600 (Nokia Cindy)
700 (Nokia Zeta)
701 (Nokia Helen),
C7 Astound
N8-00 (Nokia Vasco)
S ^ 3 Sygic GPS Navigation Aura v.11.2 Signed
I beg you, be sure to delete all the old files from mass memory / memory. It all works great! And 'I would say great! Much better than 11 .03
Maps Version: 2013.01 Android
I repeat the maps are for Android, but renaming them so as I have written the work for me and many others worked so
only rename the folder with the name of the country is not content Example ita.ta.2013.01 just renamed so ita.ta.2011.03
Installation Instructions:
Extract the rar file. Copy the entire folder Sygic, as it appears in the directory where you want to install the browser (E: \ for the mass storage; F: \ to the memory card).
Open the downloader Sygic maps on PC, select the section of the Android and download maps as you need. Currently the only work of all Europe except Russia.
The maps will be presented in folders on your PC Aura \ Maps \ xxx.ta.2013.01. Replace the numbers that you see with 2011.03.
Xxx.ta.2011.03 copy folders in the phone directory E (or F): \ Sygic \ auramaps.
Open the file from phone SetupSygicGPSNavigation.sis. This will install the application.
Start the application Sygic Mobile Maps and ... have fun!
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