Tue Mar 06, 2012 8:47 pm
Sygic Fleet 10 V8.30 on WinCE.
I have converted my old TT Ov2 poi's to Upi and put them in the maps\gbr folder on the SD card.
These work fine, but I can't get custom icons to work. I have used the 32bit bmp format that Sygic says they must be in, used the same file name as the upi file and used the prefix number for size eg: 3_poi.bmp. I have tried placing the icon files in the maps folder and Res folder, but they are still not visible. Instead Sygic uses a grey "?" symbol to show them on the map.
Any suggestions please?
Wed Mar 07, 2012 1:10 pm
According to Sygic:
The icon file must be a bitmap file with 8bit or 32bit color depth. Recommended size of icon is approx. 27 x 27 pixels. The 32bit version of icons brings advantage of full image transparency.
Sat Mar 31, 2012 11:31 am
Have tried using 8 and 32bit bmp's and different sizes but still no luck.
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