Hi there,
I'm facing the exact same problem here after an update went terribly wrong. It seems however that the "cure" document has been deleted from the link. Any chance that a kind soul could reupload the document?
Thanks in advance!
lugte wrote:My device info:
10R-04 6953
(I believe that it's actually a rebranded NAVIGON PID V2 device)
Any help would be highly appreciated!
lugte wrote:Update:
I contacted Garmin Support who was actually able to help me solve the problem. They sent me the following guide which, after I strictly followed it through, reset my device to factory defaults:
To repair your device please follow these steps:
- You need to have a microSD card that fits into your device
(The smaller the better - please use a card that is not larger than 16GB)- Put the card into the device
- Connect the device via USB cable with your computer
- Wait until the device is shown as mass storage device in your file explorer
- Check that the memory card is formatted as FAT32 with master boot record (MBR)
- Download the repair tool using this URL: [Please Register or Login to download file]
- Unpack the ZIP archive
- Copy the "UpdateMe.exe" from the archive onto the root of the memory card
- Eject the device from the computer and unplug the USB cable
- The device will now reboot...
- Let the device reboot - this will take some seconds - after that a message appears, that the device will reboot in some seconds...
- Wait until this second reboot has performed as well and the device is showing the white screen with the error message that the software cannot be started
- Press and hold the power button until the display turns off
- Eject the memory card from the device - it is no longer needed
(the "UpdateMe.exe" is already deleted from the memory card after it have performed well)- Connect the device again via USB cable with your computer
- Press the power button to turn the device on and wait until the device is shown as mass storage device in your file explorer
- The device is now empty and in the correct format and you can perform a "device restore"
- After that the device should boot up with "Connect me to your new car" to do the pairing.
- Double check with Fresh if there are additional software or map updates available and install them
- Now everything is done and you can use your device again
Regarding the format of the SD-card, this actually turned out more difficult than expected - at least for me. At first I connected my 2GB SD-card to the navigation device and even though my Mac told it to be FAT32 formatted, the whole procedure didn't solve the problem. I then took the card to a Windows machine, formatted it to FAT32 with MBR and reinserted it into the device, restarting the procedure. This second time it succeeded.
I hope this will help others as it helped me.
Stay safe out there.
lugte wrote:You're supposed to use the Garmin Express software which can easily be downloaded from Garmin's website.
Install the software and fire it up. As I recall, you'll have to create a user account with Garmin (this is free) and then register your device to your user account. Then you can choose to restore the device to factory defaults from one of the dropdown menus.
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