Thu Nov 19, 2020 8:02 pm
Is it working to add those speedcams for Tomtom Carminat Live?
Are the mobile speedcams updating themselves with the LIVE functionnality?
As Fastactivate did not find any ttgo.bif or ttnavigator.bif, I created it myself with Notepad:
DeviceName=Carminat TomTom
DeviceUniqueID=XXXXXXXXXX (My Unique Device ID with no spaces)
ApplicationVersionVersionNumber=9884 (My Navcore Version)
Then I saved it change .txt extension to .bif, copied it at the root of SD card.
Then I did the "Patch Maps, Voices, Speedcams and Fuel Prices" step 2
It worked apparently successfully, I get the .ov2 files but then as the SD card is back in my car, the map is not recongnized anymore...
Is there any trick here to make it work?
Thanks for your feedback
Thu Dec 31, 2020 1:16 pm
I have downloaded these speedcams and am trying to convert them to Garmin CSV via PoiEdit but I get the message every time (also after downloading again) that the ov2 files are damaged.
I would like to use it in my navigation of the Nissan QQ 2015, For this I have to be able to convert them.
Are the files maybe corrupted ??
Thu Dec 31, 2020 1:23 pm
01002 wrote:Hello
I have downloaded these speedcams and am trying to convert them to Garmin CSV via PoiEdit but I get the message every time (also after downloading again) that the ov2 files are damaged.
I would like to use it in my navigation of the Nissan QQ 2015, For this I have to be able to convert them.
Are the files maybe corrupted ??
They're not corrupt as they work fine on a TomTom but I can't speak for what you're trying to do though
Fri Aug 27, 2021 4:04 pm
Some files seem to be showing incorrectly (in lower-case digits). For instance: safety-cam-uk-premiumOv2.ver instead of the usual Safety_Cam_UK_PremiumOv2.ver.
I've renamed the ones I require; but it would be easier if they could be corrected, please!
Wed Sep 01, 2021 3:55 pm
I've just confirmed today (01SEP21) that using the 27AUG21 TomTom Safety_Cam_UK_Premium files in my GO 920, the known fixed cameras in my locality (at New Road - A232 crossroads and on the M3) no longer appear on screen. This supports my impression, gained on earlier longer journeys, that my TT hadn't been alerting me to speed cams on UK motorways.
I investigated further, and echoing Downunder35m's post in Navitotal on 26 Jul 2013, concluded that due to TT's way of handling speed cams, recent "updates" have actually reduced the quantity of cams, as confirmed by the file sizes.
Downunder35m said: If you have a collection of older files it might be worth checking for the biggest file of recent updates in case you find missing cams everywhere.
Accordingly, I've had to go back to a May 2019 TT file of UK speed cams to find a set that do include all my 'missing speed cams'.
Anybody have any comments?
Thu Sep 02, 2021 11:13 am
I've recently done quite a lot of long journeys myself and I didn't find any missing cameras at all, in fact I found the exact opposite, all of the motorway cams and A1 cams were very accurate and included average speed camera distances too (and I didn't capitalize the speedcam files either).
I read somewhere that many speedcams on UK roads have been de-activated which might account for it, otherwise you should report the missing cam's yourself. If you still think there is a problem, you should write to TomTom directly and ask them...we don't know how they compile their files or have any involvement in it, we only publish the updates.
Thu Sep 02, 2021 3:31 pm
Thank you fredderf; but to be honest, my interest in the speedcams is somewhat academic: I use cruise control extensively to help keep my speed legal. (I tend to drive on the limit!) And the speedcam alerts can be useful in that they may indicate where accident blackspots are. After all, speedcam alerts are only needed/essential for drivers that don't pay enough attention to speed limits! I'm proud/amazed to say that I've only ever had one speeding ticket (in Canada in 1966, issued by an over-enthusiastic Mountie!), after 60+ years of driving in the UK and overseas.
Going back to the question of how accurate are the Tomtom official speedcams: has anybody else any observations?
Sat Oct 09, 2021 6:28 pm
Good evening guys.
I have downloaded 7/10/2021 file and there is no .ver files in it . Only .ov2. Is it ok? Do i have to download some other file.
Thank you.
Sat Oct 09, 2021 6:56 pm
yannisnm wrote:Good evening guys.
I have downloaded 7/10/2021 file and there is no .ver files in it . Only .ov2. Is it ok? Do i have to download some other file.
Thank you.
There haven't been any *.ver files included for a while now because they are not of any use...all you really need are the *.ov2 files.
Mon Apr 18, 2022 12:09 am
Hi everyone,
To install speedcams we used to download and copy/paste .ov2 + .ver files into the device.
I just downloaded the latest speedcams in OP and when I open the .rar I can only find .ov2 files. No .ver files.
It's been a while since I updadted the speedcams so I'm wondering if it's normal? Maybe Tomtom stopped using the .ver files? Will it work with only the .ov2 file?
EDIT: Sorry, just found the answer above
- Off Topic
- There haven't been any *.ver files included for a while now because they are not of any use...all you really need are the *.ov2 files.
Fri Apr 14, 2023 12:25 am
Does anybody know of a Windows app which will read and edit these files? I have tried Export2iGO1, Poi-Edit_v451 and online converters without success. They all work with older files I have found on the net but haven't found anything that will open these newer ones. I want to be able add/delete/correct the speedcams for my country. I will happily share the corrected files here if I can find a way to create them
Mon Feb 12, 2024 1:12 pm
How do I install on RLink 2? Do I copy to the R-LINK folder on the usb and paste?
Poslano z mojega Pixel 6 Pro z uporabo Tapatalk
Mon Oct 14, 2024 7:09 pm
fredderf wrote:SpeedCams in post #1 have been updated to 05-09-2024
There's no need to write any thank you's...please use the thumbs up button (next to the quote button) on a members post
Any chance to reupload please ? That turkish server doesn't work anymoreAllright...I am sorry it was juz my browser...kind of adblock of something.
Need to copy adress of the link and then past in the new window and works
Fri Jan 10, 2025 12:09 am
SpeedCams in post #1 have been updated to 09-01-2025
There's no need to write any thank you's...please use the thumbs up button (next to the quote button) on a members post
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