams are included in any map
Personal note:
Due to changes in TT's way of handling speed cams recent "updates" have shown that the amount of actual cams has been reduced, as confirmed by the file size.
If you have a collection of older files it might be worth checking for the biggest file of recent updates in case you find missing cams everywhere.
I can only speak for the little area I drive around but I found that in recent updates many old cam locations are gone even though the cam is still active in the real world.
Also noted that even in the latest updates (for AU) some cams are still shown for area where there never was a cam in the real world.
Don't overestimate speed cam files, no matter if TT or from other sources!
Just keep one little thing in the back of your mind: You only need a speed cam warning if you don't pay attention or ignore road sings/road rules