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Adding multiple maps in Garmin Nuvi 2XX GPS

Mon Jan 03, 2011 9:01 am

[SIZE="4"]Adding multiple maps in Garmin Nuvi 255w GPS[/size]
This is example device some other devices use similar names

Theoretically, the Garmin Nuvi GPS navigator can be loaded with hundreds of map

The maps are stored in specific mapset files with *.img extension in the flash memory of the GPS unit. Each mapset file contains one or many maps in it. Beside that, the Garmin GPS navigator can also recognise and load up one additional mapset file from SD card residing in the "Garmin" folder and named as "gmapsupp.img".

Here are the mapset files supported by Garmin Nuvi 255w GPS navigator:
  • gmapbmap.img - the default base map
  • gmapprom.img - the primary mapset
  • gmapprom1.img - the secondary mapset
  • gmapoem.img - the OEM mapset that cannot be unselect by user (if it exist)
  • gmapsupp.img - the supplemental mapset which you can have one in the GPS flash memory and another one in the attached SD card.

Therefore, the Garmin Nuvi 255w GPS supports up to 6 mapset files, including 1 in SD card. Normally new maps installed by the user will be stored in gmapsupp.img.

You will lost all the maps in the previous mapset file if it is overwritten by a new file with same filename. If you want to keep the existing maps, ensure that you store the mapset file with an unused filename (from the 5 filenames above). Alternatively, you can make use of special tools to merge new maps into existing mapset file.

You can view the name of your base map in Tools > Settings > System > About > Basemap.

You can view the name of maps in the other mapset files in Tools > Settings > Map > Map Info. There, you can tell the GPS to load the map by checking on its name, or not to use the map by unchecking it.

In case there are 2 or more non-overlaping maps available for the same location, the map with the highest priority number (defined in the map itself) will be used by the GPS.

Note that certain map which are locked by vendor need a 25 bytes unlock key stored in a *.unl file in the same folder and with the same name as the mapset file where the locked map is stored in.

Mon Jul 25, 2011 8:11 am

Does the "maximum file size" (2GB) also apply to the SD Card map? According to Garmin, the maximum size of SD Card for any Nüvi model is 16 GB - What is the point of that if the file size is limited?

Mon Jul 25, 2011 12:20 pm

Tear wrote:Does the "maximum file size" (2GB) also apply to the SD Card map? According to Garmin, the maximum size of SD Card for any Nüvi model is 16 GB - What is the point of that if the file size is limited?

no it is wrong info.....

the limitation is the filesystem. FAT is limited to 2 GB, so maybe that is why some devices are/were limited to 2 GB file size. FAT32 can have larger size is limited to 4 GB minus 1 byte. Larger files than that require a different filesystem.

The Garmin FAQ says that nuvi's "with latest software" can handle any size SD, but that does not necessarily mean any size file.

Sun Aug 21, 2011 7:41 am

MAy i know wat the different between primary mapset and secondary map set and default base map, oem map set and supplemental map set

Mon Sep 05, 2011 5:24 pm

i want to add some maps to a nuvi 660 it has a 2 gig internal hard drive too small for the western europe 1.89 gig and any 2 gig sd i bounght is only around 1.87 gig, so could i use this method to ad 4 or 5 maps to device and which tool is it to merge maps into 1 file set
thanks for any help

Mon Sep 05, 2011 5:33 pm

combat goofwing wrote:i want to add some maps to a nuvi 660 it has a 2 gig internal hard drive too small for the western europe 1.89 gig and any 2 gig sd i bounght is only around 1.87 gig, so could i use this method to ad 4 or 5 maps to device and which tool is it to merge maps into 1 file set
thanks for any help

Sat Nov 26, 2011 8:03 pm

Hi, I am a newbie for gps. Just bought a Garmin Nuvi 1350 with software version 2.90 and Malsingmaps. I need to travel and drive in Australia very soon. I have download the img file from above link and copy into my SD card, it doesn't show any new maps. Then, I rename it into gmapsupp.img too and it doesn't works. :helpsos: I have tried for the whole day and not successful. Really need a step-by-step instructions. Thanks in advance.

Sun Nov 27, 2011 1:19 am

windchill wrote:Hi, I am a newbie for gps. Just bought a Garmin Nuvi 1350 with software version 2.90 and Malsingmaps. I need to travel and drive in Australia very soon. I have download the img file from above link and copy into my SD card, it doesn't show any new maps. Then, I rename it into gmapsupp.img too and it doesn't works. :helpsos: I have tried for the whole day and not successful. Really need a step-by-step instructions. Thanks in advance.

copy the map into sd card and rename it to australia.supp =) , than go to tools -> setting -> map->info-> u will see all the map display unthick the map not using.. only thick australia map

inorder to see the map after thick go to -> setting -> system ->GPs mode off.

Go to view map -> zoom out the map untill u see australia -> than touch on the place than -> set location (press) however go to poi select near by poi etc.. than press go u will see the simulation

Sun Feb 05, 2012 5:33 pm

It looks like I failed to get my Garmin 255W working with the map-loaded SD. Here is what I did:

1. Download the unlock image file (gmapsupp.img for garmin city navigator w&c europe nt 2012) from internet.
2. Format my 2G SD into either fat or fat32 format.
3. Create a Garmin folder under SD root.
4. Copy the gmaspsupp.img to Garmin folder.
5. Insert SD into 255W.
6. Start 255W.

I still can only see north american map in the Tools > Settings > Map > Map Info. No W&C Europe map is available.

The only catch I can think of is that I recently updated my 255W device(I don't know what was updated behind the scene, maybe firmware or adding more security stuff?) from Garmin website.

Any idea why I have this kind of problem?



Sun Feb 05, 2012 7:33 pm

If the file name is
zxhuang wrote:...
4. Copy the gma[color="#FF0000"]s[/color]psupp.img to Garmin folder...

it can't work!

Sun Feb 05, 2012 8:33 pm

I am sorry, it is a typo. Should be gmapsupp.img.

Sun Feb 05, 2012 8:50 pm

so, the file name wasn't an issue.

Sun Feb 05, 2012 9:23 pm

It seems to be all right, you should test if the SD card is o.k. and if the map image isn't damaged.

Mon Feb 06, 2012 4:10 am

SD card should be ok. I did try another good SD card and I was getting the same result. How can I verify if the map image is damaged or not? Do you have a reliable website for me to download the same image file?



Mon Feb 06, 2012 12:47 pm

Copy the gmaspsupp.img into the SD card, do not put into any folder. Mine is working.
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