Toyota/Lexus Navigation with HDD   

Toyota/Lexus Navigation with HDD

Postby voloda75 » Sat Feb 21, 2015 11:14 pm

I found torrents for hdd satnav ver.2 2014/2015

torrents : magnet:?xt=urn:btih:E637BACE8FCD8D6507482DEE06011B66C69FF7C6&dn=ToyotaNavigation2014-2015ver2_disk1.7z&




Yes, I think also that the larger drive will receive 40Gb capacity after cloning. Actually I dn't understand why you need bigger size? Toyota will ensure, that the maps will fit into apropriate partition also in future, there is no way to upload more music using mp3s.
About Hitachi with Samsung - don't waste time - people already tested a lot - Toyota is patriotic - Hitachi or Fujitsu. Also no SSD or other modern stuff.

About the second update method - let me try to explain it in few words - I hope somebody with hands from right place can extend this.
So in short terms - using this method, the original(or cloned) HDD is unlocked, using original password. After this the access to all partitions is opened. Then you can update the maps by simply copying them in Explorer. Using this method you can upgrade the maps without loosing you music, contacts or data. Of course in this case you will be able to update original Endurastar.
So what you need -
1. So what you need:
- HDD 2,5 IDE from 40 Gb or bigger from Toshiba, Hitachi or Fujitsu - normally you can find them in old Laptops or on Ebay. This is the biggest investment. Example picture (in case if you'll be searching on Scrapyard :-) )
If you have chance - buy original Endurastar. Otherwise buy two or more, since they can have bad sectors, and anyway will not survice in the car for long time for the reasons above.
- Adapter 2,5" to 3,5" or to SATA to connect HDD to PC.
Do not buy 2,5" to USB Adapters - they will probably work with this methode, but will not work with 2-nd one, where you need to unlock the password.
- PC where you can connect and mount all this stuff.
- Software - WinHex

2. Download Images

After decompression you should have file "image toyota 2013-2014 v2 (optimized+splitted).7z"

if is password/Password to archives:

3. Burn the image to new HDD.
With WinHex you go to "Tool" -> "Disc Tool" -> "Clone disc". In the window with white paper choose downloaded image, then below choose new HDD (choose physical drive - e.g the line which shows HDD model, not logical drive!). Set 0 in Field "Start Sector" and press OK. The process will take up to 30 Minutes normally, but sometimes it can take many hours if you use SATA/IDE adapter and have some conflicts in BIOS - try to play with IDE settings there to increase the speed.
With Acronis the process is similar. Just do not forget before burning to go to "Advanced settings" and select "Sector by Sector restore".

4. After burning check, that cloned HDD should now have 4 Partitions with Maps, CDDB etc.

5. Insert cloned HDD into your Navi instead of original HDD. To dissassembe the navi use instructions from Techdoc for your car model - it is not complex - normally you have to unplug plastic panels from both sides of Navi, and then unscrew four M10 Screws and take navigation out. The HDD is located from drivers (left) side of Navigation, covered by mounting plate - easy to grab. Do not forget to unplug (-) Wire from your Battery to ensure cold start of navigation after all.

That's it for first Methode. If you succed, the Navi should boot and you must be able to check updated Map Data.
And also HDAT2 utility. HDAT2/CBL Hard Disk Repair Utility and burn on CD/USB whatever. You should be able to boot from it.
Insert your HDD and start HDAT2. Here to mention - you should check your bios settings to avoid asking for HDD password, or insert HDD after start(Dangerous). Sometimes HDD is not visible - I haven't tested, so could not help - check cloned HDD first - otherwise you can land with broken HDDs

Go to Security-Unlock Device. Press "P" to enter password. Two times repeat command "Alt+H", Enter. And then enter the password with big letters, then repeat 16 times "Alt+H", Enter. Your password should look like shown on the next picture. Pay attention to two 00's in front and 16 00's after password:

Then press "S". In popup window - confirm. The password now should be removed.
Make CTRL+ALT+DEL and start Windows.
Now copy files - two ways:
1. Mount image from my previous instruction (Winhex-Specialist-Mount as drive)
2. Delete everything from partition 1. Copy there everything from image partition 1.
3. Delete Folder CDDB from Partition 2. Copy there CDDB Folder from image.
4. Delete Folders PRG and SD from Partition 3. Copy there folders from image partition 3.
That's it.
Or more complex way:
You need original Dealer DVD update disks. These are NOT for DVD Navigation! I think somebody posted them here: Toyota Lexus Gen.6(HDD) E18 2013-2014 or search for latest version on Prius-club.
On first partition replase all files with files from DVD (they are located in floder DATA). All files on DVD are archived, so you need to extract them fisrt. Also attention - in each folder with BMP and IDX files there is also HASHLIST.DAT - do not copy this file.
From folder AW copy all contents of PRG to 3rd Partition. PRG and HD2 extract till level where folders are numbers. This folders copy to folder SD. Hashlist.dat delete enywhere. File 05.cmp copy in first partition. You can also update CDDB on partition 2.
That's it.

Another instruction.

Those are not images from HDD, so they should be copied to your unlocked HDD using following instruction

1. All files in DATA folders on original DVD disks are archived. So they need to be extracted(for example with 7z) before copying. As the result you will see folders.
2. All files and folders from Disk1/DATA/COMMON copy with replacement to HDD/Р1;
3. All files and folders from Disk1/DATA/ORIGINAL/AW/PRG copy with replacement to HDD/Р3/PRG;
4. All folders from Disk1/DATA/ORIGINAL/AW/HD2 extract till latest folders, which copy with replacement to HDD/Р3/SD (Example: file in folder Disk1/DATA/ORIGINAL/AW/HD2/V454/SD/V454 copy with replacement to HDD/Р3/SD/V454);
5. All files and folders from Disk2/DATA/COMMON copy with replacement to HDD/Р1;
6. All files from с Disk3/DATA/CDDB copy with replacement to HDD/Р2/CDDB/

Attention: on original DVD disks there is a file HASHLIST.DAT, which should be not copied to HDD. In files above somebody kindly removed it already - great thanks to
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Re: Toyota/Lexus Navigation with HDD

Postby tharing96 » Wed Feb 25, 2015 3:28 am

Thanks for sharing this information dear, I have bookmarked this thread as this thread is really informative and helpful for those who want to buy Lexus car models or want to collect information about this wonderful car.
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Re: Toyota/Lexus Navigation with HDD

Postby cl4r0s » Mon May 16, 2016 10:26 am

Thanks for sharing these information! It would be nice to have updated map to work on ;-)
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Re: Toyota/Lexus Navigation with HDD

Postby cybernetic87 » Tue Mar 07, 2017 3:41 pm

Anybody has some torrent of FULL DISK image for Toyota ?

My disk has malfunctioned and I need full hdd image with partitions structure etc...

Please help.
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Re: Toyota/Lexus Navigation with HDD

Postby whitedoctor » Tue Jan 23, 2018 7:10 pm

Dear Friends,
Good Day to you all.
I have the same problem, too.
Please anyone share me the Full Disk Image of Toyota Land Cruiser 2008 Navigation HDD.
May I know is there any other means to reinstall system files to a new HDD.
The above torrents are also dead, no seed. If there any new torrents, please share again.
Please help.
Best Regards and Thanks.
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