This is another of my "just-for-fun" apps, A soundboard application.
A soundboard just plays soundclips or effects when buttons on the screen are tapped.
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Passwords: navitotal
This started out as a technical exercise to see what i could do with Mortscript and SystemInformation.
It should work on any unlocked device with a screen resolution of 480x272.
The only resolution supported at the moment is 480x272, Other resolutions will display an error message. I may convert it to other resolutions if there's enough demand.
Two soundboards are included and you can also make your own using the template below, At the moment upto 25 different soundclips are supported.
Copy the PNASoundboard folder to your device and run PNASoundboard.exe
The programme will display a disclaimer for a few seconds then ask you to select a soundboard, Pick either Mr T or StewieGriffin then tap on the sound you want.
The disk icon returns you to the selection screen and the X exits. The programme remembers what soundboard you last used and reloads it the next time.
In order to make this work on every device (I hope) without any editing of ini files, some files are copied into the windows directory and some registry entries are created, NOTHING is edited! These will be removed when you exit the programme.

This is a blank soundboard, Just add wav's...
Link TBC
Instructions included.
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