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How to create a SW.UNL for WinCE5,[6?] XT

Mon Mar 05, 2012 3:04 pm

I haven't tried this with WinCE 6 but it might work.

1. Download my program from
2. Using Winrar, extract the folder to your SD card.
2a. Start the program.
3. Choose "connect to a Garmin device."
4. "Skip" scanning attached.
5. Choose yes to skip.
6. Choose I agree.
7. Choose no to connect to other Garmin devices.
8. Click arrow on lower left.
9. Click "wrench icon" - tools.
10. Click settings.
11. Scroll down to "about."
12. Write down "card id" number.
13. That is the number you use in the JM Keygen to create the SW.UNL.
14. Using a blank "notepad" page, copy the number created by the keygen.
15. Name it SW.UNL and save it as "all files" NOT ".txt."
16. Copy the newly created SW.UNL file to the Garmin folder on your SD card.
17. Shutdown your device, wait a few seconds and restart.
18. When you next start your Mobile XT, it should now go to accepting the license immediately without seeing the four options.
19. You should use the unlocked .img maps for your device. Even though I use the unlocked .img files on my device, I still created an unlock for them using the keygen. Maps for the SD card are gmapsupp and for the internal device flash drive they are gmapprom.
Last edited by chas521 on Thu Apr 03, 2014 1:50 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Wed Sep 19, 2012 10:28 am


can you please tell which is the "card id" number where can i find it ?


Wed Sep 19, 2012 1:40 pm

rubenmircea wrote:Hi

can you please tell which is the "card id" number where can i find it ?


9 - 12 tells you.

Sat Sep 22, 2012 4:24 pm

Need some help please. Just purchased a Brand new Necvox 7" D/Din 800_480 Unit WINCE6 Today. Just battling to unlock the software. Using Mobile XT 5.00.20wp I follow the whole procedure from the first post successfully and am able to get my device ID and use JM Keygen to create a SW.UNL, save the notepad doc as "ALL FILES" When restarting the device I end up with the same Four options as when there was no SW.UNL If I press skip etc, etc, I can view my map and even simulate a route. I am using an unlocked image.:confused:

Sat Sep 22, 2012 9:24 pm

EddieKruger wrote:Need some help please. Just purchased a Brand new Necvox 7" D/Din 800_480 Unit WINCE6 Today. Just battling to unlock the software. Using Mobile XT 5.00.20wp I follow the whole procedure from the first post successfully and am able to get my device ID and use JM Keygen to create a SW.UNL, save the notepad doc as "ALL FILES" When restarting the device I end up with the same Four options as when there was no SW.UNL If I press skip etc, etc, I can view my map and even simulate a route. I am using an unlocked image.:confused:

I'm not sure if you're going to like what I have to say but it is a possibility. A real Garmin device and program are Linux-based. XT was converted to WinCE from Linux a long time ago. Unfortunately, not all WinCE devices can "handle" XT. Blame the manufacturer. If you're 100% sure that you followed all the steps to create a SW.UNL, you just might be one of those devices. Did you try XT for WinCE 6.0 from here as well? Maybe you need that particular program for your device.

Sat Sep 22, 2012 10:13 pm

Chas, as I mentioned in my previous post, everything works except the unlocking of the software. I can get into all the menus and settings and enter addresses and even do simulations. The fully unlocked map is visible and I can slide it in different directions when browsing and all the poi"s are visible. This tells me that the software is working fine except for the fact that the gps won"t get signal until it is unlocked. Somehow after creating the SW.UNL it does not unlock. I have done this procedure on about 5 different chinese devices and all has worked out fine. Anyhow I am not going to loose sleep over it, the igo8 that I got from you last week works 100% on this new car stereo. Just thought it would be nice to play around with.
Yes, I did try the wince6 and it just crashes on startup.

Sat Sep 22, 2012 10:18 pm

Sorry Eddie but see my above post. BTW, iGO8 IS good! Also, did you try to change the baud and port in the port splitter?

Sat Sep 22, 2012 11:15 pm

Chas, This version does not have a port splitter, but I know from past experience that I could not get a GPS sattelite lock until the software was unlocked. Every time it starts it gets to point 18 on the 1st post which means that it is not accepting the license. I have double checked that I am inserting the correct Device ID into the JM Keygen and the generated unl is coppied and pasted correctly. But it just will not unlock. I am not going to pursue this issue. More than happy with iGO and Primo

Sun Sep 23, 2012 3:28 am

It's not the device ID. Use the card ID. Port Splitter can be found in RunGMXT.
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