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Re: Sygic mapdownloader

Sun Dec 29, 2019 9:51 pm

TomRob wrote:link to Console downloader no longer working:
[Please Register or Login to download file]
- get 403 Forbidden.

That's because zippyshare is blocked in certain countries so you need to use a proxy to access it.

Anyway, I've done just that & reuploaded it to the following for you:

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Re: Sygic mapdownloader

Mon Dec 30, 2019 3:44 pm

Thanks got it now. I will use a vpn in future....

Re: Sygic mapdownloader

Sun Feb 16, 2020 4:01 pm

Does this work on Xtrons TD601G unit double din car system

Re: Sygic mapdownloader

Mon Mar 09, 2020 8:51 am

Sygic Map Downloader 18.5.2 (20200308)

NEW: WORLD TA 2020.03 car maps

- TA 2020.03 V9.01 maps are splitted: AUS, IND, FRA, GER, ITA, RUS, ESP, GBR, CAN, MEX, BRA (Sygic 17.3.2 and higher can read splitted maps...)
- TA 2019.09 V9.00 (not splitted) - use with Aura 17.3.1 or lower..., Taxi, InCar


Funny voices: Homer Simpson (ENG), Mr.Burns (ENG), Snoop Dogg(ENG)
Offline speedcams
Car maps: TA:2020.03, OS:2018:12 (maps version 9.01 - sygic version 15.4.X and higher, splitted maps 9.01 - sygic version 17.3.2 and higher)
Truck maps: EU NT:2019.11 US NT:2019.11 MEA NT:2019.11 AUSNZL TA:2019.09 V900
Taxi, InCar, Aura: TA:2019.09 V900 (maps version 9.00 - sygic version 15.3.9 and lower, unsplitted maps 9.00 - sygic version 17.3.1 and lower)

- new search engine (FTS - Full Text Search) in SYGIC>=16.5.0: !!! ALL maps !!! in \MAPS directory MUST HAVE FTS file !!! (except WCL, of course :-))
- old search engine (country, city,street) in SYGIC>=16.5.0: delete some FTS file in any map folder in \MAPS directory

TA 2020.03 V9.01, NT 2019.11, TA 2019.09 V9.00, OSM 2018.12 use console downloader: below

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Thankx SDLER...

Re: Sygic mapdownloader

Tue Mar 10, 2020 9:21 am

Sygic Map Downloader 18.5.2 (20200309)

NEW: addes VOICES download

- TA 2020.03 V9.01 maps are splitted: AUS, IND, FRA, GER, ITA, RUS, ESP, GBR, CAN, MEX, BRA (Sygic 17.3.2 and higher can read splitted maps...)
- TA 2019.09 V9.00 (not splitted) - use with Aura 17.3.1 or lower..., Taxi, InCar


Funny voices: Homer Simpson (ENG), Mr.Burns (ENG), Snoop Dogg(ENG)
Offline speedcams
Car maps: TA:2020.03, OS:2018:12 (maps version 9.01 - sygic version 15.4.X and higher, splitted maps 9.01 - sygic version 17.3.2 and higher)
Truck maps: EU NT:2019.11 US NT:2019.11 MEA NT:2019.11 AUSNZL TA:2019.09 V900
Taxi, InCar, Aura: TA:2019.09 V900 (maps version 9.00 - sygic version 15.3.9 and lower, unsplitted maps 9.00 - sygic version 17.3.1 and lower)

- new search engine (FTS - Full Text Search) in SYGIC>=16.5.0: !!! ALL maps !!! in \MAPS directory MUST HAVE FTS file !!! (except WCL, of course :-))
- old search engine (country, city,street) in SYGIC>=16.5.0: delete some FTS file in any map folder in \MAPS directory

TA 2020.03 V9.01, NT 2019.11, TA 2019.09 V9.00, OSM 2018.12 use console downloader: below

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Thanks SDLER...

Re: Sygic mapdownloader

Mon Mar 16, 2020 7:47 am

Sygic Map Downloader 18.5.3 (15.03.2020)


NEW: added NT truck maps 2020.03

- TA 2020.03 V9.01 maps are splitted: AUS, IND, FRA, GER, ITA, RUS, ESP, GBR, CAN, MEX, BRA (Sygic 17.3.2 and higher can read splitted maps...)
- TA 2019.09 V9.00 (not splitted) - use with Aura 17.3.1 or lower..., Taxi, InCar


Funny voices: Homer Simpson (ENG), Mr.Burns (ENG), Snoop Dogg(ENG)
Offline speedcams
Car maps: TA:2020.03, OS:2018:12 (maps version 9.01 - sygic version 15.4.X and higher, splitted maps 9.01 - sygic version 17.3.2 and higher)
Truck maps: EU NT:2020.03 US NT:2020.03 MEA NT:2020.03 AUSNZL TA:2019.09 V900
Taxi, InCar, Aura: TA:2019.09 V900 (maps version 9.00 - sygic version 15.3.9 and lower, unsplitted maps 9.00 - sygic version 17.3.1 and lower)

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Re: Sygic mapdownloader

Sat Mar 28, 2020 11:42 pm


Does anybody know why only part of Canada is downloaded? Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Manitoba do not download.

Re: Sygic mapdownloader

Sat Apr 11, 2020 7:03 am

Sygic Map Downloader 18.6.2 (20200410)

NEW: added TA maps 2020.04 (MONTHLY MAP UPDATE V9.01)

- TA 2020.04 V9.01 maps are splitted: AUS, IND, FRA, GER, ITA, RUS, ESP, GBR, CAN, MEX, BRA (Sygic 17.3.2 and higher can read splitted maps...)
- TA 2019.09 V9.00 (not splitted) - use with Aura 17.3.1 or lower..., Taxi, InCar


Funny voices: Homer Simpson (ENG), Mr.Burns (ENG), Snoop Dogg(ENG)
Offline speedcams
Car maps: TA:2020.04, OS:2018:12 (maps version 9.01 - sygic version 15.4.X and higher, splitted maps 9.01 - sygic version 17.3.2 and higher)
Truck maps: EU NT:2020.03 US NT:2020.03 MEA NT:2020.03 AUSNZL TA:2019.09 V900
Taxi, InCar, Aura: TA:2019.09 V900 (maps version 9.00 - sygic version 15.3.9 and lower, unsplitted maps 9.00 - sygic version 17.3.1 and lower)

- new search engine (FTS - Full Text Search) in SYGIC>=16.5.0: !!! ALL maps !!! in \MAPS directory MUST HAVE FTS file !!! (except WCL, of course :-))
- old search engine (country, city,street) in SYGIC>=16.5.0: delete some FTS file in any map folder in \MAPS directory

TA 2020.04 V9.01, NT 2019.11, TA 2019.09 V9.00, OSM 2018.12 use console downloader: below

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Thanks SDLER...

Re: Sygic mapdownloader

Fri May 08, 2020 3:52 pm

Sygic Map Downloader 18.6.2 (07.05.2020)


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Credit TMPe & SDLER

Re: Sygic mapdownloader

Thu May 14, 2020 4:46 pm

I still can't figure out how to obtain the speedcams for sygic, so can someone please explain that to me?

Re: Sygic mapdownloader

Thu May 14, 2020 5:00 pm

HERE maps contain a cam file for any downloaded "country".nt.2020.03 folder

Re: Sygic mapdownloader

Fri May 15, 2020 11:01 am

The files in the Netherlands map which I've downloaded from Map Downloader 18.5.3 (15.03.2020) are:
nld.2dc, nld.fts, nld.hmp, nld.lma, nld.ne0, nld.ne1, nld.ne2, nld.ne9, nld.pak, nld.pnm and nld.poi but no nld.nt file

The same goes for the files in Map Downloader 18.6.2 (07.05.2020), so where are the files with extention nt that you've mentioned?

Re: Sygic mapdownloader

Fri May 15, 2020 11:53 am


Map Downloader 18.5.3 (15.03.2020)
Press 2 for HERE NT.2020.03 TRUCK
Press 2 for EUROPE
Press 30 for downloading the Netherlands

In nld.nt.2020.03 folder, you will find file

Re: Sygic mapdownloader

Fri May 15, 2020 12:34 pm

Thanks a lot, but the date it's made is 5-7-2017

Re: Sygic mapdownloader

Fri Jan 07, 2022 2:52 pm

Sygic Map Downloader 2022.01.07 Modded

NEW: added TomTom 2022.01 SYGIC20

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Thanks TMPe & SDLER...
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